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Pascal Nouvel, born in Paris on 23 January 1962, is a French philosopher and writer.



Pascal Nouvel has a doctorate in science and philosophy. His first thesis, carried out at the Institut Pasteur in the laboratory of François Jacob, deals with the development of a retroviral vectors in mice. Under the direction of Jean Gayon, his PhD thesis in philosophy was devoted to the role of imagination in scientific creation.

He was Editor-in-Chief of the journal L'aventure humaine directed by Dominique Lecourt and published by Presses Universitaires de France from 1995 to 2003.

He was program director at the Collège International de Philosophie, in Paris, from 2001 to 2007 with a research program entitled Epistemology of affects.

Assistant professor in Philosophy of Science at the University of Paris-Diderot from 1999 to 2006, he was a visiting scholar at New York University in 2006 and then professor at the University Paul Valéry in Montpellier until 2016.

He is a professor of philosophy at the University of Tours, [department of philosophy], and he is the founder and director of the [Centre d'Ethique Contemporaine] (Center for Contemporary Ethics). He is also director of Darwin Editions.

In the book The four ways to construct narratives on origins, he proposes an originology|originology in which he distinguishes four types of discourse of origin: mythical, rational, scientific and phenomenological.


  • L'art d'aimer la science [The art of loving science], with a foreword by François Jacob, Paris, PUF, 2000
  • Conversation avec mon clone sur la passion amoureuse [Conversation with my clone about love passion], Paris, PUF, 2003
  • Le possible et les biotechnologies [The possible and the biotechnologies] with Claude Debru, Paris, PUF, 2003
  • Histoire des Amphétamines [History of amphetamines], Paris, PUF, 2009
  • Philosophie des sciences [Philosophy of Science], Paris, PUF, 2011
  • Axiomatique des sentiments [Axiomatics of Feelings], Paris, Hermann, 2015
  • Avant toute chose, enquête sur les discours d'origine [Beforeall things, an inquiry on discourses on origins], Paris, CNRS Editions, 2020
  • The four ways to construct narratives on origins, Cambridge, Cambridge Scholars publishing, 2021

Editing direction

  • 1995-2003: Editor-in-Chief of L'aventure humaine, PUF
  • 1997: Actualité et postérités de Gaston Bachelard [actuality and posterities of Gaston Bachelard], Paris, PUF, 1998
  • 2002: Enquête sur le concept de modèle [An inquiry on te concept of model], Paris, PUF, 2006
  • 2011: Repenser le vitamlisme [Rethinking vitalism], Paris, PUF, 2010
  • 2011: Philosophie du dopage [Philosophy of doping], with Jean-Noël Missa), Paris, PUF, 2011

Category:French philosophers Category:French writers Category:Paris