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The Lurker lurks; she obeys the Theta Criterion; she doesn't get enough sleep, often; she may or may not believe in UG, depending on the day; she is a navel-gazing intellectual fop; she is a cunning linguist; she lives in Montreal; she wishes there were fonts for phonology trees; she is six years old, because she thinks that it's funny that linguists speak of "dominance" and "binding" between "mothers," "daughters," "sisters," and "grandmothers"... oh, yeah, and "clitics" are funny too; she is obsessed by a certain Noam Chomsky; she wants to become a "cognitive scientist" whatever that means; she is trapped in the Chinese Room. You can help her by passing her papers that read "squiggle-squiggle" to which she will respond "squoggle-squoggle."