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User:Steveouma/Steve Ouma

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Steve Ouma

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Stephen Ouma is a lawyer, university law teacher and scholar, author, and part time poet. He was born in a family of three girls and three boys Mombasa[1] in coastal Kenya. He attended his primary school at St Peter's Boy's Boarding in Mumias,[2] Mukumu Boys,[3] and Cardinal Otunga [Mosocho][4] High Schools.He is multilingual and comfortably expresses himself in English, Kiswahili, Luhya,Luo,Kisii and Kamba among other languages. He read law at the University of Nairobi[5] for the LLB and The University of the Witwatersrand,[6] Johannesburg for the LLM.He is doing research towards a doctorate in law in Constitutional law.

His ancestral home is Nyang'oma Kogelo Village[7] in Siaya County but he has bought a home and settled in Eldoret[8] town in the Uasin Gishu County[9] within the Rift valley Province. He has a vacation home in Ngi'ya in Siaya County.[10]

His first publication was a university text " A Commentary on the Civil Procedure Act cap 21" by Lawafrica Publications Nairobi[11]. A second edition of this publication is due in December 2011. A second university text "The Law of Evidence in East Africa" is in the channel and is due for publication in 2012. He has taught and teaches courses in Constitutional law, the law of Evidence, the law of Civil Procedure and Air and Space Law.

Steve's areas of research interest are the effect of regional law on national constitutions in Africa and the slow death of countermajoritarianism and the emergence of juristocracies on the African continent as the preferred substitute for democratic political contest. He has the ambitious aim of projecting how that is bound to impact on conflict and underdevelopment.These twin problems comprise the subject of his ongoing doctoral research.


  1. ^ www.mombasainfo.com
  2. ^ www.stpetersbpmumias.com
  3. ^ frenchinkenya.com
  4. ^ www.mosocho.com
  5. ^ www.uonbi.ac.ke
  6. ^ www.wits.ac.za
  7. ^ www.kogelo.co.ke
  8. ^ www.eldoretmunicipal.go.ke
  9. ^ www.softkenya.com/county/uasin gishu county
  10. ^ www.en.wikipedia.org/wiki/siaya-town
  11. ^ www.lawafrica.com