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Yes or no Votes Percentage
Yes {{{yes}}} {{{yespct}}}%
No {{{no}}} {{{nopct}}}%
Invalid or blank votes {{{invalid}}} {{{invalidpct}}}%
Total votes {{{total}}} 100.00%
Voter turnout {{{turnoutpct}}}%

This template describes the results of a referendum with a "yes" or "no" option.



A table with the results of a referendum.

Template parameters[Edit template data]

This template prefers block formatting of parameters.


Name given to the referendum; if the article is about the referendum the article name should be used.

Yes labeloption1

Alternate label for the "yes" option.

Yes votesyes

The number of "yes" votes reported. May be formatted with thousand-separators.

Yes percentageyespct yes%

The percent of "yes" votes reported. May contain decimal fraction, should not contain a percentage symbol.

No labeloption2

Alternate label for the "no" option.

No votesno

The number of "no" votes reported. May be formatted with thousand-separators.

No percentagenopct no%

The percent of "no" votes reported. May contain decimal fraction, should not contain a percentage symbol.

Valid votesvalid

The number of valid votes reported. Generally calculated by adding the number of "yes" and "no" votes. May be formatted with thousand-separators.

Valid votes percentagevalidpct valid%

The percent of valid votes reported. May contain decimal fraction, should not contain a percentage symbol.

Invalid votes labelinvalidname

Alternate label for invalid votes. The default is "Invalid or blank votes".

Invalid votesinvalid

The number of invalid or blank votes reported for the referendum. May be formatted with thousand-separators.

Invalid votes percentageinvalidpct invalid%

The percent of invalid or blank votes reported for the referendum. May contain decimal fraction, should not contain a percentage symbol.

Total votestotal

Override for vote "total". The default is calculated based on yes+no or (if specified) valid+invalid. May be formatted with thousand-separators.

Electorate sizeelectorate

The number of registered voters who could have voted during the referendum.

Turnout actualturnoutpct

The percentage of registered voted (the electorate) that actually voted. This can be calculated by dividing the total number of votes by the electorate (number of registered voters) and multiplying by one hundred.

Turnout neededturnoutneeded

The percentage of registered voters (the electorate) that have to vote for a referendum to be deemed valid. For example, if 40% turnout is needed for referendum to be valid, enter "40.00". The default is for no turnout threshold to be considered.

Needed percentagemajorityneeded

The percent needed for referendum to pass. For example, with a two-thirds majority needed, put in "66.67". The default is a simple majority of 50.01%.

Hide iconsnoicons

Hide the tickmark and cross icons used to indicate the outcome. These icons are shown by default.


Citation or a link to the sources for these referendum results.

| title          = 
| yes            = 
| option1        =
| yespct         = 
| no             = 
| option2        =
| nopct          = 
| majorityneeded = 
| noicons        =
| valid          = 
| validpct       = 
| invalidname    = 
| invalid        = 
| invalidpct     = 
| total          = 
| turnoutpct     = 
| turnoutneeded  = 
| electorate     = 
| source         = 
| option1        =
| option2        =



There are three combinations for using the valid or the invalid parameters:

  • If neither the valid nor the invalid parameters are used, the sum of yes and no votes should equal the number of total votes. Consequently, the sum of yespct and nopct should be 100%.
  • If only the invalid parameter is used, but the valid parameter is not, than the sum of yes, no, and invalid votes should equal the number of total votes. Consequently, the sum of yespct, nopct, and invalidpct should be 100%.
  • If both the valid and the invalid parameters are used, the sum of yes and no votes should equal the number of valid votes. Consequently, the sum of yespct and nopct should be 100%. The sum of valid and invalid votes should equal the number of total votes. Consequently, the sum of validpct and invalidpct should be 100%.

It should be noted that the order of the yes and no parameters does not affect the display of the template. If the number of no votes is higher than the number of yes votes than the template will display the no votes first to indicate that the referendum failed. An editor may however wish to list this parameter first.



No valid or invalid votes listed

| title          = Colorado Amendment 48
| no             = 1,691,165
| nopct          = 73.21
| yes            = 618,761
| yespct         = 26.79
| total          = 2,309,926
Colorado Amendment 48
Choice Votes %
Referendum failed No 1,691,165 73.21
Yes 618,761 26.79
Total votes 2,309,926 100.00

No valid votes listed

| title          = Greenlandic self-government referendum, 2008
| yes            = 21,355
| yespct         = 75.54
| no             = 6,663
| nopct          = 23.57
| invalid        = 250
| invalidpct     = 0.89
| total          = 28,268
| turnoutpct     = 71.96
Greenlandic self-government referendum, 2008
Choice Votes %
Referendum passed Yes 21,355 75.54
No 6,663 23.57
Invalid or blank votes 250 0.89
Total votes 28,268 100.00

Valid and invalid votes listed

| title          = California Proposition 8
| yes            = 7,001,084
| yespct         = 52.24
| no             = 6,401,482
| nopct          = 47.76
| valid          = 13,402,566
| validpct       = 97.52
| invalid        = 340,611
| invalidpct     = 2.48
| total          = 13,743,177
| turnoutpct     = 79.42
California Proposition 8
Choice Votes %
Referendum passed Yes 7,001,084 52.24
No 6,401,482 47.76
Valid votes 13,402,566 97.52
Invalid or blank votes 340,611 2.48
Total votes 13,743,177 100.00

Electorate listed

| title          = Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland Bill, 2008
| yes            = 752,451
| yespct         = 46.60
| no             = 862,415
| nopct          = 53.40
| valid          = 1,614,866
| validpct       = 99.62
| invalid        = 6,171
| invalidpct     = 0.38
| total          = 1,621,037
| turnoutpct     = 53.13
| electorate     = 3,051,278
Twenty-eighth Amendment of the Constitution of Ireland Bill, 2008
Choice Votes %
Referendum failed No 862,415 53.40
Yes 752,451 46.60
Valid votes 1,614,866 99.62
Invalid or blank votes 6,171 0.38
Total votes 1,621,037 100.00
Registered voters/turnout 3,051,278 53.13

Source listed

| title          = Mahoran status referendum, 2009
| yes            = 41,492
| yespct         = 95.22
| no             = 2,084
| nopct          = 4.78
| valid          = 43,576
| validpct       = 99.14
| invalid        = 380
| invalidpct     = 0.86
| total          = 43,956
| turnoutpct     = 61.02
| source         = [http://www.malango.fr/resultats_referendum_mayotte_2009.htm?dossier=referendum_2009&page=resultats_referendum_mayotte_2009 malango.fr]
Mahoran status referendum, 2009
Choice Votes %
Referendum passed Yes 41,492 95.22
No 2,084 4.78
Valid votes 43,576 99.14
Invalid or blank votes 380 0.86
Total votes 43,956 100.00
Source: malango.fr

Referendum with a 2/3 majority required to pass

| title          = San Francisco Proposition B
| yes            = 119,095
| yespct         = 56.43
| no             = 91,952
| nopct          = 43.57
| majorityneeded = 66.67
| valid          = 211,047
| validpct       = 91.87
| invalid        = 18,667
| invalidpct     = 8.13
| total          = 229,714
| turnoutpct     = 53.61
San Francisco Proposition B
Choice Votes %
Referendum failed No 91,952 43.57
Yes 119,095 56.43
Required majority 66.67
Valid votes 211,047 91.87
Invalid or blank votes 18,667 8.13
Total votes 229,714 100.00

Referendum with a 50% voter turnout required to pass

| title         = Italian electoral law referendum, 2009 (question 1)
| yes           = 8,052,954
| yespct        = 77.64
| no            = 2,318,792
| nopct         = 22.36
| valid         = 10,371,746
| validpct      = 88.59
| invalid       = 1,336,486
| invalidpct    = 11.41
| total         = 2,374,312
| turnout       = 11,708,232
| turnoutpct    = 23.31
| turnoutneeded = 50.00
| electorate    = 50,221,071
Italian electoral law referendum, 2009 (question 1)
Choice Votes %
Referendum failed No 2,318,792 22.36
Yes 8,052,954 77.64
Valid votes 10,371,746 88.59
Invalid or blank votes 1,336,486 11.41
Total votes 2,374,312 100.00
Turnout required 50.00
Registered voters/turnout 50,221,071 23.31

See also
