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Merlin, an early Ghaud, used Majiks to create long-lasting spells on England.

Majiks, or Magix and informally Magics, is the ability of a Ghaud to access the knowledge and capabilities of their soul. The soul permits them to cast spells from three Schools of Majiks, the Body, the World, and Concepts.

The School of Body


In Majiks, the School of The Body is one of the three disciplines a Ghaud can train in. It primarily focuses on the human body, including psychology – especially disguise, strength, necromancy, hypnosis, and sensory stimulation. It is widely considered the most accessible category in Majiks.




Majik wands were used in performing early rituals.

While the origins of Majik are highly debated, the first verifiable case of a Ghaud using spells within the School of Body dates back to 2100 B.C.E. Crude rituals were performed to cure disease and hunger.



Jesus Christ is credited with popularising the School of Body, being one of the most outstanding practitioners in recorded history. He famously performed necromancy and healing Majik on street beggars. He advocated for Ghauds to use Majik to help society instead of self-betterment. Modern-day Christians follow his teachings, even if they are not Majik.

Industrial Revolution


The Industrial Revolution brought many advances in medicine and technology. This caused the School of Body to wane in popularity. As a result, Ghauds in the School of Body turned to spells created for self-centred goals.



Private schools teach the School of Body in graduate and higher level degrees. Their curriculums often incorporate anatomy and psychology from popular education into their studies.



The School of Body has five classifications of spells:

  • Necromancy
  • Transfiguration
  • Mind connections
  • Power
  • Sensory Illusions
  • Emotion

Famous Ghauds

  • Jesus Christ
  • Thomas Jefferson


The School of World


In Majiks, the School of The World (or World School) is a category of spells and enchantments focusing on the physical world outside the human body. Unlike the School of Concept, World School does not affect things influenced by artificial concepts like time or money.




Sparks emit from a poisoned spear, killing a lion.

World school is the oldest Majiks class, being first recorded in the Neolithic age in cave paintings. The paintings depict early Ghauds killing predators with poison spears.

Greek Myths


Historians believe Greek mythology to be retold stories of Ghauds performing Majik.

Dark Ages


After the Roman empire's collapse, most Ghauds were lynched and seen as criminals. The few remaining turned to the School of Body to protect themselves against persecution.



While the renaissance is often considered the birth of modern thinking and the School of Concepts, World School also rebounded in this period. Thinkers understood the world better, leading to Ghauds returning to World School spells.



Most Ghauds practice in the other two categories of Majiks, but those who practice World School Majik are often vocal activists.



There are four major classifications of World School Majiks:

  • Greenery
  • Wildlife
  • Weather
  • Substances
  • Telepathy

Famous World School Ghauds



The School of Concepts


In Majiks, The School of Concepts is a categorisation of spells that affect abstract concepts like time, numbers, and art. This school is the most difficult because of its long training periods. Ghauds disciplined under this school are called "Kalsophers."




  • Time
  • Numbers
  • Culture/Society
  • Truth
  • Art and Creativity
  • Dimensions
  • Knowledge

Famous Kalsophers

  • Buddha
  • Socrates


Body Snatching


Body Snatching is the ability of a Ghaud to control someone's body. A skilled Ghaud can manipulate their target by moving their body and the victim's body in synchronicity. It is a discipline under the School of Body.



To take control, a Ghaud must first assume their target's identical pose and orientation. Then a mental link between the Ghaud and the target is established. The target may have full or partial mental cognition during the ordeal. Every subsequent movement the Ghaud makes is replicated precisely on the target. When the mental link ends, the target will regain control of their body.

Body Snatching is often used on the whole body, but it can be limited to smaller sets of limbs.

Body Snatching only works on living humans and does not work on other species.


Sensory Disguise


Sensory Disguise is the ability to create false perceptions of a Ghaud's appearance to disguise their body. It is a discipline under the School of Body,



Unlike Metamorphosis, Sensory Disguise does not alter the physical body. It instead tricks targets into believing that Ghaud's appearance has changed. Many facets of an appearance can be disguised, including but not limited to race, hair colour, weight, and facial features. A skilled Ghaud can become invisible to onlookers; however, their physical body (and thus heat signature) are traceable.



It is debated whether extending the ability to clothing and accessories should be considered a different discipline of Majiks. Most schools teach the skills in tandem, but scholars argue disguising textiles falls under the School of World's domain.




Necromancy is a discipline within the School of Body involving communication with the dead, raising the dead, and healing wounds. Ghauds who practise Necromancy are called Necromancers.



Practices within the discipline vary between Ghauds. Most Ghauds use ritual pentangles and summoning prayers.



Nekyia is the rite by which souls are called up from the grave to answer the questions of the Ghaud. The ghost's soul is weak and must ingest blood frequently to provide temporary sustenance. It is possible to open a free access gateway between Earth and the Underworld if the pentangle is drawn in consecrated blood.



Resurrection is the most challenging spell from the School of Body. It requires a long ceremony with multiple stages. The prayers and Majik items used in the ceremony are kept secret to "preserve the balance between life and death." Based on public excerpts, the ceremony contains prayers to the resurrected soul and the power of the Underworld.

Ghauds are seen wearing full-length white/black linen shifts, heavy boots and a red military cloak before and after performing the ceremony.

Healing wounds


Unlike most spells in Necromancy, spells for healing do not require pentangles and rituals unless the wounds are fatal.



Necromancy involves transferring minds and souls between the Underworld and Earth, which means Ghauds in this discipline can send away a mind which puts the victim into catatonia.