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Part 2 - Gaming characters


Broken Sword characters


Main characters

George Stobbart

An American patent lawyer.

Nicole Collard

A French freelance photo-journalist.

Other characters

Anna-Maria Prisa

Anna-Maria is the second main character, although she isn't a playable character you can select her in the inventory to interact with items and people.

She asks for George to help her find treasure in a Manuscript that has been in her family for many generations. After they find the treasure, Anna-Maria and George spend the night together and when George wakes up he finds she is missing.

It is later revealed that she used to work for the Vatican and some Manuscripts were stolen from the library prior to her disappearance.


A Syrian member of the assassination cult, the Hashiashin, and the greatest nemesis of the Neo-Templars. Khan views the Neo-Templars as enemies of Allah and humanity, unworthy of the title of the noble enemy his ancestors fought. Khan begins to kill members of the Neo-Templars in order to prevent them from piecing together the location of the Sword of Baphomet. In the end Khan is shot by Eklund but his C4 is used by Nico to destroy the sword. Khan's most distinct traits are his threatening, snake-like voice and the crescent-shaped scar on his right cheek. Khan may not actually be his real name as he goes under many aliases, the most used one being Moerlin.

The Neo-Templars

Flap & Guido

Two petty criminals hired by the Neo-Templars as thugs and to organise the theft of Peagram's tripod. Flap is a fat and powerful, but a simple-minded thug while Guido is more suave and trusts more in his gun or throwing knife. Although both are presumed dead by the end of the game, Flap returns in The Sleeping Dragon.


The old man and the intended victim of Khan. Plantard was supposed to give Nicole the manuscript which George later steals from Khan. Nothing much is known about him, except that he met with Khan's other victims obviously to discuss about the Sword of Baphomet.

Nigel Peagram (a.k.a. Molly Peagram)

A renowned archaeologist who also hosted his own TV-show, "Peagram's Past". He returns from retirement in order to dig up the Gem and Tripod from the castle at Lochmarne, Ireland. Before George reaches him, Peagram leaves in the fears of being killed by Khan and leaves the Gem for Sean Fitzgerald to deliver for Jacques Marquet. Peagram is never seen in the game aside from a magazine-page shown by Nico and the dialogue-icons. According to George's and the Grand Master's conversation towards the end of the game, he is presumed dead.

Bruno Ostvalt

A Nobel Prize winner and Historian for the Neo-Templars. Although not named in this game, his name is revealed in the third Broken Sword game. By the second time George meets him in The Sleeping Dragon he has abandoned the Neo-Templars, describing their intensions as “evil”. In The Shadow of the Templars he is still a member of the organisation but his doubts towards the Grand Master’s scheme are hinted at during one of their meetings. Although he speaks slower and with less zest than in The Sleeping Dragon his speech still bears the same lack of a sense of humour. He is captured during George and Nico's trip to Congo and forced to work the Armillary in Egypt. He sacrifices himself so that George and Nico can stop Susarro.

Jacques Marquet (Mole of Montmartre)

A man suspected guilty of many crimes but free due to his competent team of attorneys. Jacques is severely beaten up from an attack attempt by Khan and somehow contracts anthrax, causing him to be placed in special care at the Hagenmeyer Clinic. Under heavy medication, he mistakes George for a Neo-Templar and reveals that he has hired Flap and Guido to steal Peagram's Tripod. Marquet ends up killed by Eklund.


A dangerous member of the Neo-Templars who kills Marquet and later tries to do the same to Nico and George. He is killed by Rosso who throws a dagger at his neck.


While searching for clues to the location of the sword of Baphomet Klausner is trapped inside a cave in Syria and dies of starvation. He wears an outfit very similar to that of Indiana Jones.


An assassin for Susarro who kills Vernon and attempts to frame Nico. She has platinum blonde hair and carries a magnum which jams on her several times throughout the game. Despite her efforts she is unable to kill either George or Nico. She is a reputed sadist. Though she appears loyal to Susarro she betrays him in Egypt and turns out to be an agent of the Grand Master who she saved at St. Ninians.

Throughout the game George teases Nico by making positive comments about Petra's appearance in comparison to Nico's at one point asking her if she ever considered "Going blond".

She seemlessly dissappears after the conclusive battle between George and the Grand Master.

Señor Susarro

An ailing, pale man who seeks the Dragon Power for himself. A former Neo-Templar and now the leader of the newly formed Dragon Cult. Sesarro has tapped into the dragon energy before and though its effects were innitially good he fell ill soon after and now searches to find the highest concentration of energy. He employs a private army from his fortress in Prague and repeatedly attempts to kill George and Nico. He is finally beaten in Egypt where the Grand Master uses his power to kill him.

The Grand Master

The Leader of the Neo-Templars who is killed along with several of the Templars when Nico destroys the Sword. He attempts to turn George on his side but ultimately fails. He is later revealed to have survived the castle's explosion in the third Broken Sword game.

Followers of Tezcatlipoca


Suspected drug-smuggler, Karzac plots to revive Tezcatlipoca and to prevent the heroes from stopping him he plans to destroy the spirit stones. He kills Oubier's wife and gets him addicted to drugs in order to make him useful to his cause. He later organises Nico's abduction to get the Coyote Stone back. After his confrontation with Nico he is not seen until the London part where he reveals his plot to Oubier and then kills him.

Karzac is successful in bringing Tezcatlipoca out of the Smoking Mirror, but in doing so he seals his own fate. Tezcatlipoca impales him and he seemingly melts upon the event.


Karzac's main henchman, a menacing tall South American man. He poses as Oubier's butler and captures Nico leaving George to die at the burning house. He meets George and is knocked out in Marseilles. He appears again in London where Karzac kills Oubier. His last appearance is near the ending. He is killed in the games final cinematic, seen running away from the pyramid in tribal clothing he is killed by a blast of energy upon Tezcatlipoca's return.

Madame La Presidenta Grasiento

The dictator of Quaramonte and most likely Karzac's superior. She only appears twice, once to force her son to propose to Nico and at the end where he tries to choke Titipoco. The two trip and are left hanging from a ledge. Raoul appears and rescues Titipoco allowing his mother to fall to her death.

General Raoul Grasiento

Though starting out as a pawn to his mother Raoul is convinced by Nico that Karzac plans to dispose of him as soon as Tezcatlipoca has been freed. He has a brief struggle with Pablo off-screen, which he somehow survives to save Titipoco. He is rather tall with long blonde hair. In a conversation with Duane, George realises that he carries his medals on the wrong (the right) side of his chest.

Martino Crime Family

Toni Martino

Toni is bright, ambitious, smart and good-looking and is the first member of the Martino family with a degree in business studies. He is Killed, and made into the Martino Vintage Salimi at the Beginning for not obtaining the Manuscript the first time.

Fingers Martino

Fingers is a member of the Martino Crime Family. He has no fingers on his right hand, so he always wears gloves.

Chico Garella

Chico has been a gangster and member of the Martino Crime Family for fifty years, but he's still a foot soldier.

Vincenzo Spallacci

Spallacci is the Godfather of the Martino Crime Family.

Order of St. Michael

Father Devlin

Member of the Holy Order who gives George information on Anna Maria. It is only later revealed that he and Father Gregor intend to wipe out the non-Christians of the world with the power of the Ark. Devlin appears to survive the events with little personal consequence.

Father Gregor

Operating alongside yet more proactively than Father Devlin, Gregor was Anna Maria's employer and hired her to find the missing Cherub's of the Ark. He later shoots Cardinal Gianelli. He is himself sucked into the Ark's power-vortex when he launches for the Ark to save it from George's devastation.

Minor characters

  • Flobbage

A road-worker whose sewer-key is stolen by George and use several times during his adventure. He gives Flobbage a racing tip which turns his life around, he returns in Broken Sword: The Sleeping Dragon.

  • Sergeant Moue

A dutiful but over-excited Gendarme who has a habit of premature extrapolation which his superior, Rosso, detests. Moue is thought to be deceased during the first game but the sequel reveals that he apparently revealed Rosso's secret and simply went to hiding. He has some odd hobbies such as collecting matchboxes. A quote from the second game hints that he may have been promoted to Inspector during the time between the first game and the second. He bears a thick moustache.

  • Inspector Rosso

A stern officer of the law and a proponent of psychic-detection which he often uses to solve his cases. Rosso is later revealed to be a member of the Neo-Templars, the likely reason for the closing of the café-bombing investigation. Though Rosso tries to drive George away from revealing the truth he finally cracks at the end, killing Eklund to save George, before being shot by the Grand Master. He has yellowish skin, bears a moustache and a clean-shaven head.

  • Lady Piermont

The old English lady at the Piano in the Hotel Ubu. She is very helpful to George by giving him infomation on Khan and by distracting the clerk to allow him to take the room key. Later, she helps him obtain the manuscript. In Sleeping Dragon, she is mentioned again as "Aunt Clarissa" by her Niece Mellissa, although she never meets George again

  • Sean Fitzgerald

A young Irishman from Lochmarne who is supposed to deliver Peagram's Gem to Jacques Marquet. George scares him off and he gets run over by Khan who got disguised as a Pixie for the occasion. Whether or not he survived has never been disclosed.

  • Countess Vasconchelos

The lonely owner of the Vasconchelos' Lands and the last of her line, with just her gardener to keep her company. She believes that the Templars betrayed her family by not coming to the rescue of one of his ancestors and his children. In the end it is revealed that the lost Vesconchelos is buried in the cathedral at Montfaucon. Later George discovers the children's skeletons at the bottom of a forgotten well along with an ancient chess-piece and the final clue to the location of the Sword of Baphomet.

  • Titipoco

A dwarf who barely speaks English and originally a lackey for Karzac, he knocks Nico out with a blow-dart at the beginning of the game. Later in Marseilles, he is freed by George. He returns near the end of the game to help Nicole and George thwart Karzac. He carries one of the stones to the inner-sanctum of Tezcatlipoca's temple. He can't however reach the slot for the stone and is surprised by President Grasiento who tries to strangle him. The two almost fall in to the deep pit which separates the Mirror's platform from the rest of the room but is saved by Raoul who happily let's her mother fall to her death (thus fulfilling the prediction Nico received in London). He however cowers at the presence of Tezcatlipoca and Titipoco is able to climb on him and place the stone in its slot.

  • Conchita Garcia

Owner of a local mining company. Grasiento is believed to have sabotaged the mining operation to allow Oubier to discover Tezcatlipoca's pyramid. Conchita assists both George and Nico though plays a very minor role beyond that. She is very feministic and surrounds herself with male-secretaries, one of whom is revealed to wear only a hawaiian shirt and a speedo if the player triggers certain dialogue choices.

  • Miguel

A musician supposedly arrested for playing traditional Quaramontean music, but who is suspected of being an anti-government agent and thus sentenced to death. George busts himself and Miguel out of jail with the help of Duane Henderson. Miguel leads George and Nico to a boat that takes them up-river. He is believed to have been killed when a helicopter guns down the boat at night.

  • Father Hubert

A priest who was stranded in the jungle 11 years ago and lives in a tree-house occasionally visiting a native village. He discovers Nico and realises that she has been bitten by a venomous river snake. Regardless of knowing of a curing root he refuses to go to the village to retrieve it and only agrees if the player completes a medial task for him (pressing his collar). The player may later discover through the dialogue with the shaman that Hubert has several children, all conceived on the same week on the night of the "Monkey Dance".

  • Shaman

The Shaman tells the story behind the "spirit stones" and gives George the root he needs to heal Nico.

  • Rio

A little fisher boy George meets in the Caribbean. Rio provides George with a broken bicycle, a fish, a conch and later a boat-trip to "Zombie Island". At first he tries to intimidate George when he reveals his desire to go to Zombie Island but once they arrive Rio refuses to leave his boat. He however lends George a fishing net to help him up the rocky cliff-face.

  • Mr. Glease

The owner of the Glease Gallery in Paris which shows displays of Mayan pots and Gleases own paintings. He plays a rather minor role apart from revealing that Quaramonte is where Oubier gets his artifacts from. Despite owning a gallery in France Glease is Brittish. To George he reminds of an older version of Lobineu, right down to the ponytail.

  • Renaldo

Secretary and assistant to General Grasiento. He imprisons George catching him trying to bust Miguel out of jail. He plays no great role after the prison-break.

  • Professor Oubier

A French archaeologist suspected of having murdered his wife, an actress named Carol Kleimachs. He becomes addicted to drugs and the unwitting pawn of Karzac. He is confronted by George in Quaramonte but seems oblivious of Nico's abduction. He finally meets Nico in London where he steals the Jaguar Stone under orders from Karzac. Aboard Karzac's boat he is told the truth and immediately shot dead by Karzac.

  • The Ketch Sisters

Mina and Frost Ketch are the descendants of Captain Frederic Ketch, the pirate who stole the Eagle Stone from the Spanish. They are also the owners of the Frederic Ketch Memorial Museum. They've taken their niece Emily as their ward after her parents were killed. When the playe meets them they are planning on refurneshing the museum with the help of Mr. Bronson, but George reveals Bronson's true intentions and he is driven off. Frost is the slimmer of the two and more formal, whereas Mina is shorter and fat and, as her sister puts it, "delightfully ecentric".

  • Bronson

A land-developer hired to refurnish the Frederic Ketch Memorial Museum. George leaves him hanging from a flag-pole after which he reveals Bronson's true plans to the Ketch sisters, the plans to build a multi-story, pirate-themed hotel. He is last seen as George leaves for Zombie island, pushed off the pier by the Ketch Sisters

  • Emily

The niece of the Ketch sisters. She calls George, "Jaws" and asks a lot of questions. She's good friends with Rio though her aunts don't like him. It was recently revealed that Revolution's intentions were for her to be a ghost. The clues given were how the aunts didn't want to talk about her and how Rio missed her and how she sudden turned around to talk to George in a fade (that is usually mistaken for a glitch).

  • Haiku McHuwen

Haiku McHuwen is the teen star of the film-adaption of Treasure Island being filmed on Zombie Island. He plays Jimbo Hawkings, as he explains he got the director to change the name of the lead character. Haiku explains that he was named Haiku by her mother because when he was born, he was so small and beautiful, he reminded her of a Japanese poem. Additionally Limeric is his middle name.

  • Sharon Spitzer

The female-lead of Treasure Island. She wears a pink skin-tight supposedly period-accurate outfit and obnoxiously long boots.

  • Harris (Flash)

The sole camera-man of Treasure Island. The origins for his nickname are never explained, though it doesn't appear to have anything to do with photography.

  • Burt Savage

Haiku's stunt-double is a muscle-bound man, three times his age and has a British accent as well as brunette hair (even though Haiku is a blonde). He has had a long career in films and was previously in the army.

  • Robert Foster (Easter egg)

In an Easter egg scene in the London underground station the player may trigger the tunnel scene where Nico witnesses Robert Foster, the hero of Beneath A Steel Sky, being devoured by the monster living in the crack of the subway tunnel wall, despite Nico's warnings that "[she has] played this game before!"

  • Harry

George's heavy-drinking Australian chauffeur, who flies George's plane in the beginning and helps him escape at the end of the first Congo chapter. Using the jeep he stole from the bad-guys, Harry sets up his own taxi-service. He finally helps George and Nico by flying them to Glastonbury.

  • Vernon Blier

A hacker hired by the Dragon Cult to crack the Voynich Manuscript for a large sum of money. However, when they threaten to kill him he arranges an interview with Nico, but is tricked and killed by Petra. Vernon is short but brilliant hacker with a severe case of acne. His girlfriend Beatrice, which he calls Mouse, helps the players during the adventure.

  • Beatrice (Mouse)

Vernon's goth girlfriend who helps Nico by unwittingly providing the combination to Vernon's safe. Towards the end she begins to have something of a relationship with André.

  • Dudley Cholmondely

The scientist George was supposed to meet. Susarro kills him. It is learnt from Bruno that his name is pronounced Chumley, pronouncing it chol-mon-de-ley apparently drives him nuts.

  • Colonel Butley

Former Brittish colonel who is looking for his daughter Melissa.

  • Melissa Butley

The daughter of Colonel Butley who went to stay with Hillage. George at first believes she's been tricked by Hillage's plagirised poetry, but it turns out Melissa majored in Irish literature. She is the niece of lady Piermont from Broken Sword: The Shadow of the Templars.

  • Madame Zazi

A fortune-teller from Glastonbury. She has a strong similarity to the Voodoo Lady from the Monkey Island series.

  • Tristram Hillage

A hippie-poet and the owner of the Cosmic Faerie at Glastonbury. His poems turn out to be plagirised.

  • St. Stefan Chapter leader

He knights George and gives him the Psi-stone.

  • Virgil

Virgil is an Ex-Marine, Ex-Con, Computer Hacker and George’s partner at the Bail Bond Agency.

  • Alfonso

The owner of the Hotel that Anna-Maria is staying at.

  • Thelwell Minster

A guest of the Hotel Anna-Maria is staying at. He has a fondness of Geese.

  • Mevlut

Mevlut is an undercover Turkey secret service agent that has been after George because he has connections with The Mob.

  • Brother Mark

Brother Mark is a Priest and neighbour of Anna-Maria. He has certain Homosexual Tendencies such as wearing purple Rubber Gloves and constantly cleaning, he is also a big fan of Lucy Chu a fictional movie star (an obvious reference to Lucy Liu).

  • Archie Lonsdale

Archie is a tramp living outside Anna-Maria's Apartment who has come from England to write a book about wines.

Other recurring characters

  • André Lobineau

A History student that Nicole had known in college who still considers him a contestant for her affections. Though subtle he gets carried away when talking about history. Though an expert on history, his geography is apparently not that good. His distinct feature is his ponytail which George seems to detest (though this might be due to its bearer).

  • The Gendarme

A Gendarme is constantly drinking at the café near Mountfaucon, unaware that the Neo-Templars meeting place is located in the underground caves beneath it. He would later return in the sequel after being forced to retire.

  • The Hendersons

An American couple called Duane and Pearl Henderson who visit the Marib town in Syria. Both overweight and jolly, Duane is the chairman of a greeting card manufacturing company. George tricks them in to giving him 50$. They return for an appearance in Broken Sword II: The Smoking Mirror when George bumps into them in Quaramonte City in Central America. Duane however claims he works for the C.I.A..

  • Eamon O'Mara

An Irish BBC TV-personality who is proud of his heritage and becomes angered after realising that Hillage has plagirised famous Irish poets. He is mentioned in Broken Sword 4.

Hitman: The Albino


47's nemesis in Hitman: Blood Money, Mark Parchezzi III aka "The Albino" is an expert assassin and a master of disguises.



Possessing many of the same abilities as Agent 47, he is able to blend into the background like a chameleon to carry out subversive operations. With a white suit over a black shirt and tie, his color scheme is the exact opposite of 47's (although like 47, he is fond of disguises and thus is often seen in other clothes as well). He is first seen in a cutscene at the beginning of the game, reading about one of 47's contract killings in the newspaper. He is mentioned in newspaper reports and radio broadcasts throughout the game, and various newspaper clippings note that he tops the FBI's most wanted list.

It is eventually revealed that his real name is simply "Mark III", and like 47 he is a genetically engineered clone, the strongest in a series of clones separate from 47's genetic line (A lesser clone in the line, Mark II, is seen earlier in the game as the leader of the assassin group "the Crows"). Ultimately, the Albino is revealed to be the leader of the Franchise, the arch-enemy of the Agency, as well as having been hired to assassinate the President of the United States. Near the end of the game, Agent 47 foils the assassination and kills Mark III in a climactic shootout on the roof of the White House.

References in the game



Tenchu characters


Lord Mei-Oh - Biography


Lord Mei-Oh is the main villain and the Lord of Hell in the Tenchu series.

A demon who seems determined to deliver chaos and destruction to the worlds. He has a mysterious interest for the Azuma Ninja Clan and Lord Gohda's small province. Trapped in another realm he seeks entrance to this world. A special portal allows him to travel between the times and dimensions, but once it has been closed it is very difficult to re-open it. His right-hand man Onikage prepares everything for Lord Mei-Oh's arrival. Shichishito is the magical sword Lord Mei-Oh wields.




Onikage, also known as The Shadow Demon is the chief servant of Lord Mei-Oh in the Tenchu series.

His past is yet unknown and mysterious. His age difficult to determine, but he is probably a couple hundred of years old. A demon whos past is unknown, Onikage combines his love for destruction and murdering with his goal to open a portal for his Lord, so he can rule hell and Earth. The first known meeting of Onikage and the Azuma Ninja takes place in Tenchu 2: Birth of the Stealth Assassins. Onikage joined a group called "The Burning Dawn" who were fighting against Lord Gohda and the Azuma Ninja Clan, disguised as a man called Suzaku. The Azuma Ninja did not know Onikage and Suzaku were one and the same. There seems to be a link between him and the Azuma Ninja Clan. Onikage watches the Azuma Ninja and Gohda territory closely and misses no chance to cause trouble. Onikage will do everything necessary to please Lord Mei-Oh. No sacrifice is too big if he can reach his goal.


Among other powers he has the abilitly to ressurect from the dead. He is a master of disguise among other skills.