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I'm Christos. I am a social anthropologist, and I live in Berlin.

My work focuses on archives, political activism, the commons and the cultural sector. I love working with socially-minded people and organisations, especially on issues relating to opening, diversifying, decolonizing and democratizing knowledge. And, I love stories; I am not a particularly skilled storyteller but I'm a fair listener.

Disclaimer: Currently I work Partner Manager at Wikimedia Deutschland (WMDE). In this role I am responsible for connecting with global institutions and onboarding them to Wikibase and the Linked Open Data web. I also act as a point of contact and information exchange for Partners, WMDE’s software department, and Wiki Communities. My professional account is: Christos Varvantakis (WMDE). I also maintain the account VarvantakisC for teaching and training purposes.

A list of publications relating to archives & databases, digital cultures, publics and open-access to knowledge. For a full list of my publications see here