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Gravity physics is using Maxwell's theory is based Maxwell's equations that are derived using Faraday's induction effect and Maxwell's varying capacitor induction effect but Maxwell's electromagnetic field do not physically exist since an electromagnetic field require matter since a finite volume contains an infinite number of positions, when an infinite number of positions is represented with electromagnetic field (energy), an infinite energy is created. The ether, composed of matter, that is attached to the electromagnetic field would limits the number of positions but the ether, composed of matter, does not physically exist which proves Maxwell's electromagnetic fields do not physically exist. In addition, induction involves a wire loop and magnet or a capacitor which are composed of metal; consequently, induction is formed by a metallic object that is part of an circuit or chemical reaction yet glass or wood, that are not part of a circuit or chemical reaction (combustion) which is experimental proof gravity is not an electromagneticfdfdfdfdfdfdfdfphysicsforumitoianphysics-------121212189894945848858phenomenon.

Maxwell's theory is based on Faraday's induction experiment where a propagating magnetic induce a current in a wire loop yet a loop composed of glass or wood, do not form Faraday's induction effect which is experimental proof gravity is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Furthermore, electromagnetic shielding is experimental proof gravity is not an electromagnetic phenomenon. Example, a room is enclosed in steel that is grounded; consequently, radio waves cannot penetrate the shielded room. If gravity was and electromagnetic phenomenon than the electrically shield room would not allow the formation of gravity with the shielded room.

According to Thorne, Ohanian and Gertsenshtein, gravity waves propagating at the velocity of light which conflicts with Weber's gravity wave that has a frequency of sound since sound does not propagate in the vacuum of celestial space, nor does sound propagate at the velocity of light which proves the assumption of gravity waves propagate at the velocity of light is physically invalid.

Weber's gravity wave experiment is testing for the frequency of sound waves (1662 Hz) but celestial gravity waves that have a frequency of sound cannot propagate in the vacuum of celestial space.

According to scientists, at Caltech, celestial electromagnetic gravity waves, that have the frequencies of sound waves (200 Hz - 10,000 Hz), have been experimentally detected, using a Caltech gravity beam, yet the vacuum of celestial space does not allow for the transmission of sound since the vacuum of celestial space is void of the quantity of gas molecules required in forming sound waves.

Gravity waves that have a frequency range between 10-7 to 104 Hz and propagate at the velocity of light proves electromagnetic gravity waves have never been experimentally detected since a gravity wave with the frequency of 10-7 Hz forms a wavelength of 1015 meters!

(Hartle, p. 462). The gauge transformation is based on Maxwell's equations that are derived using Faraday's induction experiment and Maxwell's varying capacitor induction effect yet induction is not a gravitational effect since gravity affects glass and wood but an induction circuit that is producing an induce effect does not affect glass or wood which is experimental proof gravity is not an electromagnetic effect; consequently, the gauge transformation of Maxwell's equations cannot be used to represent gravity.

Modern astronomy uses parallax to determine the distance to a star. The distance to Alpha Centauri is calculated, using parallax, where the distance of the earth's orbital diameter is used as the reference distance. The change in the angular position of Alpha Centauri, after the observer propagates the distance of half an earth orbit (6 months), is used to determine the distance to Alpha Centauri but since the advent of stellar photography, the stellar universe is stationary since a stellar photographs taken in 2015 can be found to match exactly the stellar photograph taken in 1900, using the same equipment since different size lens and arrangement will change the stellar image; consequently, the calculation of the distance to a star, using the change in the position of a star, cannot be calculated, since the stellar universe is stationary (stellar maps). The Big Dipper has not changed shape since 1900 which is experimental proof the stellar universe is stationary.

The expansion of the universe is justified using a spiral galaxy but the photograph of a spiral galaxy is arbitrarily created, by manipulating the photographic plate. Example, the photograph of the Milky Way spiral galaxy, that contains the sun and the earth would require that the photographer be many light years away from the earth. In addition, the photograph of the Eagle Nebula, using the Spitzer telescope is also fictitiously created, using computer imaginary, since the photograph represents the view of a celestial gas (fig 13) yet the vacuum of celestial space is void of the quantity of gas molecules implied in the photograph of the Eagle Nebula. Also, modern astronomers are viewing a single point in space (.1 arcseconds), using the Spitzer telescope, in photographing the Eagle Nebula that has a width of more than 70 light years and represents over 8000 stars yet the Spitzer space telescope does not have the resolution power to view the lunar lander on the surface of the moon. Astronomers are assuming that the Spitzer telescope has the power to resolve the stars of the Eagle Nebula that is 7000 light years from the earth. In addition, to determine the resolution, of the Eagle Nebula, requires the distance from the earth to the Eagle Nebula but the stellar universe is stationary; consequently, the distance, from the earth to the Eagle Nebula, necessary to determine the resolution, cannot be determined which is experimental proof the photograph of the Eagle Nebula is fiction. Furthermore, the red shift is used to justify the expansion theory but every star, at different times and positions, forms both red and blue shifts since the stellar universe is stationary. The same method of deception, based on the earth's daily and yearly rotational motions, that ancient scientists used to justify the theory that the earth is the center of the Universe is used to verify the expansion theory.

Roemer's ten minute time delay is caused by numerous factors, such as, Roemer's assumption the Earth and Jupiter have circular orbits that rotate on the same plane, and Jupiter being stationary during the propagation of the Earth from L to K (fig 27), during Io's completion of a cycle of rotation, around Jupiter. Furthermore, Roemer ignores the measurement uncertainty, using a 1675 astronomic telescope and pendulum clock (10 seconds for 24 hours and 60 minutes for 6 months). Roemer's experiment is an extremely crude and inaccurate attempt at measuring the velocity of light and has absolutely no scientific merit. Furthermore, Fizeau (1849) and Foucault (1850) velocity of light experiments attempt to measure the velocity of light use rotating devices with slits but light is emitted, after the initial signal propagates through the slit, of the rotating device, since an individual signal, created by a single slit interaction, cannot form an intensity, after propagating a distance of 8 km. In modern physics, a pulse beam is used to measure the velocity of light since a single pulse of light produced by a Kerr shutter (nanoseconds) cannot form a measurable intensity, after propagating 50 km which proves the velocity of light has not been measured and cannot be used to justify Maxwell's theory. To measure the velocity of light requires a single pulse of light. The reason a pulsed light beam is used in the measurement of the velocity of light is because a single pulse cannot form an intensity after propagating a large distance if the velocity of light had a range of 8 to 23 orders of magnitude. In Michelson's interferometer experiment, the velocity of light is measured using the frequency measured using the alleged interference pattern formed by the split light rays, using an optical devise yet Michelson's interferometer experiment does not produce a diffraction pattern on a screen since the formation of the diffraction pattern requires a diffraction object. Simpily combining the light of two laser beams does not produce a diffraction effect on a diffraction screen which proves Micheslon's interferometer experiment is a hoax. which is a ludicrous attempt at measuring the velocity of light since the wave equation fλ = c is being used but Michelson is assuming that light forms waves yet the optical ether, composed of matter that forms light wave does not physically exist.

The derivation of Maxwell's electric curl equation (equ 83) is based on Stokes' theorem that is used to form equation 81 but a length integral is equated to the areas integral; on the right side of equation 81, the term (∇ x E) represents a volume that when surface is integrated, forms a surface area, that is not equal to a length which proves the derivation of Maxwell's electric curl equation is mathematically invalid. Furthermore, the electric field of equation 79, that forms the wire loop emf, only forms within the conduction wire and cannot be used to represent an external electric field of Maxwell's electric curl equation (equ 83). Also, the magnetic flux (dB/dt) of Maxwell's electric curl equation, that forms the wire loop emf, only forms in the plane of the wire loop, and cannot be used to represent a magnetic field, away from the wire loop.  Plus, the magnetic field that forms the magnetic flux is pointing and propagating in the direction of the propagating magnet which represents the formation of a longitudinal wave which conflicts with Maxwell's transverse waves.  Maxwell's electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light cannot be derived using Maxwell's electric curl equation (equ 83).

The derivation of Maxwell's magnetic curl equation (equ 88) is based on Ampere's law yet Ampere's law represents a current within a conduction wire which is incompatible with the varying capacitor induction effect that electric current forms in the open space between the plates of a varying capacitor which proves the derivation of Maxwell's magnetic curl equation based on equation 84 is physically invalid. Also, in equation 86, the length integral is equated to an area integral; on the right side of equation 86, the term (∇ x B) represents a volume that when surface is integrated, forms a surface area, that is not equal to a length which proves the derivation of Maxwell's magnetic curl equation, using equation 86 is mathematically invalid. In addition, Maxwell's electric current (dE/dt) that forms in free space between the capacitor plates conflicts with equation 79 that electric field only forms within the conduction wire. The varying capacitor induction effect that is used to derive Maxwell's magnetic curl equation (equ 88) is incompatible with Faraday's induction effect represented with a wire loop and propagating magnetic since the wire loop induction effect only involves an external magnetic field and does not involve an external electric field which proves Maxwell's electric and magnetic curl equations cannot be used to represent light.

Maxwell's electromagnetic field represents a field vector but a field vector is associated with matter since a finite volume contains an infinite number of positions. When an infinite number of positions is represented with electromagnetic field vectors (energy), an infinite energy is produced; consequently, the optical ether, composed of matter, is used to limit the number of positions within a finite volume forming a finite energy but the ether particles, composed of matter, do not physically exist (vacuum) which is experimental proof light is not an electromagnetic phenomenon.

Equation 97a that is used to derive the electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light (equ 102 & 103) produces a unite vector catastrophe (equ 105) since Maxwell's equations represent a disturbance within a three dimensional volume that produces a spherical wave which forms a longitudinal wave.

The derivation of Maxwell's equations (equ 89a,b), using equations 81 and 86, requires that Maxwell's equations be used in whole since the left and right sides of equations 81 and 86 are compared in the derivation of Maxwell's electric and magnetic curl equations yet in the derivation of the electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light (equ 102 & 103), 14 of the 18 differential components, that form the expansion of Maxwell's equations, are eliminated to form equation 97a,b which violates equations 81 and 86.

Equations 114 and 115 are used to represent the electromagnetic transverse wave equations of light but the second order gradients, ∇2 E and ∇2 B, of equations 112 and 113, represent the disturbance within a volume that forms the electromagnetic longitudinal waves that conflicts with Maxwell's transverse waves.



Maxwell's electric curl equations are derived using Faraday's induction experiment represented with a wire loop and external magnetic flux (α , β, γ) that induces an internal electric field (F, G, H) that forms the induction current within the wire loop.


Electromagnetic Momentum (F, G, H).

(57) Let F, G, H represent the components of electromagnetic momentum at any point of the field, due to any system of magnets or currents." (Maxwell1, Part III).

"If the circuit be the boundary of the elementary area dydz, then its electromagnetic momentum is

(dH/dy − dG/dz)dydz...............................................................4

and this is the number of lines of magnetic force which pass through the area dydz." (Maxwell1, Part III).

The variables F, G and H represent the internal electric field that forms the induction current within a conduction wire during Faraday's induction effect where an external magnetic flux (α , β, γ) incident to the area formed by the wire loop produce Faraday's induction effect; consequently, Maxwell's electric curl equations cannot be used to represent an external electric field of an electromagnetic light wave that is propagating in vacuum.


According to Simpson, the "elementary area dydz" represents the area formed by a wire loop, and F, G and H represents an internal electric field that forms the induction current by an external magnetic flux (α , β, γ) that is incident to the area formed by the wire loop.

"the elementary area dydz" Maxwell now very helpfully (at last!) takes a simplified case (Fig. 4.11) in which the circuit is a rectangle perpendicular to the x-direction. Recall that F, G, and H are the electromagnetic momenta per unit length of the circuit. As we travel around the loop in a counter clockwise direction to determine the total electromagnetic momentum............Our integration of the electromagnetic momentum around the loop thus becomes at the same time a measurement of the number of lines of magnetic force through it." (Simpson, p. 323-324).

Maxwell's equations are derived using Faraday's induction effects that are not luminous which proves the derivation of Maxwell's electric curl equation is physically invalid.


Maxwell's electric curl equation is derived using Faraday's induction effect represented with the magnetic flux (α , β, γ),

"Magnetic Force (α , β, γ).

(59) Let α , β , γ represent the force acting on a unit magnetic pole placed at the given point resolved in the directions of x , y , and z." (Maxwell, Part III).

Maxwell's derivation of the electric curl equations conflicts with Maxwell's electromagnetic wave structure of light that represents both external electric and magnetic fields in the description of the structure of light yet Faraday's induction effect is represented with only an external magnetic flux that forms the wire loop induction effect.


Maxwell's electric curl equations are derived using an external magnetic flux (α , β, γ) and an internal electric field (F, G, H) that forms within the conduction wire of Faraday's wire loop to form the induction current of Faraday's induction effect.

"(61) Expressing the electric momentum of small circuits perpendicular to the three axes in this notation, we obtain the following

Equations of Magnetic Force.

uα = dH/dy - dG/dz............................................4

uβ = dF/dz - dH/dx.............................................5

uλ = dG/dx - dF/dy".............................................6

(Maxwell2, Part III). Maxwell's electric curl equations are represented with equations 4-6.


Maxwell describes an electric displacement current that is used in the derivation of Maxwell's magnetic curl equation,

"Electrical Currents (p, q, r).

(54) An electrical current consists in the transmission of electricity from one part of a body to another. Let the quantity of electricity transmitted in unit of time across unit of area perpendicular to the axis of x be called p, then p is the component of the current at that place in the direction of x.

We shall use the letters p, q, r to denote the components of the current per unit of area in the directions of x, y, z." (Maxwell, Part III).

Maxwell's electric current displacement is used to represent the mechanism that forms Maxwell's varying capacitor induction effect.

................................................................................................................................................ ........................................................................

"Electrical Displacements (f, g, h).

(55) Electrical displacement consists in the opposite electrification of the sides of a molecule or particle of a body which may or may not be accompanied with transmission through the body. Let the quantity of electricity which would appear on the faces dy . dz of an element dx , dy , dz cut from the body be f. dy. dz, then f is the component of electric displacement parallel to x. We shall use f, g, h to denote the electric displacements parallel to x , y , z respectively.

The variations of the electrical displacement must be added to the currents p , q , r to get the total motion of electricity, which we may call p′ , q′ , r′, so that

p′ = p + df/ dt...........................................................................7

q′ = q + dg/dt..........................................................................8

r′ = r + dh/dt" ........................................................................9

(Maxwell, Part III). Maxwell derives the magnetic curl equation by stating that the electric current (p, q, r) is zero; consequently, Maxwell's is using a varying capacitor induction effect in the derivation of Maxwell's magnetic curl equations. Maxwell is attempting to conceal that the varying capacitor induction effect is being used to derive Maxwell's magnetic curl equations since the mechanism of the varying capacitor induction effect, using the electric displacement current, conflicts with Faraday's induction effect described with only an external magnetic flux (α , β, γ) and an internal electric field (F, G, H); Maxwell's electric curl equation's internal electric field conflict with Maxwell's external electric field that forms in the space between the capacitor plates. Maxwell attempts to conceal the electric field dilemma by using a dielectric but light propagates in vacuum that is void of a dielectric composed of matter.


Maxwell states that there is no electric current which implies Maxwell's is using the varying capacitor induction effect

"Hence if there is no electric current,

dγ/dy − dβ/dz = 0..............................................................10

but if there is a current p′

Equations of Currents...

dλ/dy - dβ/dz = 4πp'........................................................11

dα/dz - dλ/dx = 4πq'........................................................12

dβ/dx - dα/dy = 4πr'.........................................................13

We may call these the Equations of Currents." (Maxwell, Part III).

Equations 2-3 represent Maxwell's electric curl equation and equations 2-6 represent Maxwell magnetic curl equations.