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User:Rosiestep/Wikimania 2017

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Roger←→Rosie discussion area

Our official submission page, currently in draft stage

Making Women Blue - The Impact of Women in Red

To Do, in addition to fleshing out below sections
  1. add some images: Roger photo, Rosie photo, WiR logo, WiR barnstar, WiR twitter banner example
  2. add social media URLs
  3. work on slidedeck
  4. read this: m:User:The Land/Thinking about the impact of the Wikimedia movement
  • Guidelines to follow: https://wikimania2017.wikimedia.org/wiki/Submissions
  • Deadline: March 30, 2017
  • Themes: Wikimania presentations are about topics related to the work of Wikimedians and the Wikimedia projects.
  • Submissions may be about any area of Wikimedia work, including technology and infrastructure, outreach and education, legal and social aspects, project community and community development, and project content.
  • Submissions can be about ongoing or new projects and initiatives, related projects outside Wikimedia, and research related to the Wikimedia projects. Presentations, workshops and discussions can be aimed at any audience, including experienced Wikimedia contributors, new or beginning Wikimedia contributors, or current Wikimedia contributors who want to learn new skills or start work in a new area.
  • We especially welcome new Wikimania presenters, presentations about issues of current concern to the Wikimedia community, reports from Wikimedia's "sister projects" and discussions of the current work and future of these projects, and roundtable/birds of a feather discussions meant to discuss and solve current issues relating to the Wikimedia projects and community.
  • This will be a bilingual conference, and presentations in both French and English are welcomed.
  • To aid in reviewing, if possible including an English abstract (for French submissions) or a French abstract (for English submissions) is welcome, but not required. All presentations and discussions are encouraged to be as interactive as possible and facilitate learning and sharing by the attendees.


Title of the submission
  • The impact of Women in Red: how a WikiProject, currently in 12 languages, applies technology, safe space methods, and media to empower women and improve women’s digital inclusion
Type of submission (lecture, panel, tutorial/workshop, roundtable discussion, lightning talk, poster, birds of a feather discussion
  • Lecture
Author of the submission
  • Rosie Stephenson-Goodknight
  • Roger Bamkin
Type of submission
  • Presentation
Language of presentation
  • English
E-mail address
  • Rosiestep.wiki@gmail.com
  • roger@bamkin.org.uk
  • Rosie: Rosiestep
  • Roger: Victuallers
Country of origin
  • Rosie: USA
  • Roger: UK
Affiliation, if any (organisation, company etc)
  • Rosie
  • co-founder, WikiProject Women in Red, 2015
  • founder, WikiProject Women Writers, 2014
  • co-founder, WikiWomen's User Group, 2015
  • co-founder, WikiConference North America User Group, 2016
  • member, Wikimedia Affiliations Committee
  • member, Board of Directors, Wikimedia DC
  • member, Editorial Board, "The Signpost"
  • Roger
  • co-founder, WikiProject Women in Red
  • co-founder, QRpedia
  • co-founder, Monmouthpedia
  • co-founder, Gibraltarpedia
  • former chair, Wikimedia UK
Personal homepage or blog
Abstract (up to 300 words to describe your proposal - in English

(under construction)

In 2016, Women in Red was shortlisted for the ITU/UN Women's GEM-TECH award in the category "Apply Technology for Women’s Empowerment and Digital Inclusion". In this presentation, we will describe:

  • use of technology in our work
  • our safe space methods, which have made our talkpages a harassment-free zone
  • how we plan for and coordinate our work
  • on-wiki outreach
  • social media, including Twitter, Pinterest, and Facebook campaigns
  • press, including podcasts, interviews, OpEd
  • replicating our project's mission, vision, and values on 11 other language Wikipedias
  • collaborations with international campaigns, including UN Women HerStory and BBC100Women
Abstract - in French

(under construction)

What will attendees take away from this session?

(under construction) Attendees will:

  • gain insight into progress made since we launched Women in Red in 2015
  • our strategy for the next 12 months
  • how to replicate this DIY (do it yourself) project into other languages, while maintaining cultural sensitivities
Theme of presentation
  • WikiCulture & Community
For workshops and discussions, what level is the intended audience?

Not applicable

Length of session (if other than 25 minutes, specify how long)

25 minutes

Will you attend Wikimania if your submission is not accepted?


Slides or further information (optional)

(under construction)

Special requests
