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The People's Patriotic Party is a Zimbabwean opposition party that is led by Zvaringeni Samuel Chasi, The founding President and commander-in-chief.

Maiden Election Participation was in 2022, during by Elections where they fielded Candidates in Buliliima. People's Patriotic Party Radical Approach trended.[1]

Election boycott[edit]

The People’s Patriotic Party, led by President Zvaringeni Samuel Chasi, has boldly announced its boycott of the scheduled August 23, 2023 elections in Zimbabwe.[2]

They cited concerns over the lack of free and fair conditions and the absence of civil rights representation. Comparing the situation to past injustices, they accused the ruling Zanu-PF party of violence and manipulation of key institutions.The opposition highlighted issues such as the manipulation of the voters’ roll and the recent introduction of restrictive legislation. President Chasi emphasized that the boycott was not driven by cowardice but by a refusal to participate in a flawed process.

The announcement has garnered international attention, with various organizations copied on the letter submitted to the UN Secretary-General. Human rights activists and political leaders worldwide expressed solidarity with the opposition, urging international intervention to ensure fair elections. Civil society organizations called for independent monitoring and supervision of the electoral process to prevent further manipulation or violence. The response of the international community, particularly the UN and regional bodies like SADC, will play a crucial role in shaping Zimbabwe's political future. The boycott underscores the nation's commitment to democratic principles, with the international community closely monitoring developments.[3]


  1. ^ "News Briefs 23 September 2022 | The Southern African Liaison Office". www.salo.org.za. Retrieved 2024-02-07.
  2. ^ "Zimbabwe Opposition Writes To UN Explaining Decision To Boycott August 2023 Elections". www.thezimbabwean.co. Retrieved 2024-02-07.
  3. ^ "Zimbabwe Opposition Party Officially Announces Boycott of Upcoming Elections | Report Focus News". 2023-06-26. Retrieved 2024-02-07.

External links[edit]