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User:TheNewKindAdaptableKayak/sandbox/Saul Hoffnitz

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Not much is known about Saul Hoffnitz, especially when he was born, or whether he's currently alive or dead - however, the only thing Hoffnitz is known for is that he had a life-changing (albeit unknown) accomplishment at one point in his life and was always persistent throughout the event said accomplishment took place. Despite having no knowledge of the life of Hoffnitz, or the specifications of his accomplishment, the public still looks up to him anyway.

In 2005, the legacy of Hoffnitz had a rise in popularity when he was mentioned in "Stranded", a popular episode of the Nickelodeon animated series, The Adventures of Jimmy Neutron: Boy Genius; the scene in question is when, after losing Jimmy Neutron and Cindy Vortex in the Pacific Ocean, Sheen Estevez convinces his two remaining friends Carl Wheezer and Libby Folfax that they should save them by giving a short, yet rousing speech about famous people who didn't give up, including Hoffnitz himself (alongside Meriwether Lewis, William Clark (or Lewis and Clark), and Charles Lindbergh).