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User:Thiagovscoelho/Depressing notes

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In order to clarify a talk page question about the Olavo de Carvalho article, I produce here a translation of Olavo's article "Notinhas deprimentes" (Depressing Notes) from 2012-06-12.

Depressing Notes (by Olavo de Carvalho)


Diário do Comércio, July 12, 2012

Once the gayist legislation is approved, any attempt to distinguish between a woman and a man dressed as a woman will be a crime. Groucho Marx’s quip, “So, you’re going to believe me or your own eyes?” will have become a reality. Are you prepared to live in a world where the most natural and spontaneous sensory perceptions have to yield to the legislator’s fantasy?

It is difficult to argue simultaneously with gayists determined to impose the laws of the Queen of Hearts on the country and with ignorant believers who fail to understand the difference between the concept of “nature” used in a religious or metaphysical context and the same concept as it appears in modern science. The devoted effort they put into proving that homosexuality is “unnatural” – a statement that is true in the first sense and false in the second – contrasts pathetically with their complete abstinence from any effective action against the rise of gayist power. All of them, without visible exception, left psychologist Marisa Lobo facing an enraged crowd alone in Congress, while they, in the safety of their homes, delighted in the feeling of doctrinal purity as they denounced the unnaturalness of homosexuality in messages on Facebook or Orkut. It is not today that the affectation of moral rigidity is the perfect disguise for cowardice and omission.

For a long time now, the “mainstream media,” practically worldwide, has turned into pure show business, indifferent and even hostile to the duty of informing the public. Few facts in the entire universe are as well proven as those that the journalistic class as a whole makes a point of ignoring or only recognizing too late when there is nothing more to be done about them.

Barack Hussein Obama was elected president with false documents. His birth certificate is fake, his Social Security card is fake, his military enlistment is fake. Speculating where he was born is conjecture, knowing whether he is eligible or not is a matter of legal controversy, but the false documents are plain facts, visible to the naked eye. The white-plate media,[a] which is the entire American media, shifted the discussion from the facts to speculations, and the birthers themselves fell into the trap, insisting on trying to veto a candidate through electoral law whom they could have more easily sent to jail for the crime of document forgery. Napoleon taught that one must attack the adversary directly and in a single vulnerable point. The birthers, deceived by the overwhelmingly pro-Obama journalistic class, diluted their attacking force by investing against the enemy on terrains where he enjoys an unlimited stock of procedural subterfuge.

The PT (Workers’ Party) is a political partner of the FARC and other criminal organizations. There is no disguising the fact that it is itself a criminal organization. I have been saying this for over a decade, and only now, little by little, things are starting to become visible in the major newspapers, cushioned by a thousand and one euphemisms that give it an almost angelic innocence. It is a simulacrum of journalism covering up, ex post facto, many years of passive complicity.

The truth, in general, only emerges when the political interest in concealing it dissolves over time, and the matter passes from the hands of lying journalists to those of professional historians. Then, long-established myths collapse like houses of cards, but far from the eyes of the masses. Today it is known that Joe McCarthy was even modest when speaking of eighty communist agents in the Washington government, that the United States never suffered a military defeat in Vietnam, that World War II was from start to finish a plan by Stalin to take over half of Europe, that Alger Hiss and the Rosenbergs were indeed Soviet agents, and even that, of the duo Sacco and Vanzetti, only the first was innocent. These and many other facts are known, but they are known among specialists, among scholars, while the masses continue to feed on deliberately fabricated urban legends for their own imbecilization. It is impossible to study these and other episodes of the same nature without recalling the famous verses by Murilo Mendes, contrasting “the slow sandals of good” with “the swift propellers of evil.”

Over a decade ago, I suggested, aware that I was preaching in the desert, that my journalist colleagues investigate the names of dozens of press professionals who, in 1964, according to the KGB man in Brazil, Ladislav Bittman, were on the payroll of Soviet intelligence services in the Moscow Archives. Many of these individuals are still around, pontificating in newspapers and on TV, and being respectfully listened to as credible experts even by “conservative” organizations. Apparently, the time has not yet come that will render the revelation of their crime harmless.

When this truth, rendered useless by the passage of time, is finally released for dissemination, everyone will also know, too late, that the legend of the American authorship of the 1964 coup, still cultivated as gospel truth to this day, was entirely invented in Ladislav Bittman’s own office through the falsification of a letter from then-FBI Director J. Edgar Hoover to one of his agents stationed in Brazil.

Fifty percent of those who respond to facts and documents with the epithet “conspiracy theory” are charlatans. The other fifty are parrots of pirates.

Translation notes (by Thiagovscoelho)

  1. ^ A Brazilian expression, originating from government vehicles having white license plates, referring to media which is excessively supportive of the government's version of a story.