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The following is a list of characters in the Nickelodeon television series iCarly.

Main Characters


Carly Shay

Carly Shay (Miranda Cosgrove) is a 13-year old girl who is the star of her own popular web show (helped by her two friends, Sam and Freddie), iCarly. She lives with her 26-year old brother Spencer in the Bushwell Plaza, an apartment in Seattle. Her father is in the Navy and stationed on a submarine. Carly is known as a local celebrity which sometimes helps her get out of sticky situations, but remains an average teenage girl who never lets fame get to her head. Carly sticks up for Freddie when Sam teases him, and tries to encourage Sam to stay out of trouble. Carly is very aware of Freddie's crush on her, but just shrugs it off for the most part. She is usually a cool-headed person but when annoyed, she tends to act out in a loud voice. Carly is quite intelligent and hates to lie about anything or anyone, implied in the episode iPromise Not to Tell, where she was overtaken by guilt when forced to keep Sam's actions a secret. Carly has very high grades in school and was even offered a scholarship to Briarwood, an elite private school in iMight Switch Schools. Carly is the most mature character on the show and is usually the mediator between Sam and Freddie, though Carly and Sam did get into quarrels where Freddie became their mediator.

Samantha "Sam" Puckett

Sam (Jennette McCurdy) is the 14-year old best friend of Carly who often verbally torments Freddie and the typical female bully. She was so used to insulting Freddie that she had withdrawal symptoms when she cannot insult Freddie due to a bet, as seen in iHeart Art. She is Carly's co-host on iCarly and is the "unlikely" girl: rude, brutish, sarcastic, aggressive, obnoxious, and rebellious. She spends most of her time at Carly's house, and makes herself at home there, since her mom thinks it's the best way to keep Sam out of jail (Most of her family members are imprisoned). She has unusual cravings for fatty foods and meat (ribs, ham, jerky, etc.), and will usually do anything and "will eat anything that does not eat her first", because her mom rarely feeds her. Sam often gets into trouble in school, usually earning several detentions in a week. She isn't unintelligent, but her poor grades are mainly because of her laziness. She also has amazing lockpicking skills when she unlocked the door of Freddie's apartment in iWill Date Freddie as well as the "abandoned" apartment 13-B in iScream on Halloween within seconds. It's implied that she has a poor sense of cleanliness by littering in Carly's apartment, eating porkchops in bed, and as said by Freddie in iSaw Him First, "When was the last time Sam washed her hands?", concluding Sam's unhygienic nature.

Fredward "Freddie" Benson

Freddie (Nathan Kress) is the girls' male friend who is also Carly's next-door neigbor in her apartment, and the one who named the webshow iCarly. Being a fan of electronics and a techno-wiz kid, he is the webshow's technical producer. He is very attracted to Carly and suffers insults constantly from Sam; in iDon't Wanna Fight he even came to Carly's apartment with a baseball bat to defend himself in case Sam was there. He is usually found hanging out with Carly and Sam or rehearsing for iCarly. It is revealed on the episode iFence that he is a descendant of a bloodline of fencers, granting him inborn fencing skills. Being a computer geek, Freddie is also considered the stereotypical nerd who is bullied often, especially by Sam, as well as being easily pinned down by Carly. Freddie has a very over-protective mother who is always ensuring he is clean and keeps him away from activities that may hurt him. His mother is giving him a very low monthly allowance, fearing he may leave her, which Freddie says is not as ridiculous as it sounds. In season two, Sam notes Freddie's deeper voice tone, and he blames puberty.

Spencer "Spence" Shay

Spencer (Jerry Trainor) is Carly's 26-year-old brother and legal guardian. He tends to be clumsy and acts unusually goofy, but Spencer has a good sense of responsibility in terms of caring for his little sister. It is revealed in the episode iWanna Stay With Spencer that he dropped out of law school (after staying for 3 days) to become an artist, and is usually seen working on a new bizarre sculpture per episode. He also spends much of his time at the local junkyard, gathering supplies for sculptures. He has assorted colorful luminescent socks from by his friend Socko; and a colorful tie from Tyler, Socko's brother. Being single, he is usually hitting on women in various episodes, and even dating Carly's history teacher, Lauren Ackerman. Spencer then broke up with her after he realizes that she is possessive and lovesick. Spencer won the Jonas World Record for the Sculpture with the Most Moving Parts in iWant a World Record while in the episode iStage an Intervention, Spencer became the world's #1 Pak-Rat player by beating the current score record-holder Sasha Striker (who also developed a mutual attraction with him).

Reoccurring Characters


Mrs. Marissa Benson

Mrs. Benson (Mary Scheer) is Freddie's nosy and extremely overprotective mother, who often embarrasses Freddie in front of his friends and prone to loud outbursts. She is also highly paranoid about almost everything and limits Freddie's activities that might hurt him. Freddie resents this overprotection to the extent that Mrs. Benson gives him only $8 monthly allowance because she's afraid that her son will leave her, which Carly comments as crazy but Freddie disagrees (in iRue the Day). Mrs. Benson despises Spencer and always keeps an eye on him, fearing Spencer will put Freddie in danger (Spencer teaching fencing to Freddie; and giving Freddie fruits "which he is allergic to" but Spencer really didn't). Though in the episode iCarly Saves TV, she becomes too motherly to Spencer since Freddie is in the rehearsal, bringing a first-aid kit the size of a luggage and offering to sew Spencer's name on his underpants. She is also disappointed with Carly because she doesn't know why Carly won't love her son (calling Carly "sassy pants" and "missy" in iFence). She is a very skilled fencer since her father taught her fencing as a child.


Granddad (Greg Mullavy) is the paternal grandfather of Spencer and Carly, first seen in iWanna Stay With Spencer. He lives from a 90-minute ride from Yakima, and he did a quick visit to the Shay apartment when he watched the iCarly webcast where Spencer's hammer fan sculpture went awry, lodging a hammer onto a wall which nearly decapitated Carly. Seeing this as Spencer's irresponsibility as Carly's guardian, Granddad decided to bring Carly to live with him in Yakima. By the end of the episode, he was impressed how Spencer really cared for his little sister, and decided that Carly remains with Spencer. He and Spencer have an antic of bending back while rubbing their bare tummies with their hands and imitating siren sounds. He also guested briefly in the episode iWant a World Record where he did a walking handstand (and wearing colorful socks).


Lewbert is the irate doorman of the Bushwell Plaza (where Carly and Freddie reside), notorious for being "the meanest doorman on Earth". He has a large mole on his left cheek which Carly and Sam dubbed "Little Lewbert" and "Captain Wartburger" by Sam's ex-boyfriend Jonah. He always gets angry when the lobby gets crowded especially after he had just mopped. He unwaringly falls victim in the iCarly prank segment "Messin' with Lewbert". Lewbert is a "self-proclaimed jerk" by misinforming the apartment residents and starting loud, obnoxious arguments (shouting at a Pomeranian, stealing and eating a kid's cookie and popped the same kid's balloon). As seen on the iCarly website trivia, Lewbert was formerly a male model until the mole grew on his cheek.

Nevel Papperman

Nevel (Reed Alexander) is an 11-year-old web critic whose website, Nevelocity.com (which actually redirects the browser to the iCarly website) gets five million pageviews a day. He is attracted to Carly when he met her but turned into a grudge when Carly refused to kiss him and shoved tapenade on his face. He has since attempted to exact revenge upon the iCarly crew ranging from a dishonest review into sabotaging the webcast that guests the Plain White T's. However, thanks to the assistance of the friend of Carly's father, Col. Roger Morgan (Christopher B. Duncan) bursts into Nevel's house with his military unit and confiscates Nevel's equipment for "illegal hacking, a threat to internet security", thus foiling his scheme. Col. Morgan decides not to arrest Nevel, but dangles him around his living room with a harness until Nevel apologizes to Carly and calls himself a weenie. He is only seen in the episodes iNevel and iRue the Day.

Ridgeway School Characters


Principal Ted Franklin

Ted Franklin (Tim Russ) is the school principal, who is also fond of Carly and Freddie. He has also gotten used to seeing Sam in his office to give her detention on a regular basis (despite this, the two seem to be on good terms) but he often is nice to her. Ted has kids who are iCarly fans and he is an iCarly fan himself. Like his students, Ted seems to dislike Ms. Briggs and Mr. Howard.

Ms. Francine Briggs

Ms. Francine Briggs (Mindy Sterling) is a mean teacher that Carly and her friends like to make fun of. She also taught at the school the time Spencer was still a student. She is obssessed on Randy Jackson and has a closet dedicated to him, filled with many pictures, a talking cardboard standee, and assorted Randy Jackson-related merchandise like colognes and a cereal brand Randy-Yo. Ms. Briggs enjoys playing bagpipes as well as Scottish music and dancing, calling them enriching entertainment, much to the dismay of students who consider them as torture.

Ms. Lauren Ackerman

Ms. Lauren Ackerman (Jessica Makinson) is the history class teacher and center of the titular episode iHave a Lovesick Teacher. She became extremely abusive of her class and hated males when her boyfriend dumped her. She fell for Spencer when she had him called after having argued with Carly when the latter defended Freddie from Lauren's arguments. When Spencer and Lauren began dating, she began treating the class very nicely, like canceling class for ice skating to even serving them with caramel apples, as well as giving daily gifts to Spencer. After Spencer saw Lauren's possessiveness and paranoia, he breaks up with her and Lauren hated the class once more, even automatically failing Carly for an exam since her brother dumped her. Lauren was finally arrested by the police for illegally downloading 500 songs for the PearPod she gave to Spencer, as she said so herself in an iCarly webcast which Carly had set up to stop the teacher's ill manners.


Gibby (Noah Munck) is the other stereotypical bullied kid, who is fond of doing things without a shirt on (he usually takes it off). He likes spelling bees and Ryan Seacrest and falls victim to a Texas wedgie twice. He first appeared in iDream of Dance and has been seen in other episodes. He also appears without his shirt on in iMight Switch Schools, when he plays mini golf in the Shay apartment. In iDream of Dance, Gibby runs into Sam's dream in his boxers saying, "Am I too late for the test?" to which Sam replies, "Get out of here Gibby, this is MY nightmare!" In iWin a Date, it is revealed that he is attracted on a girl named Shannon Mitchell, who has a crush on Freddie. Gibby took off his shirt once again in the Cheesecake Warehouse, to dance on the table to impress Shannon. In the same episode, it was revealed that his middle name is Cornelius. Behind Freddie, Gibby is Sam's second-favorite target for insulting. She once forced Gibby's foot into his mouth, compelling him to do the feat that can be done by Benji, who must be guesting for iCarly but backed out due to a concert he will go to.

Jeremy (Germy)

Jeremy (Nathan Pearson) is the sickly kid. He is often called "Germy" because he has been constantly sneezing and coughing since kindergarten. He is fascinated with technology, once attending a technological convention. When Freddie left iCarly Jeremy turned into iCarly's tech producer but continuously sneezed (on the lens) during production.


Wesley (Colin Spensor) is Freddie's friend. He is very skilled in the art of beatboxing which he shows during the iCarly 50th webshow spectacular in the episode iGot Detention when Sam gets detention and they are forced to do their show in detention. He plays a part in distracting Mr. Howard, the teacher in charge of the detention in which he starts beatboxing into the P.A. When the teacher goes down to investigate, Wesley lobs him with water balloons disguised in a paper bag mask.

