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Nordic Game Program[edit]

By decision of the Nordic Ministers for Culture, representing Denmark, Finland, Iceland, Norway and Sweden, the Nordic Game Program was launched on January 1st, 2006. The program is planned to run until 2012. The Nordic Game Program is initiated and funded by the Nordic Council of Ministers.
To help secure a broad availability of quality Nordic computer games in the future, the program has a range of activities:


1 Development support
2 The Nordic game conference and global industry events
3 Information
4 Localisation system
5 Digital distribution
6 External links

Development support[edit]

A significant part of the budget of the Nordic Game Program (eventually two thirds of available funds) goes towards direct development support, which is expected to increase the number of Nordic titles desirable from political, cultural and commercial viewpoints.
By supporting innovative Nordic creative projects, new Nordic copyrights are being generated and new Nordic games are being created for Nordic consumers.

Recipients of development support:

Upside Studios
Skalden Studio
Sub-level X Entertainment

Serious Games Interactive
Guppyworks Norway
Lockpick Entertainment
Ravn Studio
Digital Out
Secret Exit
Tarsier Studios
Funkis Multimedia

Upside Studios
Frictional Games
Press Play
Black Drop Studios
The Story Lab
Resolution Interactive
Global Southend Productions
Sauma Technologies
Earthtree Media

The Nordic Game conference and global industry events[edit]

Only a healthy, exporting Nordic game industry can provide quality Nordic computer games for children and young people. The Nordic Game Program is the driving force behind the strong Nordic presence at the world’s most important games industry events, such as Game Developers Conference in San Francisco, Games Convention Leipzig and Lyon Game Connection. At the same time, a strong effort has been put into developing the Nordic Game conference, held annually in Malmö, Sweden. Featuring over 100 speakers and more than 1 200 participants in 2008 - game developers, publishers, distributors, retailers, academics and accredited media from the entire Nordic region and around the globe - the Nordic Game conference has become one of the largest industry events in Europe today.


The Nordic Game Program administers NordicGame.net, an online games directory providing information about game companies and organisations in the Nordic region. NordicGame.net will eventually include employment and internship information, a marketplace and an event calendar.
The program also provides game developers in the region with market data, in order for them to keep updated on the latest trends and development in the industry.

Localisation system[edit]

The building of an effective Nordic localisation system will lower costs of creating and distributing Nordic-language computer games; this project is currently under development.

Direct distribution[edit]

Direct, digital distribution plays an important part in lowering game production costs and shortening the road from developer to market. By launching an online distribution platform for Nordic games, established and new Nordic game developers have obtained an important new tool for reaching Nordic consumers. In the future, the distribution site may function as both a Nordic and global distribution channel.

External links[edit]

Nordic Game Program [1]
Nordic Game [2]
NordicGame.Net [3]