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Computer status codes.

    1xx informal
     2xx success
     3xx redirect
     4xx client
     5xx sever
     6xx global
     7xx trading

• 100 Continue. … • 101 Switching protocols. … • 102 Processing. … • 103 Early hints. … • 180 Ringing. … • 181 Call is Being Forwarded. … • 182 Queued. … • 183 Session Progress. … • 199 Early Dialog Terminated. … • 200 Ok. … • 201 Created. … • 202 Accepted. … • 203 No authorized content. … • 204 Blank. … • 205 Reset content. … • 206 Half content. … • 207 Lots of status. … • 208 Already reported. … • 226 IM used. • 300 Multiple choices. … • 301 Moved forever. … • 302 Not modified. … • 303 See other. … • 304 Did not change. … • 305 Use proxy. … • 307 Temporarily moved. … • 308 Permanently moved. … • 380 Alternative Service. … • 400 Bad Request. ... • 401 Unauthorized. ... • 403 Forbidden. ... • 404 Not Found. ... • 405 Method forbidden. … • 406 Not allowed. … • 407 Need a proxy permission. … • 408 Requested timeouts. … • 409 Conflicts. … • 410 Deleted forever. … • 411 Lengths required. … • 412 Preconditions not reached. … • 413 Too large. … • 414 URI too large. … • 415 Unsupported music. … • 416 Range not satisfied. … • 417 Expectations failed. … • 418 I’m a teapot. … • 421 Misdirected requests. … • 422 Inaccessible entities. … • 423 Locked. … • 424 Failed dependencies. … • 426 Upgrade required. … • 428 Precondition required. … • 429 Too many requests. … • 430 Flow Failed. … • 431 Request header fields too broad. … • 433 Anonymity Disallowed. … • 436 Bad Identity-Info. … • 437 Unsupported Certificate. … • 438 Invalid Identity Header. … • 439 First Hop Lacks Outbound Support. … • 440 Max-Breadth Exceeded. … • 444 Connection lost for unknown reasons. … • 451 Unavailable for legal reasons. … • 469 Bad Info Package. … • 470 Consent Needed. … • 480 Temporarily Unavailable. … • 481 Call/Transaction Does Not Exist. … • 482 Loop Detected. … • 483 Too Many Hops. … • 484 Address Incomplete. … • 485 Ambiguous. … • 486 Busy Here. … • 487 Request Terminated. … • 488 Not Acceptable Here. … • 489 Bad Event. … • 491 Request Pending. … • 493 Undecipherable. … • 494 Security Agreement Required. … • 499 Client deleted request. • 500 Internal Server Error. ... • 501 Not implanted. … • 502 Bad Gateway. ... • 503 Service Unavailable. ... • 504 Gateway Timeout. … • 505 Hyperlink version not supported. … • 506 Variant also negotiates. … • 507 Not enough memory. … • 508 Loop detected. … • 510 Not expanded. … • 511 Network permission needed. … • 513 Message Too Large. … • 555 Push Notification Service Not Supported. … • 580 Precondition Failure. … • 599 Network connection timeout error. … • 600 Busy Everywhere. … • 603 Decline. … • 604 Does Not Exist Anywhere. … • 606 Not Acceptable. … • 607 Unwanted. … • 608 Rejected. … • 700 Empty trade. … • 701 Invalid trade. … • 702 Trade not belongs to subscriber. … • 703 Invalid primary Trade. …