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User:OlyaEuler/GEKKER/ Von Hecker/ Ivan Romanovich

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GEKKER (Von Hecker) Ivan Romanovich


GEKKER(Von Hecker)Ivan Romanovich 1927, Leningrad, engineer-physicist (1950),Dr.Techn.(1959),senier scientist (1971). Specialist on plasma physics, radioelectronics and history of science. The mail works are connected with study of microwaveplasma interaction. He was in Swizerland in 1975 with invited and contributed papers on VII European Conference on Controlled Fusion and Plasma Physics /Lausanne, 1 - 5 September 1975/ He is a lecturer on the course *Plazma physics and controlled thermonuclear fusion* in Moscou Physical-tehnical Institute. In 1983 Gekker I.R. was a scientific secretary of Euler-Commitee of Academy of Sciences of the USSR. He can speak English and read French,Deutdch and Italian. The full number of his books and different papers are more than one hundred.



Ivan Romanovich GEKKER / Hecker / was born the 4 March of 1927 year in Leningrad /now Saint-Petersbourg/. His parents were from the family of posterity Noble mans of Saint-Petersbourgskakia district. He was cross as the name of Johanne von Hecker in the évangélique-reformiche church.

The father – Roman Fedorovich Gekker /25 .03 .1900 Saint-Petersbourg – 1991 Moscow  /professeur of Moscow University Lomonosov, Dr. biologique science was well-known as paleontolog,leader of department The Peleontologik Institute Akademie of Sciance URSS  .He was study in two Institutes at the same time – Gorniy and Geografique in Saint-Petersburg.At the practice for students he sew the future wife Catherine Abakumova,after maridge in 1925 Gekker Ekaterina Lvovna .

The Mother - Gekker Ekaterina Lvovna /17 .10 .1897 Sant-Petersbourg – 18 .09 .1950 Moscow/ -paleontolog,professeur,assistente of Moscow University Lomonosov.The fondateur with Akademik Obruchev and Gekker R .F . the chair of paleontologie in MGY Lomonosov ..She finished the Institute Smolniy and Geografiq/1925 / in Saint-Petersbourg.

Ivan Romanovich Gekker begining as his childhood was trevel with the parents to the scientific expedition to show mamutsh. But after school he dremed to be physicist.. And begin to study in Moscow Energetic Instute, which finished in1950 year. Ivan Romanovich Gekker worked in the Institute Avtomatik and telemekhanik with Akademik Kotelnikov, trevel with scientific work to study kosmos wives in Pamir and did thesis of doctor ,as finished in 1959 year. In this period he was a leader of club touristique in this Institute Avtomatic and telemehanik. He show the touristic roads in the* nord russe*-Vologodskaia district by a boats. And in the Institute Avtomatitic and telemekhainik Ivan Romanovich Gekker one day sew sekretaire of Akademik Kotelnikov, who is name Svetlana Vladimirovna Vladimirova/was born 26 .06 ;1927 /. She worked hear,but has the dream to study in the Institute Teatrale /GITIS / and before she worked as actrise in the Theatre Stanislavsky /MHAT / in period of the Second War Mondiale. In 1953 year she maridge with Ivan Romanovich Gekker in Moscou. They have 1 children – Gekker Nathalie Ivanovna /was born 06 .01 .1954 /.

Ivan Romanovick Gekker begin to work in FIAN / Institute of General Physic Akademie of Sciance URSS / in Moscow, his was scientist ,intellectual and social worker.He speak en langvidge – English, Germen, French, Italien and Russien. and was very aktive on the sientifique konferences. He was in Great Britain, France,Italie,Germen,Swisserland,Chekoslovakie,Ugoslavie,Poland Republique URSS –Georgie,Ukrain,Belorusie. He had friends from phisics – Layreat de Prix Nobel , Akademic Nikolai Basov ,Boris Naymov ,.Valentin Uriev, Anri Ruxadze., He had friends from phisics and historique internatiionale – Colsolli /France/, Chen /USA /, Vladimir Obolensky /Swiserland:/, Dr.Amburger /Germen/

He had many eleves,becouse worked as professeur in the Fiziko-tehnicheskiy Institute near Moscou in the town Dolgoprydniy.  

Direction of work

  • 1.Radiaactive Plasma Acceleration
  • 2.Anomalous Absorption of electromagnrtic Waves in Plasma
  • 3.Controlled Thermonuclear Fusion
  • 4.Plasma Physics
  • 5.Ball Lighthing
  • 6.From Eulers Understanding of Pressure of the Light on Particles to morden Representations
  • 7.Family and Posterity of Leonhard Euler



The main publications of Dr.Ivan Romanovich GEKKER:

1.I.R.Gekker *Interaction of strong electromagnetic fields with plasmas* Oxford University Press, 1982, the same, Atomizdat,Moscou,1978

2.I.R.Gekker,V.I.Yuriev *Submillimeter waves*, Energy, Moscou, 1964

3.I.R.Gekker,D.A.Yakovlev *New types of amplifiers* Energy,Moscou,1966

4.N.M.Teteric,I.R.Gekker,T.A.Schaonov *Dizinario italiano-russo per elettronica ed radio.CESPFM,Mosca,1959

5.V.I.Veksler,I.R.Gekker,E.Ya.Holz et al.Proc.FIAN,Plasma Physics,Nayka,1966

6.V.I.Barinov,I.R.Gekker,K.F.Sergeichev et al.Proc.FIAN *Interaction of electromagnetic fields with plasmas* . Nayka,Moskow,1973

7.V.I.Barinov,I.R.Gekker,V.A.Ivanov et al.Proc.FIAN *Dissipation of electromagnetic waves in plasmas*, Nayka,1977

8.E.N.Amburger,I.R.Gekker,G.K.Michailov *Relative painting of posterity of Leonhard Euler*.Yubilee Proceedings,Nayka,Moscou,1988

9.I.R.Gekker,A.A.Euler *Family and posterity of Leonhard Euler* Jubilee Proceedings,Nauka,Moscou,1988

10.I.R.Gekker *Nachkomen von Leonhard Euler* Neues Leben,1988, n.29,s.13

11.I.R.Gekker,A.N.Starodub,A.A.Friedman *From physical study of imperators Saint-Petersbourg academy of sciences tophysical laboratory of academy of sciences in Petrograd. Preprint.FIAN, n.192,1985

12. I.R.Gekker,A.N.Starodub,A.A.Friedman *From physical laboratory of Petrograd academy of sciences to P.N.Lebedev physical institute of academy of sciences.Preprint FIAN,n.224, 1985

13.I.R.Gekker *Acceleration of electrons of collisionless plasma in strong electromagnetic fields.Proc.YII Intern.Conf. on Plasma Physics,Kiev,1987

14.i.R.Gekker *Nonresonance amplification of electric field and electron acceleration in highly nonuniform subcritical plasma*

  JTP Letters,1985?,n.24,p.1520

Gekker, I.R.; Euler, A.A. (2007). "Leonhard Euler's family and descendants". In Bogoliubov, N.N.; Mikhaĭlov, G.K.; Yushkevich, A.P.. Euler and modern science. Mathematical Association of America. ISBN 0-88385-564-X. , p. 402.


