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User:Renamed user 72d7706f257a67a3215efb93fa8c1b97

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

WikiEditor 2845 is a male user that edits Wikipedia articles when necessary, and reads Wikipedia articles. He may edit articles if he has time, but he mostly don't. The user doesn't edit most articles because most articles don't have spelling mistakes, and some words have links for the people who don't know about it. If he sees an article with spelling mistakes, and/or an article with just a few words that have links, the user will edit the article and fix the mistakes.

Planning and creation




On January 26, 2024, he wanted to edit Wikipedia articles to fix spelling mistakes and add links to articles, so he planned to create a Wikipedia account. He also wants to change the preferences for Wikipedia, such as the theme.



At his home at around 6:00 PM on the same day, the creator went into his MacBook and went to Wikipedia, and started creating his account. He wasn't sure what username should pick. After thinking about a few minutes, he came up with a perfect username for him, which is WikiEditor 2845. After creating his account, he changed the preferences to his favorites, and he started his first edit on his user page, which is this article.

Fixing mistakes for articles


If he sees an article with spelling mistakes, and/or an article with just a few words that have links, the user will edit the article and fix the mistakes. The mistakes are marked in bold.

Spelling mistakes


Unfixed sample sentence: Mercury is the first planet from the Son.

Fixing the sample sentence: The word "son" means "a boy or man in relation to either or both of his parents." The user has to replace "Son" with "Sun" because it's talking about outer space. The Sun is a star that's at the center of the solar system.

Fixed sample sentence: Mercury is the first planet from the Sun.


Unfixed sample sentence: The United Kingdom is a country in Europe.

Fixing the sample sentence: The user guesses that some people doesn't know about the United Kingdom and Europe. Then, the user needs to add links to the words "United Kingdom" and "Europe."

Fixed sample sentence: The United Kingdom is a country in Europe.

Talk page


Click here to visit WikiEditor 2845's talk page.