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John LeCour (Artist)[edit]

   Born Houston, Texas (1964-)

John LeCour is an American Artist.

His fascination with the arts began at an early age with handwriting in preschool

and also pencil drawings from nature. Later discovering an American comic publisher's title Marvel's

"Tales of Suspense" from there began a road of comic collecting experiences. 

Whether volunteering at local book stores such as Camelot book store or comic conventions. He has also created graphic designs for Silk-screening company Wine Concepts in Oakland California. Created character development for Austin, Texas based Comic publisher Blackbird Comics. Collaborating with other Artists he met there. The owner John Nordland II, He a talented artist in his own right, published (Heroes, Children with Glue,Wings and many other titles) provided a small gathering place and think tank for many creatives: Cartoonists such as Shannon Wheeler (TMCM) and Tom Stazer(Crazy Bob), also many writers Rick Klaw[1].Rob Bostick and Bill Fountain(Wings). He has been employed, volunteered or worked for credit for

 many industry related positions on many different occasions in and around Houston, Austin Texas or California (ie:,Funny Papers, Houston Comic-con and the San Diego Comic-con.) These experiences provided a personal 

and distinctive view into the cogs and workings of America's comics industry from the 1970's,1990s and into the new millennium.

  After Capital City Distribution closed he moved to California 

and was soon working again for another industry distributor

this time Cold-Cut Distribution. 
He is now continuing to provide many different endeavors into Comics, 

music,painting and publishing.


  Art Institute of Houston (1984-19?)

  Houston Community College Houston , Tx (Desktop publishing)  
  Austin Community College  Austin,Tx. (Figure Painting) 
  Deanza College   Cupertino, Ca.    (Animation, Art History)
  Publishing and Events
  Contributor:(2013)The Orange County Zine Library & Reading Room 
  is an exhibition curated by L.A. Zine Fest in collaboration with 
    popular zine festivals in 
   Brooklyn, Houston, Scranton, and San Francisco.  
   Published works: Blackbird Comics Modern Perversity (1992)
   Illustrated story: "The Zoo" written by Mark London Williams
    Heroes issue #4: Character design 
    Affiliated Events: Center For 
   Spiritual Enlightenment Community Art Show:2001


* http://www.justice.gov/opa/pr/2011/August/11-civ-1026.html