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 Hello My name is Ryan my friends call me poloc becouse i am polish.

This page contains: info, and not just any info, THE TRUTH My intrest on wikipidia deals with human genetics, illuminati, and other.

The Dream of dreams

I belive that others and my self in the near future will be re-making the idea of normal, by creating a retro-virus that imputs new genetic material into the body causing a inhuman reaction.(or creating the worlds first close to perfect people(s)) How is this possible, with a retro-virus that clamps on to cells and imputs the new dna strand through the reproductivecomponents of the cell. Or the other method is almost the same but instead of remaking all of the dna, just add to the exzisting dna. Any who, this is my future goal and i will hopefully be accomplishing this soon as in about 15 years. Untill then we still have to drive to work. please comment on this, any theory or other, that might be helpfull is much appriciated!

The New World Order

I have recently introduced myself into the subject of world domination, and how the illuminati control america, and the world. Called The New World Order. Through economics and minor mind control we are the creation of our government, or slaves. I whole heartly belive that in the next 4 years , starting '08, there is going to be a rush of information. It will prove that our government provokes war and is basicaly destroying everything.

The people

Illuminati, skull and bones, the 300, and the new world order, are all lables of a cirtain group of people who rule the world infinitly. The amount of people it takes to rule the world could probbably all fit in a room the size of a large house. People might have a hard time waking up to this but its the fact. I predict as many others have that by 2012 most of the americans will have waken up and a revolution will be formed. This revolution will be perfect, and after its over free will have a new meaning instead of the old, freedom is illusion.

good book

List of puppets:

bar codes, mcdonalds, att, cbs, cnn, cia, heniken, fox, msnbc, firestone tires, b.p., texico, moble, dysney, f.i., dea, burgerking, swat, nasa, walmart, budwizer, phillip morris, ford, chevy, abc, boing, g.e., gm, united oil, united states secreat service, etc...

see the explosion spouts, clear sign of detonation

The 911 report

The most important thing about 911 is to do your own resurch, use independant film not! a news organization that will cover the important footage with buttocks. Watch slow mo of the twin towers droping use youtube as it is a reliable scource. You will see jetstreams come out of the buildings as controled detonation takes place. You can find scources that explain the thermate in the rubble and how its red hot form was burried in rubble for 9 mounths. and 9 mounths after 911 red hot material still existed in rubble. The first 3 towers to have EVER been demolished due to fire! Steel melting temperature:1500oF fires from fuel in plains dosent burn past 900oF. All the evidece is there LOOK IT UP!


Way to enslave millions subcontiously, eagle, owl, snake, star, anarchie symbols, pyrimids, syphinxes, all seeing eye,etc...

wtc tower 7 looked as if a pro made the demolion excersizes needed.

How they master the puppets

Our economic growth is now an illusion, taxes and goods we pay for help the war machine keep turning. The elite blood lines rule the world, and are puppetiers of the government. In the effort to keep people from knowing the truth, our news is filterd, our money pays big investors to keep geting more power. Drugs, crops, oil, food, autos, appliences, and more are all funded by the illuminati then they make power and money by playing the anticrist method. Make a problem, Give a solution. and the solution they give is choice control. For example, two presidents but they are both the same in methods. McDonalds or BurgerKing, it doesnt matter they both tied to the illuminati.

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Intrests:thermite,thermate,nwo,david icke,illuminati,nwo,genetic engineering, phychology,albert Einstine,hawking.