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User:Stojanovich/D D Stoy

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D D Stoy new article content ... Author of two series of novels and other works

• Lili Tigre Adventures • Stories from the Salon Des Un Peu Perdus (or Salon Des Un-Peu–Perdus), in English, the ‘Salon of the Slightly Lost.’

Lili Tigre Series Lili Tigre (pronounced ‘ti-gray’ in English), is a series about a feisty young teenage girl and her adventures around the world – in both major cities and some of the most remote areas on the planet. There are three major themes: • She is a courageous and compassionate young woman - role model for the new GirlPower! • She is a committed defender of disadvantaged and enslaved children everywhere - particularly girls. Whatever the odds, she fights for fairer futures, dignity, equal opportunity, compassion… and hope. Each book plunges her into yet another life threatening situation. • She possesses a strange power to communicate with felines – mild and wild – from domestic pussycats to ferocious wild tigers (hence her name). Cats seem to get her involved in these situations, and yet more cats help her resolve them.

The first book, entitled ‘Lili Tigre – First Power and The Temple of Blood’ is set in a mysterious huge stone temple complex called Boromando, hidden deep in the remote jungles of Indo China. Closed to the public while it is allegedly being restored as a cultural site, it is in fact being used by arch villain and bio products entrepreneur Dr Rebelina Silver and her shadowy investors, as a factory where the raw materials are unwanted, stray or kidnapped children and captured tigers.

In a series of deadly encounters, Lili and an extraordinary multinational alliance liberate the temple, freeing over a hundred captured children and several tigers.

The second book in the series is ‘Lili Tigre – A Pussycat in New York’ and takes the reader us an astonishing adventure through Manhattan – from the glittering heights, to the streets, and down into the depths… the secret labyrinth of tunnels beneath Manhattan.

Temple of Blood

Salon Club (Des Un Peu Perdus) Series This is a whimsical crime series based in an exclusive gentleman’s club in uber-stylish Collins Street in Melbourne Australia – the city’s premier money street. It is often referred to as the Salon Des Un Peu Perdus (the Salon of the Slightly Lost), because it is a haven where its privileged members, away from the public gaze, can often get very ‘lost’ indeed.

The Salon is part of a network of such clubs in many leading cities around the world It is always intriguing how few degrees of separation there are between such wealthy and respectable people and so many thieves, liars, drug runners, prostitutes, horse racing identities and other persons of interest to the police –not only across Australia, but around the world. A strong network of such clubs around the world facilitates much… perhaps too much? The Salon Club has many special societies. The Gruel and Vinegar Society is one of the most eccentric, having a particular interest in the study of Human Folly – and solving murders.

Many of these exclusive clubs accept both male and female members, but some single sex clubs still exist… like Melbourne’s Imperatrix Club for ladies. The Imperatrix too has its own eccentric societies, such as the Whip and Stocking Society. Every book in the series involves at least one murder… which takes the combined effort of the few members of the feisty Gruel and Vinegar Society until the very last pages to resolve.

‘Pubes Upon Portsea’ is the first book in the series (Portsea is a mega-expensive seaside retreat for the very wealthy) and the story involves the stock exchange, takeovers, creative demolition and recycling contractors, a retreat on Corfu and exceptionally creative and unscrupulously entrepreneurial practices in the commercial art world. And murder… Personal Life Little is known about the author’s personal life or lifestyle or residential locations, other than residences in Australia and Europe. All communication is via publisher Fabelhaus.

