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The artillery in World War I was very important. It was used mostly in trench warfare and formed into many strategies. Artillery has also evolved to enable farther range and more explosive shells in the World War. Artillery concentration was used often on a line of trenches. The artillery shot many rounds per minute and would last a couple hours. This method would slow the enemy down, reduce their number of troops, and distract them. Mortars were picked up by the Germans because they could shoot at a certain angle that would sometimes land directly in a trench. Then it would explode to provide maximum damage to the enemy. The United States entered the war in 1917. Most of the American weapons were supplied by France. Only 100 American weapons were used during the war. France provided 3,834 field pieces as well as mortars. The United States 3 inch gun was replaced by the French 75 mm gun. This gun was easier to aim and fired more rapidly. It was also able to destroy infantry columns. The artillery in the war was one of the most feared weapons because it could destroy tanks and infantry. There were basically two kinds of artillery in the war, the cannon and the Howitzer or mortar. The cannon fired a shell at a long distance and arch that would usually hit a target head on. The mortar however shoots highly arched shells that land on the target. [1] [2] [3]