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The trade relations between Afghanistan and Iran are increasing after a year, Iran established the largest trade center in the city of Kabul.

Written by Sayed Ismail Sadat, Freelance Journalist in Afghanistan Friday, 27 Aug, 2022

Establishing Iran's largest commercial center in Kabul
Establishing Iran's largest commercial center in Kabul

Iran and Afghanistan are two neighboring countries with common interests, if they honestly use the economic opportunities created for them, they will gain mutual benefits. Iran is going to open the largest trade center and a permanent exhibition of Iranian goods soon in Kabul the capital of Afghanistan.

Mr. Hassan Kazemi Qoumi, special representative of the president of Iran for Afghanistan affairs, in Afghanistan say, according to the sources and experts of Iran and Afghanistan, the opening of this commercial center can express the depth of expansion of economic relations between Tehran and Kabul and give more intensity. Apparently, in the coming few days, Kabul will witness the opening of the largest commercial center, which will operate as a permanent exhibition of goods produced in the Islamic Republic of Iran and goods produced in Afghanistan, where the citizens of the two countries can benefit from the cultural commonality in the consumer products of Afghanistan and Iran.

With this investment, after the Taliban's takeover of Afghanistan, Iran became the largest neighboring country in Afghanistan, which has made such large investments in this country.

This Trade Center and a permanent exhibition of the Islamic Republic of Iran in an area of over 7 thousand square meters of land, in 4 floors, 11 residential office floors, 4 thousand 200 meters of dedicated warehouse in a suitable geographical location in Kabul, as the largest center of trade relations between the two neighboring countries Iran and Afghanistan have been established.

For the construction of this commercial center, Iran spent nearly "Ten million US dollars”.

Mr. Qoumi continued to say, regarding the construction of the largest trade center and a permanent exhibition of Iranian products in Afghanistan, Iranian officials have said that this center can be used in the areas of customs cooperation between the two countries, clearance and transportation of goods, legal advice to set up and conclude contracts, transportation services and Money transfer (exchange), training of the local and expert workforce, nationwide advertising in television and outdoor advertising sectors, to brand products, create an exclusive representation of Iranian manufacturing companies in Afghanistan and invite production and industrial, commercial units of the two countries, to be used. Economic experts say that the Taliban seems to be optimistic about Iran's action. Since a country with a population of about 40 million people, a consumption and import economy, and this center can at least meet the needs of the citizens of Kabul through access to goods Suitable for consumption. Although economic experts consider the presence of low-quality and cheap Chinese goods in Afghan markets as a challenge, they emphasize that an honest competitor in terms of quality can attract the attention of Afghan customers with really high-quality goods, which gives Iran a chance to emerge in this sector, especially with the largest commercial center.

Iran and Afghanistan are two neighboring countries with common interests, if they honestly use the economic opportunities created for them, they will gain mutual benefits.

Hamidullah Haidari professor and economic expert say; with the diversity of Iran's exports to Afghanistan and the import of needed goods from Afghanistan to this country, to establish a relevant trade and investment balance, the presence of Iranian traders in Afghanistan, the increase of mutual dependence, the development and depth of economic relations between the two countries has a valuable role. According to Iran's interest in Afghanistan's consumer market and Afghanistan's prominent role in Iran's economic policies, the lines of the economic importance of the two countries can be understood.

In addition to the basic commercial and economic needs between Afghanistan and Iran, Taliban officials have clearly stated that Iran is one of Afghanistan's neighboring countries that have extensive commercial and economic transactions with this country.

Abdul Latif Nazari, Deputy Minister of Economy of the Taliban, says that new and exceptional opportunities have been provided in Afghanistan that Iranian Merchants can confidently invest in various sectors, better than during the previous government of Afghanistan.

Mr. Nazari mentions the fight against administrative corruption, the removal of cumbersome laws in the investment sector, the improvement of the security situation, and the guarantee of life and property of investors from the changes that occurred under the power of the Taliban.

This Taliban official considers religious, cultural, and linguistic commonalities and expert human resources from both sides, who are interested in cooperation in various fields, as indicators that can attract the attention of Iranian investors to the country.