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What is lucid dream method?

Lucid dreaming methods are being searched and adopted by many people. People awaken from dreams sooner than they would like. Nothing is more annoying than to spend hours or weeks of effort aiming at the aim of having a dream and then wake up within minutes of getting lucid. Fortunately, however, there are powerful lucid dream methods that enable novices and experts alike to prevent awakenings from lucid dreams.

You can realize that you are lucid when everything pops into focus and the colors are extreme. You opt to fly and become excited. As you soar into the air your feet leave the ground. But there is a problem. The scene begins. You are losing control. The dream is collapsing and you are going to awaken! How come this is happening!? What should you do!?

This is a typical experience for dreamers. Once you think the fun is going to start, you lose control, and you don't understand why. It happened to most of us when we started having lucid dreams (and still happens from time to time). It had been frustrating. It is not like a person could only fall back asleep and make it happen again!

After much research, trial and errors following are the best lucid dream methods for prolonging your dream.

Keeping the Dream Alive

The number one reason is since you get overly excited. While this occurs, a biological response is actuated; enhancing your heart rate and breathing (like when you are awake, obviously). Your body realizes that you are awake though you're in a dream, so you come alive. It is exactly like skinning your knee when you learn how to ride a bicycle. It's destined to occur to everybody and there is almost no way of preventing it from ending a lucid dream. In efficacious lucid dreaming techniques, it is suggested that rather than becoming excited and flying around right away, just take a few minutes to calm down and gain your composure. Stay calm and dream!

Concentrate on one thing

You could find that your vision gets fuzzy in a lucid dream. This is a lucid dream indication that you're not completely lucid and will need to boost your awareness. By centering on one object, you can go from being partly lucid to being fully lucid. Select any item: a flower, a building. Now, concentrate on that item. Look at its details, colors, shapes, textures, etc. Before long you'll find your eyesight and awareness becoming thinner and thinner. This effect is very similar to manually focus a camera. In order to have an image, you must zoom in on the item you would like to picture, focus it on then zoom back out to have a crystal clear image of what in view. Repeat this often multiple times throughout a dream.

After you "snap" into focus, you are prepared to resume.

That is complementary to the former lucid dream techniques. Try focusing on that thing again, but this time start jumping up and down as you look at it. With every jump, your clarity increases and the dream will snap into attention that is pristine. Once you’ll jump, you’ll have a crystal clear vision and the dream will get vivid.


Dr. Stephen LaBerge discovered this technique and mentioned within his publication exploring the World of Lucid Dreaming. In it he says that spinning around in your lucid dream is an effective method of a) stabilizing the fantasy and b) altering the dream scene.

If you find yourself in a dream scene that is mundane and you want to become more engaged so that you don't eliminate focus, try spinning about and imagining the fantasy. As you come out of your spin, a new and exciting spectacle will unfold.

This is one of the best lucid dream methods for prolonging your dream. And it works every time!