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Subobjects (Category Theory)[edit]

In mathematics, specifically in the field of category theory, the notion of subobject is an attempt to abstract the properties of 'substructures' found all over mathematics.


Consider the familiar notion of subset

  • Inclusions
  • Image of a set-monomorphism is isomorphic to its source.
  • Ordering of subsets.


In an arbitrary category one speaks of 'a subobject of ', for some -object . In its simplest formulation such a subobject is merely a -monomorphism:

Ordering of Subobjects[edit]

Just as subsets of a set X are ordered by inclusion, so it is desirable to impose an ordering on subobjects of D in an arbitrary category .


Note that will itself be a subobject of in this situtation, ie is itself a monomorphism.

It is easily verified that this relation is both reflexive and transitive but, in general, will pre-order the set of monomorphisms into , not partially order it, ie it fails to be antisymmetric.

Isomorphism of Subobjects[edit]

The ordering described in the previous section yields a pre-order on coterminous monomorphisms.

Converting the preorder into an equivalence relation is achieved by quotienting the preordered set of coterminous monomorphisms into equivalence classes such that monomorphisms , are deemed equivalent iff they factor through one another. Precisely:


In many category theory texts there is some fudging of what exactly is referenced by the term 'subobject'.

  • is a subobject of .
  • is a subobject.
  • Equivalence class of a monomorphism.

Really, it is the monomorphism itself that specifies the subobject not merely its source.

See also[edit]