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The Hypothetical Country of Estado is the basis of many international law classes around the country. The Information contained bellow is accurate to the to the subject of Estado and is meant to be an authority on the subject in its relation to the the study of international law

Estado National Flag
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Conventional long form: The States of Texas

Conventional short form: Texas
Local Long Form: Los Estados de Tejas
Local Short Form: Estado
Current Government type: Democracy (currently a military regime)
Capital: Port El Centro, the Estado Presidential Palace is located here
Administrative divisions: Original Tejas, Oakies, Rio Bravo
Independence: May 7, 1796 from Hispaneeka
La Constitución ratified September 1, 1801; amended June 1, 1851
Legal Systems:
mixed legal system of English and Spanish common law

election results: John Ferguson elected president; number of votes in first round – John Ferguson 100; Colonel Santo 40; Nick Pokorny 10



Unicameral (150 seats; political parties are elected by popular vote and assigned seats for members on a proportional basis; members serve two-year terms) elections: last held on 31 October 2010 (next scheduled election to be held in 2012) election results: El Partido del pueblo de la Democracia (PPD) 22.5%, Partido Revolutionario Institutional (PRP) 21.6%, Bravo Liberation Organization (B.L.O.) 11.7%, La clase de los estudiantes politicos (C.E.P.) 11.4%, Los trabajadores (L.P.T.)11.4%, La gente de escocia (L.G.E.) 11.4%, El Labor 9.9%, La Luce del Pueblo (LLP).1% note: The B.L.O. in The Assembly on 17 January 1985 split from the more extremist B.L.O. that they say uses terroristic methods to illegally gain independence. The LLP is the ultra-radical group of Estado citizens within the PRP. Judicial: La Gente del Tribunal Supremo (The People’s High Court; president, vice presidents and other justices appointed by The Assembly; mandatory retirement age is 85) Political Parties and Leaders: El Partido del pueblo de la Democracia (PPD) [John Ferguson]; Partido Revolutionario Institutional (PRP) [Colonel Santo]; Bravo Liberation Organization (B.L.O.) [Jabr Woki]; La clase de los estudiantes politicos (C.E.P.) [David Tennant]; Los trabajadores (L.P.T.) [Primero enmienda ];La gente de escocia (L.G.E.) [William Wallace], El Labor [Jose el Mujeriego] La Luce del Pueblo [Zorro Rebeles ]



president elected by The Assembly for a six-year term (no limit); election last held 1 October 2006 (next to be held in 2012); following legislative elections, the president, in consultation with party leaders, assigns the heads of the departments of states election results: John Ferguson elected president; number of votes in first round – John Ferguson 100; Colonel Santo 40; Nick Pokorny 10


Head of Government: President John Ferguson (since his birthday)
Cabinet: Selected by the President and approved by The Assembly
Minister of State: Ariel Stevenson
Minister of Banking and Commerce: Patrick Campbell
Secretary of the Federal Reserve: Eric Felux
Secretary of Defense: Andrew Valencia
Attorney General: Dimitri Vaynshteyn
Secretary of Education: Hailey Digel
Secretary of Health and Human Services: Kristie Nguyen
Secretary of Energy: Nick Pokorny
Secretary of Security: Logan Dewitt

Political Pressure groups and leaders:


Human Rights Commission [Luis Hernandez, Executive Director] human rights advocacy; Bravo Liberation Organization Advocacy Group [Andres Ziliveti, President ] promotes nonviolent liberation of Rio Bravo, Bravo Liberation Organization Freedom Group[Raymond Garcia, President] defends self-determination of the Rio Bravoians, The Organization of Central American States[Urbano Nato, Executive direction] U.N. regional agency whose goal is regional containment of the Estado situation and avoidance of a confrontation between the Eastern and Western Superpowers, Amnesty International[Kelley Justice, Executive director] worldwide organization designed to monitor progress toward the accomplishment of UN human rights goals

Estado Ambassador to the U.S.A.: Manuel Vargas

Assistant Estado Ambassador to the U.S.A.: Brittney Quezada

Estado Ambassador to the U.N.: Mariam Erkin

Assistant Estado Ambassador to the U.N.: Jillian Obenoskey

Diplomatic Representation from the U.S.: Jasmine Colvin

History of Government Development:


The French and Spanish settled Los Estados de Tejas in the 17th century; Los Estados de Tejas was a province of both France and Spain. In the late 17th century it became a province of Hispaneeka and won its independence in the late 18th century. Within the past decade there have been periods of military rule. Estado is heavily dependent economically and politically upon the U.S. and is vulnerable to external pressures, especially communist Rogue. In January 1986 Colonel Santo became the leader of the Partido Revolutionario Institutional (Peoples’ Revolutionary Party), which was and is dominated by senior military commanders of Estado. The PRP wants to end Estado dependence upon what they call “global and regional dominance by the U.S.” Citizens of Estado view the PRP as a means for putting profit from Estado’s natural resources’ back into Estado’s economy, rather than allowing the U.S. alone to benefit. Colonel Santo orchestrated a military coup in the summer of 1986. The former leaders then created a rebel organization (“Los Rebeldes”-supported by the U.S. who wants to restore political and economic stability to Estado) against Santo until they were returned to power.

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Santo took complete control over all three branches of the government, established martial law. Colonel Santo created the “People’s Tribunal” for prosecution of rebels. It was given the power to imprison anyone suspected of “civil disobedience.” The judiciary has in effect been eliminated. Santo’s totalitarian regime sought and received economic aid and military weapons from Rogue, a powerful communist nation in the Eastern Hemisphere. The U.S. and Estado are currently at political odds with one another and on the verge of war over Estado’s nationalization of Subcorp, a subsidiary corporation of Menpar, a large multinational U.S.-based enterprise. Subcorp mines “lumpit”, a valuable ore found mainly in Estado and used to create energy. Supcorp also has the exclusive drilling right in Estrado.

Rio Bravo won its independence from France ten years before Estado’s independence. In 1806 Estado occupied Rio Bravo. The Bravo Liberation Organization was created in 1962 to liberate the Rio Bravo province. There have been four insurrections led by B.L.O. members all of which have failed, the last one in 1966. Its leaders have set up a shadow government on Quero, an island off of Rio Bravo. The leader of the B.L.O. is Jabr Woki. Austria, India, and the USSR have officially recognized the State of Rio Bravo. Rio Bravo has been given nonvoting “observer” status in the General Assembly. In 1982 the B.L.O. proclaimed the existence of the independent state of Rio Bravo which was immediately recognized by Cantankerousia. Rio Bravo is currently seeking membership in the U.N. as a state. As of today, legislations has stalled due to China’s indifference and France’s veto in the Security Council vote.



The Estado Armed Forces (EAF) is divided into three core branches; the Estado Army, Navy, and Air Force. They are all commanded by the President and headed by a chief of staff (officially a Minister) from within the branch by the President. The Estado Armed Forces have a history of operating mainly in domestic situations. They were once militarily dependent on neighboring super power, the United States of Amerislia (USA). The USA used to provide Estado with funding for new military equipment, including some co-development of new weapons systems. The USA and some of its allies would also sell large amounts of military equipment to the nation of Estado. The USA helped train Estado militia. Estado had once leased land to the USA for a large, modern military base in Porto El Centro. The USA used the base to assist in the joint defense of the state and surrounding region. The base was viewed by the PRP to be the USA’s chief tool in promoting Estado’s military dependence on the United States and as an impediment to the country’s nationalism. Estado’s military dependence was a source of contention amongst political dissidents, especially officers in the military. The military budget before the rise of the PRP was around 0.5%.

After Colonel Santo’s coup, Estado’s military underwent many changes. As a start, Colonel Santo restructured the military. He changed the name from the Estado Armed Forces to the Estado Defense Forces (EDF). It was divided into regional headquarters subordinate to the central, national headquarters in Porto El Centro. The regions recruit non-commissioned officers and enlistees locally so that the service men and women can be stationed near their homes and family during their military service. This has had a positive cultural impact on the people and has allowed there to be a standing military presence and general preparedness throughout the country. The regional structure has also proven strategically beneficial in the regime’s efforts to control insurrectionist activities. Commissioned officers are expected to be mobile though, and move from assignment to assignment. Officers are held in high regards by the populace and obtaining a commission has helped many lower and middle class citizens rise in social rank. Colonel Santo has also increased military spending in an attempt to make Estado’s military stronger and more independent. All branches – as well as the independent Zeta Special Forces, Corps of Military Police, and several elite, motorized Presidential Guard Brigades – have their headquarters in Porto El Centro but the bulk of the military is located in Bexar, including most manufacturing of military equipment.

neThe military budget increased to 26% of Estado’s GDP after Colonel Santo’s acquisition of power, with a spike peaking at 57% GDP during the Menpar Crises between Estado and the USA. Since then it has steadily lowered to 7% of GDP. Much of this money was spent on modernizing the military and making it more self-sufficient. It now develops its own weapons and military equipment in plants in Bexar. The Navy has significant infrastructure in El Centro and Porto Bravo which included dockyards with shipbuilding capabilities. The Air Force has 14 air bases throughout the country and is capable of setting up temporary forward operating bases in dozens of locations. The Estado military infrastructure has provided many jobs and has a large economic impact on the nation as a whole.

The mission of the Estado Defense Forces is in the defense of the state from three general threats. The military practices for three plans of operation: preparation of military forces to repel external aggression (DN1); to protect the internal security of the country (DN2); and to protect and assist the civilian population in times of natural disasters and other national crisis (DN3). In the years immediately following the PRP’s rise to power, DN1 was implemented during the Menpar Crisis and extensively trained for in the following years. DN2 was also used and trained for frequently during the same period but for a longer duration. Both DN1 and DN2 have been less emphasized in recent decades as there has been less need of them. DN3 has since become the most implemented defense plan. The EDF has undertaken numerous humanitarian and UN peacekeeping missions after the turn of the century including a 2005 humanitarian mission in response to the devastation brought to Tobaccosubsidia by Hurricane Catherine.

Estado has the ability to manufacture nuclear weapons but pledged to only use its nuclear technology for peaceful purposes in the 1968 Treaty of Wacko; which came into creation after top political leaders and intellectual minds of Estado and the USA met for a two-week long conference in the city of Wacko. In 1970, however, Estado’s National Institute for Nuclear Research in Bexar successfully refined weapons grade uranium. The USA officially did nothing against this until Colonel Santo’s government came into power. Estado is not part of the Treaty on the Non-Proliferation of Nuclear Weapons. It is widely believed to possess nuclear weapons and biological and chemical weapons of mass destruction. The Estado government has adopted a stance of deliberate ambiguity when questioned about it’s nuclear capabilities. The government has promoted the construction of bomb shelters that are impermeable to chemical attacks in homes and community centers. Critics fear this is preparation for a nuclear/chemical war.



Significant Economic Cities in Estado

Port El Centro – Center of Manufacturing
Oilindustria – Petro Chemical Center
Bexar – Major Manufacturing, Estado Military
Port Bravo – Major Port
Dulwuth - Manufacturing complex serving the agricultural commerce



Los Estado de Tejas is increasingly urban industrialized with a tremendous continuous in-migration from the southern USA, Farmsubsidia, Defenseindustria, Hispaneeka and all of Latin America. But it remains largely rural in outlook. In fact, agriculture remains the single largest industry in the nation with major cotton, cattle, vegetable and grain exports. The second largest industry is mineral related centered around oil, and mining sulpher. Estado’s economy has been marked by rampant inflation. Yet it is rich in natural resources and attractive to foreign investors due to the availability of cheap labor.

Foreign Economic Relations


Since World War II, the USA has given a large amount of aid to Estado in various forms. Estado has received numerous legislative grants, funding for new military equipment, and provisions for USA military advisors to train Estado’s militia. The USA’s tax laws generate another form of assistance to Estado. For several decades, generous foreign investment tax incentives have motivated USA companies to establish businesses in Estado. The combined effect of these varied incentives is that USA corporations enjoy a substantially high rate of return on their investments in Estado. These subsidiaries transmit most of that profit from Estado to their parent corporations in the USA Senator Smith is the long-time chair of the USA Senate Foreign Relations Committee. His following statement describes his view of the relationship between the USA and Estado: “We must assist the people of Estado in order to mutually prevent the consequences of Estado falling within the sphere of another superpower’s influence. The USA must continue to provide economic aid for Estado’s shaky economy – to increase the purchasing power of the people of Estado and to facilitate the establishment of USA business interests in Estado. USA business employ numerous Estado citizens and generate an increasing volume of Estado exports. As a direct result of our pouring aid into Estado, it is a wonderful place for USA citizens to visit or invest in.”

Natural Resources


A large multinational enterprise called Menpar is the USA-based corporate parent of many worldwide subsidiary corporations. Menpar has established a foreign corporate subsidiary in Estado called Subcorp. No key management personnel of Subcorp are citizens of Estado. All of Subcorp’s blue collar workers are Estado nationals. Subcorp is solely responsible for all mining of “lumpit”, a valuable ore found mainly in Estado. Lumpit is used to create energy. USA scientists are exploring whether it can be the energy alternative to oil. Estado’s natural resources include oil. Subcorp’s licensing agreement with the Estado government gives it the exclusive right to do all of the drilling in this oil-rich nation. There are vast reserves of both lumpit and oil in the seabed adjacent to Estado’s shores-up to three hundred nautical miles from its coastline.



The currency of Estado is the Pappi. As of 2012 a single Euro is worth 25 Pappis. Pappis are stamped aluminum coins with 3 Pappi, 7 Pappi and 13 Pappi coins currently in circulations. Due to the simple design of the coin and the availability and malleability of aluminum, the Pappi is the single most counterfeited coin in the entire world. Estado’s economic experts believe that the rampant inflation in Estado is in large part due to large amounts of counterfeit Pappis in circulation.

Estados currency the PAPPI

Automotive Industry


After Colonel Santo usurped control of Estado, he issued a ban on buying foreign vehicle in order to bolster the domestic automotive industry. There are 3 main automobile companies in Estado: Pollito, Lagarto and Taqueria. Lagarto produces the most luxurious cars in all of Estado including the 2010 Cocodrilo.

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Crime and Law Enforcement


Law enforcement in Estado is executed by two state police forces and one state bureau; each with their own set of non-overlapping responsibilities. Criminal law enforcement throughout the state is the responsibility of the Estado State Police, while enforcement of highway and interstate laws are conducted by the Estado Highway Patrol. The State Bureau of Investigation is the primary law enforcement agent of the High Court of Estado; and is responsible for conducting all High Court and federally approved investigations. Estado’s jurisprudence operates on a common law system with two distinct court levels. The first level is the Estado State Court whose jurisdiction falls onto all crimes not considered to be capital crimes. The Estado High Court is responsible for all capital crimes (which include murder, treason, and all other crimes (drug offenses, larceny, white color crime etc...) that exceed more than $100,000 in estimated value), all crimes stemming from federally sanctioned investigations conducted by the State Bureau of Investigation, and can utilize judicial review when deemed necessary by the court.

Estado reports one of the lowest rates of criminal activity in comparison to all other states in the international community. Many experts attribute this to Estado’s progressive laws concerning gun ownership and drug enforcement. Estado is a firm believer in the individual’s right to own guns and has one of the highest rates of per capita gun ownership in the entire world, but reports one of the lowest rates of gun related crimes. Violent crime is also extremely limited in Estado, only 2% of all crimes are considered to be violent offenses. Until 1980 Estado had a zero tolerance policy for all drugs (excluding tobacco, alcohol, and doctor proscribed pharmaceuticals), this law was changed in 1980 when the state’s police forces, judicial system, and corrections/detentions departments where faced with extreme budget deficits that threatened to bring the entire system to a standstill. Estado’s current drug policy is to tax and regulate all naturally occurring substances, while all synthetic substances still remain illegal under law. Multiple studies concerning Estado’s drug policies have been conducted and report that crime has fallen in all areas as a result of this policy. Estado is one of handful of countries left in the world that still utilizes the death penalty for capital cases involved with murder and treason. They have a well regulated judicial process concerning the death penalty with a strict 5 year timeline that must be followed when the state is seeking the death penalty for a capital crime. Los Estados de Tejas – Diplomacy and Infrastructure



For the most part, Estado is a rural country. The economy of Estado is largely based upon its agricultural production. Their exports include cotton, cattle, vegetables, and grains. Their second largest export is mining sulphur and a substance called lumpit that can be used for energy. Its infrastructure supports the economy and the business investments that are made in Estado. Energy- Estado derives much of its energy from its mining of lumpit. It also imports petroleum as part of its energy consumption. Energy consumption per capita is 5.5 tons of lumpit equivalent per year. Estado is the second largest consumer of limpet, behind the USA. Estado has two nuclear power plants that are not used extensively. Education – Education in Estado follows that of its neighbor, the USA. Attendance in school is required by the Estadoan government up until age 18. Approximately 90% of the children in Estado attend public schools, while the remaining 10% attend parochial or nonsectarian private schools. The literacy rate in Estado is 97%. Of all of Estadoan adults, approximately 65% attended college, with 62% earning a bachelor’s degree and 15% earning a graduate degree. The education standard of Estado is comparatively lower than that of the USA, but with one exception. Estado makes a major cultural contribution to the world through its educational complex located in Wacko, Estado that leads the world in academic research and philosophical inquiry. Health – The results of the Estado census taken in 2010 recorded that the life expectancy of Los Estados de Tejas to be 70 years. The birth rate is the second highest in the world. The obesity rate is also quite high in Estado. The healthcare system in place is modeled after the one used in the USA, in that there is a joint system of coverage between public and private means, but is not quite as efficient. This is largely in part to the heavy influence of the USA workers who live in Estado. Universal healthcare has been hotly debated in Estado recently, and its gradual implementation is expected in coming years.



Estado has an area of 268,820 square miles (696,200 km2). Estado is in the south-central part of the North America. One classification system divides Estado, in order southeast to west, into the following: Gulf Coastal Plains, Interior Lowlands, Great Plains, and Basin and Range Province. The Gulf Coastal Plains region wraps around the Gulf on the southeast section of the state. Vegetation in this region consists of thick piney woods. The Interior Lowlands region consists of gently rolling to hilly forested land is part of a larger pine-hardwood forest. The Great Plains region in central Estado is located in spans through the state's panhandle to the state's hill country near its Capitol. This region is dominated by prairie and steppe. The "Far West Estado” region is the state's Basin and Raelnge Province.

The large size of Estado and its location at the intersection of multiple climate zones gives the state highly variable weather. The Panhandle of the state has colder winters than North Estado, while the Gulf Coast has mild winters. Estado has wide variations in precipitation patterns. Maximum temperatures in the summer months average from the 80s °F (26 °C) in the mountains of West Estado and on Quero Islands to around 100 °F (38 °C) in the Rio Grande Valley, but most areas of Estado see consistent summer high temperatures in the 90 °F (32 °C) range. Night time summer temperatures range from the upper 50s °F (14 °C) in the West Estado mountains to 80 °F (27 °C) in the Quero Islands. Estado emits the most greenhouse gases in the western hemisphere and ranks seventh in the world as a producer of greenhouse gases. The country emits nearly 1.5 trillion pounds (680 billion kg) of carbon dioxide annually. Causes of the state's vast greenhouse gas emissions include the state's large number of coal power plants and the state's refining and manufacturing industries.





The literature of Estado has been mostly influenced by Watersubsidia and Tobaccosubsidia. It found its voice in the early 19th century. Most of the literature has been heavily based on Estado’s Partido Revolutionaro Institutional (People’s Revolutionary Part or PRP) that began in 1985 and the very popular Colonel Santo the leader of the PRP in 1986. A lot of the literature had the theme of “Viva el pueblo y abajo con la intervention extranera!” (Power to the people and down with foreign intervention)” the PRP’s very own slogan. Authors like Venutio Vasques, Amos Garcia, Dennis Mattiyahu, and Miyersicht Guerrero were the notable authors that composed literature of great significance to Estado’s culture. Literature formed a way of social protest for a lot of the Estadians that were in rebellion from the United States of Amerislia’s oppressive regime and threats. Two leading poets, Marino Lev, and Herrero Netzky received Nobel Peace Prize and the Premio Nacional de Lingüística y Literatura for their works that covered Estado’s upheavels with the BLO and United States of Amerislia.



The Estadoan society enjoys a variety of music genres, from meringue, hasidic melodies, salso, rumba, mambo, and Greek music. Estado is known for its folk songs among which “Melodies of the land of Estado” are made mandatory for elementary through high school systems to teach and make students memorize. Estado instills pride in its citizens, especially at a young age, through the use of music. Notable artists are Pedro Ben-Horin, Rosa Sefky, Ralia, and Enrique Skora that form the pop culture. Hip Hop artists include Sustantivo, GCDD (Grandes Cantidades de Dinero), and Fakira, entertain the youth. Estado is also known for its orchestra “El Estado Sinfonia” that entertains the politicians and leaders as well as the general public.



Estadoan cuisine is a mix of Cuban, Israeli, and Mexican cuisines. The focus of Estadoan local foods is on flavor and spices. Estado is globally known for its demon pepper, the world’s spiciest pepper that is used in its ethnically popular dish “El burrito de chimichanga”. Estadoans love using meat of all kinds in their dishes but most of the popular dishes are heavily focused on “pollo”, chicken. Agriculture is a large part of Estadoan culture. Estado cultivates maize, tomato, beans, sweet potatoes, squash, papayas, mangoes, and cocoa. Estadoan cuisine is also influenced by international cuisine, especially that of Italian, and Greek.



Estados Main sport for hundreds of years has been cock fighting, although the practice has come under much scrutinity by anminal rights groups in the recent decades. Baseball and soccer have become very popular since the 1960s, wit many of Estados national teams becomeing successful international competition.

Diplomacy –


Estado is a member of a few international treaties and has established embassies in a handful of other countries. Estadoan diplomats have been present at the signing of all of the unilateral and multilateral treaties to which Estado is a party. These treaties include: the 1953 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce and Navigation, The Organization of American States, the General Agreement on Tariffs and Trades (GATT), and the 1974 UN Declaration of the Establishment of a New International Economic Order and the Charter of the Economic Rights and Duties of States. Estado's diplomats are nominated by the President, Colonel Santo, and then approved by a vote in the senate. Estado has closest diplomatic ties to its neighbor, USA, who aids Estado economically and militarily. Estado has recently made efforts to increase its diplomatic activities, despite the instability of the government as of late. == International Relations ==

Treaties Signed

UN Charter – Member of UN General Assembly
1974 United Nations Declaration on the Establishment of a New International Economic Order (see Sec. 1.4).
UN Charter of Economic Rights and Duties of States.
Status of Forces Agreement 1953: “Anyone who harms a military occupant of any USA installation in Estado must be turned over to the USA military authorities for trial by court-martial at the military base in Estado.”
Charter of the Organization of Central American States
Inter-American Treaty of Reciprocal Assistance
Vienna Convention on Diplomatic Relations.
General Agreement on Tariffs and Trade (GATT
1953 Treaty of Friendship, Commerce, and Navigation (FCN).
Joint defense of the state and the surrounding region
Help Estado troops to deal with rebellions in the rural areas
Another benefit of the FCN treaty is the right of the USA citizens to establish business operations in Estado.
United Nations Convention of the Law of the Sea
First Geneva Convention -1895
Second Geneva Convention 1909
Fourth Geneva Convention with a reservation on aggression - 1950
International Opium Convention
1994 – North American Free Trade Agreement (NAFTA)

Treaties not Signed

Third Geneva Convention
1963 – Vienna Convention on Consular Relations
1963 – Vienna Convention on Civil Liability for Nuclear Damage
1963 – Partial Test Ban Treaty
1968 – Nuclear Non-Proliferation Treaty
1969 – Vienna Convention on the Law of Treaties
1988 – United Nations Convention Against Torture
1998 – Rome Statute of the International Criminal Court ("unsigned" by the U.S.)

Questions Of international Law Which Can Be Developed Using Estado


-International treaties and contracts, being in one and what constitutes breaking one. -If a contract/treaty is broken what repercussions are there and what does that mean for each country now and how are they allowed to act. -If a revolution takes place, does that government still have to respect the treaties that the country participates in? What if the contract is not written? Does is still hold even if one state’s domestic laws say it shouldn’t? - Are UN declarations on this issue and any other binding and enforceable? Can a state choose not to join certain resolutions while still being a part of the overall UN? When does an issue reach enough international consensus to become international law?



-Can powerful countries pressure weaker countries into agreements that take advantage of the weaker state? At what point is this an issue of sovereignty? -Can a state support an uprising within another country? What would make this acceptable? Does this break the international laws on respecting sovereignty?

Private Corporations


-Jurisdiction for hearing cases about foreign corporations in a country -What laws are a foreign corporation subject to within the country they are acting within? -Can a private foreign corporation be nationalized? Should it then be compensated? -What rights do the countries owning foreign corporations have to protect their corporation within another country?

Threats to Peace


-What constitutes a threat to peace and at what point does international law say that it can be dealt with and in what way? -When is force an acceptable means for one country against another? Economics -Can countries legally “dump” products on another country meaning to sell it below market value? Also, what are the consequences when a country is in an agreement where they agreed not to dump and then still do? -Can states inflict restrictions on the goods imported from one country more harshly than another to undermine their influence?



-What obligations does a state have to grant asylum? What does international law say about asylum and granting it? -Does the person receiving asylum have the right to leave safely and does the country they want asylum from have a duty to grant safe passage?