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Iconmaps is a map composition tool for broadcasts, it also can be used to locate objects on a 2D space (image) and it can be transferred to other programs (Maya, 3DMax, Brainstorm Studio, Flash) as you will find an example later.

This is not another boring multifunctional tool to learn, it is based on the knowledge that it is not necessary to have tools making lots of actions, but specialized tools with low costs which solve certain tasks instantly.

This tool was created and appraised between many operators, leaving behind all the superfluous that are not useful everyday in a production.

Example: When we design the weather forecast maps, we put together background, icons and texts, given by graphics department that controls their image identity. It is not possible to alter, remake, paint or change the icons directions (that is what we call useless actions inside a composer). We are focused on the program’s handling and creation velocity of the maps, leaving to the graphic department the task to create and fix the maps identity.

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