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User:Tiger0008/Roland Greil

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Roland Greil

Roland Greil is a renowned freelancing lighting director, operator and programmer from Germany, who has worked for several well known clients for the last years. During that period, he has been responsible for the realisation of a big variety of demanding projects and has been working closely with different international artists. He has worked in a big spectrum of different fields, beginning with the technical production of international tour projects for different well known artists and the work for established television shows, up to the realisation of cooperate and industry events all over the planet. He is also well experienced within the work of preproduction, visualization and pre-programming of complex show designs. Roland Greil has also often been invited as a guest lecturer within the fields of show design, programming and operating.

In his his present career he has been involved in various productions worldwide and has worked for several well known and internationally renowned lighting designers like:
