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User:Sjenny~enwiki/The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Center

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Who are Lone Soldiers?

Each year, thousands of young immigrants and volunteers arrive in Israel alone, to join the Israel Defense Forces and do their part protecting Israel and the Jewish people. They are heroes on a unique mission. They leave their home and family for the benefit of the State of Israel and serve as role models and links to Israel for Jews around the world. However, drafting for and serving in the IDF can be a difficult task at times, and many lone soldiers are in dire need of guidance, support and community. The Michael Levin Lone Soldier Center provides this much needed support.

The Centers' History

The Lone Soldier Center in Memory of Michael Levin was founded in 2009 by a group of former lone soldiers aware and concerned with the needs and struggles of the more than 5,000 lone soldiers serving in the IDF. The Lone Soldier Center is the first and only organization solely dedicated to meeting all of the physical and social needs of lone soldiers.

The Centers' Mission

The Lone Soldier Center steps in by providing lone soldiers with a network of other fellow lone soldiers, advisors, adopted families and more. Most of the volunteer staff members have served as lone soldiers themselves and therefore possess a unique understanding of what lone soldiers truly want and need before, during and following their army service. Their intrinsic connection to the lone soldier community has enabled the center to develop personal relationships with thousands of lone soldiers to date.

