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My Summary On World War Two[edit]

WWII World War II started when Germany invaded Poland in 1939, with an attack called blitzkrieg, because Poland was destroyed Poland surrendered to the Germans and Poland was used as a puppet state. Italy was also part of the axis powers, which Japan was also part of. The Germans believed in Anti-Semitism which is hatred towards the Jews. Nazis also set up Concentration camps and in which they imprisoned: Jews, Poles, Slavic peoples, Soviets, POWs, Romanies, Africans, Asians, the mentally ill, physically disabled, the mentally retarded, homosexuals, transsexuals, political opponents, Religious dissidents, communists, trade unionists, and Jehovah's Witnesses. When Germany invaded France in 1940 France was defeated and taken over by the Germans and was also used as a puppet state. Now this takes me to the Battle of Britain when Germany tried to use the blitzkrieg on Great Britain and take over Great Britain but Great Britain had radar and could detect the Luftwaffe coming so the island used all its plane forces the battle lasted 4 months and Germany surrender the battle. This takes me to Russia, Russia sided with the Germans before 1941 then Russia became part of the allies because the Germans betrayed them by invading Stalingrad and causeing the battle of Stalingrad. So the main Axis Powers were Germany, Japan, and Italy and the main Allied Forces were the US, Great Britain, Russia and France. This brings me to the attack on pearl harbor when 414 Japanese aircraft bombers attacked pearl harbor in 1941 and a great portion of the US, the next day President Franklin D. Roosevelt declared war on Japan. This brings me to D-day Invasion in 1944 when the US liberated France and all the Axis Powers puppet states that lead to the end of German power then in April 30, 1945 Adolf Hitler and Eva Braun Hitler committed suicide in a bunker then on May 2 ,1945 the Battle of Berlin ended and the Germans surrendered and World War II in Europe ended, but was still going on in the pacific in till President Harry S. Truman send two atomic bombs to be hit on Hiroshima on August 6 and then Nagasaki on August 9 so Japan surrendered and the Allies won on September 2, 1945 and World War Two ended.

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