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While not as well-known as some western artists, Virginia True "epitomized the pioneer spirit of the United States in the early twentieth century."[1] A midwesterner, True was born at the turn of the century, in 1900 in St. Louis,MO. Although both parents were classical musicians, True herself exhibited her innate talent in the visual arts rather than the musical field. She began her college education at Butler University's College of Education, but chose to complete her studies at the John Herron Art Institute, now known as the Herron School of Art and Design, in Indianapolis, IN. At the time, Indianapolis had an active arts community, which included noted artists, such as William Merritt Chase, Frank Duveneck and the renowned New Mexico printmaker, Gustave Baumann. True's education at the Herron was followed by a one-year scholarship to the Pennsylvania Academy of Fine Arts.

True's first visit to the Southwest took place in 1928 in the company of friends from the Herron Institute. This lively group traveled down the High Road from Taos, NM, into the Rio Grande Valley and Santa Fe. Her response to the culture and landscape of New Mexico was intense. "Might I preserve on canvas my thrill and deep feeling of the grand things of nature I have beheld today."[2] In 1929, True accepted a position in the Fine Arts Department of the University of Colorado in Boulder, CO.> By 1931, she exhibited for the first time at the New Mexico Museum of Art, and her work attracted the attention of the Santa Fe New Mexican, which noted that "...Miss Virginia True, art instructor at the University of Colorado, has shown a large number of etchings and paintings...of Colorado and New Mexico, many of which are done in a very pleasing manner." A one-woman show the following year, garnered the same reviewers comment that she "paints with a boldness and strength of purpose that leads one to think of a man's work."[3]

Building on her success, True joined with fellow artists to embrace Regionalism, an artistic school of thought that placed great value on a sense of place and community. Calling themselves The Prospectors, the group of five participated in exhibitions around the country, where True was judged to be the most accomplished artist. Often featuring manmade structures in the landscape, True's watercolors and oil paintings demonstrate her keen powers of observation and artistic ability, and her appreciation for the natural environment is evident.

In 1935, True recognized that she could go no further at the University of Colorado with a simple Bachelor of Arts, so she began a Master of Arts program at Cornell University. By the time she completed her studies, however, the University of Colorado had no position for her, so she stayed in the East and began teaching at Cornell, eventually becoming the chairman of the Department of Housing and Design. Although she spent the rest of her life in the East, retiring to Cape Cod where she lived until her death in 1989, her work in the Southwest remains fresh, vibrant and an enduring representation of the American West

Virginia True's perception of the artist's life is amply demonstrated by her comment that "to be an artist is a very upsetting thing, because you must come to grips with what you really think and what is really basic and what is truly you."<ref>Zaplin Lampert Gallery (2001). Virginia True. Santa fe, NM: Zaplin Lampert Gallery.


  1. ^ Zaplin Lampert Gallery (2001). Virginia True. Santa Fe, NM, USA: Zaplin Lampert Gallery.
  2. ^ Zaplin Lampert Gallery (2001). Virginia True. Santa Fe, NM: Zaplin Lampert Gallery.
  3. ^ Zaplin Lampert Gallery (2001). Virginia True. Santa Fe, NM: Zaplin Lampert Gallery.