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REM's logo and confirmation image

REM is an anonymous non-profit organization[1] that seeks out random individuals to participate in short activities which are referred to as "missions[2]" by the organization. REM has been publicly spoken of since 2009 and known to exist as early as 2007.

It is still unclear what REM stands for, however there have been many who suggest that it stands as an acronym for Random Errands and Missions. Changes to REM's e-mail has been speculated as Roman Numerals[3] which stand for the numeric value of the month.

To date, all participants of these missions have been Canadian citizens living in Ontario. Furthermore, all prizes are of Canadian currency. These indications have led many to believe that REM originates from Ontario, Canada.



Missions have been sent from the exclusive REM e-mail to individuals with instructions and clues to the mission. Each mission is given a time frame (usually 24 hours) in which the individual must complete the mission in otherwise the individual is susceptible to immediate elimination from potentially receiving the prize. Submission is accepted in the forms of pictures, videos and text.

Some notable missions have included:

Break the Bank

This mission has entailed finding specific coins created in certain years and providing proof.

GEOcache 2.0

Similar to the ever-popular Geocaching[4], this requires individuals to search for an item, given its GPS coordinates. The item is usually hidden in a container.

ISBN Hidden

A ISBN code is provided and individuals have been asked to find certain details within the book, with a few given clues. An example of a book that has been used frequently is The DaVinci Code[5] by Dan Brown.

Man(neqiun) Hunt

Individuals have been asked to take a picture with mannequins that meet a criteria provided by REM.



People who have completed multiple missions without fail have announced that they have received gift cards to shopping centres or restaurant franchises. These gift cards have ranged from values of 5 CAD dollars to 20 CAD dollars.

Rules and Regulations


The following have been sent along with each mission to the individuals.

1.Your mission and identity must never be revealed, shared, or made known to anyone.

2.Do not engage in illegal or dangerous activities while completing your mission.

3.Should you choose to accept, you must forward this e-mail back to the sender.

4.You must complete the mission within the allotted time frame. Your time starts once you forward this e-mail to the sender.

5.Questions and concerns must be asked on http://www.formsrping.me/remvii#. They will be answered as soon as possible.

6.All proof must be legitimate and cannot be altered in any form. The logo must be included in the proofs of digital images and videos in order to validate the authenticity of the submission. (Print out the image attached and have it present in your proof)

7.Submission of proof is only valid via e-mail (to the sender) within two hours of your completion.

8.Cooperation with other parties is strictly prohibited.

9.Failure to comply with the rules and regulations will result in immediate elimination.



Questions have been asked and answered on a Formspring account[6] named remvii. It also includes past questions asked by participants before the formspring account was created.


  • Formspring Account: remvii [1]