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What is pressure?


A carpenter uses a nail to stick two pieces of wood together right? The hammer would hit the nail on the woods flat side and when the hammer hits the nail, it would stick both work pieces together.why does a nail have a sharp edge? The Force of the hammer is put in a small area so the nail would be able to go through the wood. If the nail is blunt, then the force of the hammer is spread over the blunt part of the nail so it would be harder for the nail to go through.

the idea of pressure


If a force is put to small area, it’s called a force that is creating a high pressure and if a force is spread over a bigger area, the pressure will be less. Example—-If you lie on bed, the force of ones weight would be spread over a large area meaning the mattress won’t have any impact.If you stand on bed, the force of ones weight would be concentrated on a smaller area which may end up making a bump in the bed.

high pressure, low pressure


How is high pressure and low pressure in our surroundings?

  • Shark have really sharp teet for a reason. When they bite, the force of their jaw would allow them to to have enough pressure to crush their prey.
  • A Sharp knife is better at cutting when it’s blades are extremely sharp so that the force pushing on the knife would be concentrated on a small area to create a high pressure.
  • Camels have wide feet because this can help them with their weight spread over a large area which prevents them to sink into the sand.
  • a Snowboard is wide and does not sink in the sand because it’s area is wide which makes the pressure low. Same reason why Inuit people wear wide snowshoes.

pressure calculation


Pressure is the quantity where it tells how concentrated a force is when it’s pressed on an area. The equation for pressure is Pressure equals force over/divided by area force uses Newton’s to calculate the pressure and area usually uses M (meter) square to calculate pressure so pressure would be Newton meter square or can also be called by pascal.

pressure in gases and liquid


To inflate (blow up) a balloon, air must somehow be pushed into it. When the balloon has been blown up, the pressure of the air inside presses outwards. This shows that air and other gases can cause pressure. Liquids can also cause pressure for an example—- a fireman using a high pressure hose to put out a fire.

diving deep


Divers have to be careful when they go diving very deep in the ocean. The weight of the water above presses down on the divers. The deeper they go the greater the pressure that pushes them down from above.

the pressure of the atmosphere


Climbing up a high mountain, the air would get thinner the higher it is because the density decreases. With the air less dense at the top of the mountain, the pressure would also be less the higher up the mountain. This pressure is called atmospheric pressure