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Chessckers is an exciting strategy game requiring wit and mental dexterity. It is a mixture between the games of chess and checkers using the pieces and rules of both.



The rules of chessckers are simple as long as you understand both checkers and chess. Using a regulation chess/checker board, set up as shown below:

Movement: Movement is very simple: all chess pieces move exactly as they would if one was playing chess.(i.e. Bishop diagonally, Rook up, down, left, or right, etc.) Also like in regulation, checker pieces move diagonally and, only if kinged, backwards diagonally. (To be kinged, a checker piece must move to the opposite side of the board.) You may not move your king into check.(See "Winning the Game")

Attacking/Capturing a Piece: Any piece is capable of capturing any other piece, but must follow the same movement/attack patterns as normally played. In order to capture with a checker piece, you must jump the piece which you want to capture, there cannot be another piece where you would jump to, just like in normal checkers. With a chess piece, you move the piece to the same square as the piece you intend to capture, just like in normal chess. Double jumping is treated the same as in checkers.

Winning the Game: There are two ways to win the game of chessckers. First is the chess way. You must put the opponent's king into check mate, to do this, you may use chess and checkers pieces. Checkmate is when no matter where the opponent's king moves, he will be captured by one of your pieces and already is in danger of being captured. The other way is the checkers way. If you capture all of the opponent's checker pieces, you win the game. (See Attacking/Capturing a Piece.) There is no way to go into stalemate. [citation needed]


