Critical Cost Efficient Index (CCEI): A measure of GARP[1] (Generalized Axiom of Revealed Preference). It was first proposed by Afriat (1972)[2]. It is a useful and interesting index to verify the consistency of human rationality.
CCEI is the amount by which the budget constraint must be relaxed in order to remove all violations of GARP, denoted as e in this passage. The data set is the observations of subjects' decisions, where is a price vector and is the decision choice made by subject. That the option is revealed preferred to is equivalent to that . is the largest e among the dataset . is the "wasting" proportion of the money which is invested inefficiently.
There is one violation of GARP in Figure: Example of CCEI Construction. We say that is revealed preferred to at the prices when is purchased, while is revealed preferred to at the prices when is purchased. Since is larger than , the CCEI of the instance is A/B.