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Please, if you want to slander a group: that is on you (probably related to pride/jealousy).

But why link to websites that have no good information in English?

People are looking for Samael's teachings in english and can not find them on your site. Why, if you really want to spread Gnosis, would you do that?

Paz Inverancial



I am not adding a personnal website but only :

- A correction about the definition of differents types of sexuality, witch actually are wrong - An explanation about Authentic schools and dissenting schools - A list of links for authentic shools - A list of limkfs for dissenting schools

But almost every day, there are some people who supress thoses informations and explantions.

I am considering that Wikipedia cannot display WRONG information and lie to thw world community, only beacause some gnostic studiants or Misionnaries from dissenting schools want that humanity do not know the truth about Sexuality, Histoy of the Movement and Dissenting schools.

The facts are the Truth and cannot be negociated.


Haven't you read anything that I have asked you to read? Wikipedia is not concerned with the "truth", only with things that can be referenced from a reliable source. Anyone could come to this Wikipedia article and claim to have the truth and write it down. But then how would one decide which "truth" was the correct one? This is called Original Research (OR); when someone adds something that is from himself and not from a reliable source. If I say that I know that what you have written about sexuality, for example, is false, how do we solve what should be in the article? The answer is that the article is about Samael Aun Weor and so his view of sexuality should be there. How do we know what his view is? By quoting from his books, not by adding our own understanding of it. The text that was there was taking from The Perfect Matrimony and so is correct, but then you added things which are not from there, and that is OR until you provide a reference from Samael's works. The way it looks now I can't see what is the difference between normal sexuality and suprasexuality, since both include not reachings the orgasm and transmuting the sexual energy in the sexual act? The part that you added about "official" and "dissenting" schools was not NPOV (neutral point of view) and moreover was not referenced. I stated this in the edit summaries when I deleted it, but you seem to have missed this. What makes IGA the official school? The Worldwide Headquarters that Osiris Gomez is directing is only the worldwide headquarters for IGA, not for the Gnostic Movement in general. And since he is only the director for a certain gnostic organization, why would there be any need of making the separation between schools that are directed by him and schools that are not? The way you have written that section makes it seem that the schools under Osiris Gomez are "right" and the others are "wrong" or mistaken. This is POV and not allowed. How do we know for sure that it is guided by the Masters of the White Lodge and that the "dissenting" schools are not? Even if you had a personal direct experience of it that would be irrelevant, because Wikipedia does not, I repeat, allow original research. I will not remove what you have added about sexuality, I will give you some time to provide references for it. If you haven't done this within a few days I will revert it again. The other two sections, however, cannot stay as they are because of the reasons stated above. While you might say that Litelantes daughter "betrayed" her, I'm sure that she has another version of the story to tell. It might be a good idea to add a section about different organizations, the splits etc., but that would have to be NPOV and with good references, not the way it is now. So, instead of just keeping re-adding your material, can we have a dialogue here? Can you say why you think I'm wrong in my actions? Personally I try to keep my mind free from any schools, organizations and sects as Samael Aun Weor himself advised, so I don't belong to any school. I only want that this article be written in a way that is correct according to Wikipedia's policies and guidelines. Peace. Anton H 20:00, 16 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Answer to your comments


Ok Anton, i understand what you are talking about now and sorry for my poor english.

As you said, i iam going to improve my article with direct references (name of the book, chapter, and citation of the master). Give me a little more of time cause actually, i have a big lecture to set up for my association and this is taking a lot of time to create a powerpoint presentation.

I have already completed the article about authentic schools and dissenting schools, inserting direct references to well know citations of great masters. Tell me frankly what you think about it.

I am happy to see that you are a raisonnable person and that we can talk together.

For the problem of the sexuality, i dont know how to say to you that you are wrong (wait for my article for this) but i can explain it a little for you :

The difference between the normal sexuality (witch is not fornication because of the 6th commandements) and the supra-sexuality is specifiquely the key of the Sexual Over-Dynamic, is est, the moment when the couple is charged with sexual electric dire and is desintegrated the i, alternatively (man and woman striking with their igneous sword on a i belonging to the man, and after man and woman triking with their igneous sword on a i belonging to the woman). I will provide you the original, i think it is in the "Revolution of the Dialectic" : look for the subject Sexual Over-Dynamic.

Good reception,

Very friendly,


PS : i've just seen what you have done on my article with the word {FACT} : that's a good idea ! Every time you see something strange for wikipedia, tell me, and i will do the research to find the exact source in books of Samaël. You must know also that there are some "secret books" that a person witch is not in the organisation, and even the students witch are in the organisation, do not know, because those books ARE RESERVED for Missionnaries (this can be a problem for wikipedia). I have already used one of them but i put only the first letters of the book because this is SECRET BOOK and that WE CANNOT put the full TITLE TO THE PUBLIC (IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS, THIS WILL BE A VIOLATION). Exemple : RoGI. The one who is an initiate understands perfectly. The one who is not, nothing. See you!

I agree with Anton on all of this. "Normal Sexuality" is defined clearly in The Perfect Matrimony chapter 5. Sorry, but your paragraph on the types of sexuality reads poorly in English and does not help the article but rather hinders it. Concerning your other additions concerning schools. Samael Aun Weor stated that he did not come to the world to found schools. Giving a detailed history of the terrible politics of the Gnostic Movement does nothing to aid in the understanding of the content of the teachings and what is worse, provides a distraction from what is important. Finally, without ample citations from published sources, the content cannot be admitted. Please understand this is nothing personal but I will continue to revert your edits. --T. Baphomet 22:11, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Either way, the information about schools needs to be in its own article, not Samael Aun Weor. --T. Baphomet 22:13, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with T. Baphomet. However, I added one line about the divisions of the gnostic movement after Samael's death. The references provided need to be available for the public to view, so secret books can not be allowed for references. Anton H 14:07, 18 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Answer to your comments


Ok Anton, i understand what you are talking about now and sorry for my poor english.

As you said, i iam going to improve my article with direct references (name of the book, chapter, and citation of the master). Give me a little more of time cause actually, i have a big lecture to set up for my association and this is taking a lot of time to create a powerpoint presentation.

I have already completed the article about authentic schools and dissenting schools, inserting direct references to well know citations of great masters. Tell me frankly what you think about it.

I am happy to see that you are a raisonnable person and that we can talk together.

For the problem of the sexuality, i dont know how to say to you that you are wrong (wait for my article for this) but i can explain it a little for you :

The difference between the normal sexuality (witch is not fornication because of the 6th commandements) and the supra-sexuality is specifiquely the key of the Sexual Over-Dynamic, is est, the moment when the couple is charged with sexual electric dire and is desintegrated the i, alternatively (man and woman striking with their igneous sword on a i belonging to the man, and after man and woman triking with their igneous sword on a i belonging to the woman). I will provide you the original, i think it is in the "Revolution of the Dialectic" : look for the subject Sexual Over-Dynamic.

Good reception,

Very friendly,


PS : i've just seen what you have done on my article with the word {FACT} : that's a good idea ! Every time you see something strange for wikipedia, tell me, and i will do the research to find the exact source in books of Samaël. You must know also that there are some "secret books" that a person witch is not in the organisation, and even the students witch are in the organisation, do not know, because those books ARE RESERVED for Missionnaries (this can be a problem for wikipedia). I have already used one of them but i put only the first letters of the book because this is SECRET BOOK and that WE CANNOT put the full TITLE TO THE PUBLIC (IMPOSSIBLE TO DO THIS, THIS WILL BE A VIOLATION). Exemple : RoGI. The one who is an initiate understands perfectly. The one who is not, nothing. See you!

I agree with Anton on all of this. "Normal Sexuality" is defined clearly in The Perfect Matrimony chapter 5. Sorry, but your paragraph on the types of sexuality reads poorly in English and does not help the article but rather hinders it. Concerning your other additions concerning schools. Samael Aun Weor stated that he did not come to the world to found schools. Giving a detailed history of the terrible politics of the Gnostic Movement does nothing to aid in the understanding of the content of the teachings and what is worse, provides a distraction from what is important. Finally, without ample citations from published sources, the content cannot be admitted. Please understand this is nothing personal but I will continue to revert your edits. --T. Baphomet 22:11, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Either way, the information about schools needs to be in its own article, not Samael Aun Weor. --T. Baphomet 22:13, 17 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

I agree with T. Baphomet. However, I added one line about the divisions of the gnostic movement after Samael's death. The references provided need to be available for the public to view, so secret books can not be allowed for references. Anton H 14:07, 18 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Answer part II


- "Sorry, but your paragraph on the types of sexuality reads poorly in English": this is natural, my native langage is the french. You can rephrase in a better way the informations i put, if you want...

- "so secret books can not be allowed for references": thoses books are, in fact, already listed in the biblography, but with wrong title. I changed it, You see, as some of you are not some Gnostic Missionnairies, you dont know at all this and some of the information about the teaching of Master Samaël. You reject direct sources but direct sources are the best you can have... WHO ELSE ? From the enemies of Gnosis ? From the intellectuals who do not understand anything to this teaching ? From "Irenee of Lyon" who perscutated the first gnostic movements ? We have nothing directly about them... Only what have understood their enemies when asking them to say their believe and teaching under torture...

Listen well : I am here to set up the truth about the teaching, not to say that the teaching is the truth... (think about the diffrence...)

On this page about Samaël, i can see that a lot of people come and supress what i a am writing. And there are some reasons that you should study with quietness: Here are two of them:

  • Some of them do not know the Gnosis of Samaël or believe to know it... They have red books of Samaël (nice!), they are interesting by gnosis (very well), but they ARE NOT some disciples, some Missionaries, who learned hardly this teaching for YEARS, and who live it DIRECTLY in their lives, spending most of their life time to gnosis. Some of people here prentend to know more and better about the teaching, the different types of sexuality from the point of view of the Teaching of Samël than us the Disciples and Missionaries of the Master... CRAZY! To resume: to cannot say to Jesus: "sorry man, you are not a reliable source. We are going to wait that you die, then that some intellectuals come after your death, listen here, read this, and decide finally, from an intellectual point of view, what is your teaching, what is your philosophy, etc..": CRAZY! The best people to set up a complete article about Samaël and his teaching is the authentic gnostic community, man, the ones who learned it and live it for years!
  • Some of them don't want that dissenting schools appear with the mention "dissenting" because they belongs to thoses dissenting schools and are using precisely this page to set up a link towards their own organisation, while for sure their organisations have betrayed the Masters or the President... They want to occult their crimes and set up some links here to say to Humanity: "look, we are authentic, come to our schools", a way to justify they authenticity : "We are authentic schools because, look, we are on the official page of wikipedia..". Do you understand the trick? Or course you do... ANd look: this this the same trick that already in the history of the movement... Read my completly my article about authentic schools and dissenting schools, and you will see that the bad gnostic guys, are using the same trick i have denonced... To resume: thoses schools want to mislead people and to make them believe that they are authentic, whereas they are not at all, their acts and the history of the movement proving it to us (end of demonstration).

So the history of the gnostic movement is IMPORTANT: it shows us who is acting right, who is not. Hidding this is a lie, this is some manipulation, this is a fraud, and that is incompatible, not only with the values of the Gnosis, but also with the values of the Democracy, the values of Humanism, and all the values of freedom and honesty of Wikipedia…

We HAVE TO PUT the HISTORY then, because every one coming here can read the history and decide, by himself, where is the good schools and where are the bad guys.

NOTE WELL that i DO NOT SUPRESS the link of bad schools: they appear in the list, but they are classified, stored, from the point of view of the History of the movement and of the Teaching of Samaël.

When Samaël says that

  • "i will the truth at any cost",

When the Mistress Litenlantes says:

  • "For betrayal, forgiveness is impossible."
  • "When we unplug a lamp from its alimentation source, the current does nos pass anymore, and the lamp goes off.",

it shows to the people, to the readers, that schools that do respect this point of betrayal are "bad": they divorce of the Teaching. They divorce from Samaël. They divorce from the White Lodge, etc. So, very legitimely, we can divede the list of schools in 2, because of the objective history of the movement. This is logic, it's a logic and normal conclusion.

Finally, notice that you fall onto me with great speed and some hardness... You dont let me arrange and type my articles, at my time. You must know that i have not the Internet in my house: i must take my car and go into a library where the computers are in free access (no money is necessary to use them).

You see, things are not like you could think. I make my best to provide a good and correct arcticles, seeking always to be unpartial, providing so the best i can do for my human brothers. And i am working hard with this Great Teaching since almost 20 years, so, you can see: i KNOW IT. So please, let me type freely my articles. With the time, i hope they will become better, adding a lot of references in them (i have the french and english electronic version of the books of samaël: this allows me to search a citation in my french ones, and to insert the english exact version of it in Wikepedia.)

Best regards,


Perhaps we should stick our native languages then? I prefer that paragraph way it was phrased in the first place. Perhaps you are not reading that section correctly, I find nothing wrong with it. Please tell me specifically what is wrong with that paragraph so we can get to the bottom of it.
The reality is, you do not know what schools are directly linked to Samael Aun Weor and which are not. Have you spoken to Samael Aun Weor about this? If not then you should keep silent. Speak what you know, not what you have been told.
Soon, other people from the other schools will come here and we will all be arguing. They will have a long list of reasons, very "logical," and they will state that you are incorrect. And then you will state that you are right, and then we will all be arguing like stupid animals. Sorry BlueMan, I do not agree with you. A History section like the one you propose will cause anarchy. The Gnostic Movement needs to be integrated, not split further.
That being said, you can do whatever you wish. But if you want any chance of your text staying in the article, every single thing you state is required by Wikipedia to be from a third party. Nothing can be original thought. It also needs to pass many other guidelines, such as Notability, and Neutral Point of View. Neutral Point of View means it cannot express itself as you did in your history section.
What you can do is make a temporary page like one here http://en.wikipedia.org/w/index.php?title=User:Bluemanang/temp&action=edit You can make all the edits you want and when it passes all of Wikipedia's rules and guidelines (there are many), then we can consider adding them to the article. --T. Baphomet 01:47, 20 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

WRONG definitions


In the orginal article we read: "The topic of sexuality is approached from a very stern point of view, and it is indeed the crux of Samael Aun Weor’s entire message. He states that there are three fundamental types of sexuality: suprasexuality, which is the sexual functioning of someone like Buddha or Jesus, who naturally transmutes all their energy perfectly; normal sexuality, which is defined as those who have no sexual conflict; finally infrasexuality, a category which contains homosexuality, adultery, prostitution, masturbation, abortion, bestiality and any other "abuse" of the sexual energy."

This false here are thr proof INSIDE the Books of Samael:

  1. Suprasexuality : which is the sexual functioning of someone like Buddha or Jesus, or any Initiate (someone who have received the authentic Teaching, and who has been initiated), who practice the sexual union without fornication (no loose of sexual energy) and who is using the the Great Arcanum, the Sexual Magic, called "the Arcanum A.Z.F.", id est the key of the Sexual Super-Dynamics, consisting in dissolving the Darkness hidden in themselves (look for the movie [The Hidden of Jack Sholder (1987) for a very good visual explanation of this esoteric phenomena), the pluralized I and its roots, with the power of the electrical sexual fire witch appears during the sacred copulation without fornication (Chapter VI, Title 2 of "The revolution of dialectic" by Samaël aun Weor).
  2. Normal sexuality: which is defined as those who have sexual relations without any fornication and without any adultery, id est, those who are never loosing their sexual energies and who are transmutating them during the Sacred Copulation. Sexuality between man and woman is not prohibited by the Divine Law but only the fornication (6th commandment), the Adultery (9th commandment), and infrasexuality. Samaël explains that reaching the orgasm, in any way, create and develops new Is inside the human, who falls; he loose the Divine Power and generate darkness in himself, an eternal myth, allegorised for example, by the Greek Myth "the Pandora box" (witch was not, in reality a box, but a jar, the symbol of sexual energies). "When man ejaculated the semen, he sunk into pain and lost his occult powers. Upon ejaculating the semen, human consciousness sunk into the atomic infernos of nature; that is the kingdom of the Lucifers." ("The Greater Mysteries", Chapter III, "Initiation" by Samaël Aun Weor).
  3. Infrasexuality: a category which is divided into 2 distincts spheres: the sphere of Lilith and the sphere of Nahemah, from the name of the two spouses of Adam, according to the jewish Kabbala. Samaël says that Lilith is the mother of abortions, of sodomy, of homosexuality, of masturbation, of the hate of sexe, and all the kind of vices against nature. Nahemah symbolise the abuse of sex, the fornication of passion, the lust, the adultery, the prostitution, the romantic pleasures, etc. [1] "Every Infrasexual person boats about being wise, thus as usual, they view the sexually normal people in a very despicable way and they qualify them as inferior people or mistaken people, etc."[1]

You dont even say a word on this article. And you suppress it... And, however, there is direct references in it that you can check... (this is not honnest man...)

The chapter you refer to in The Revolution of the Dialectic does not even mention the word suprasexuality and can because of that naturally not be used as a reference for that paragraph. In The Perfect Matrimony it is written: "The Son of Man, the Super-Man, is born out of normal sexuality. " Which means that normal sexuality refers to the practice of sexual alchemy. It also says: "Supra-sexuality is the result of sexual transmutation." And: "Only through the Path of the Perfect Matrimony do we reach supra-sexuality." Both of these quotes from the chapter Supra-sexuality in The Perfect Matrimony implies that suprasexuality is not the practice of the Arcanum AZF itself, but that the practice of sexual magic allows us to reach supra-sexuality. Therefore the text should be as it was originally and not the way you changed it into, so because of the above I will revert those edits once again. Now, we have both explained to you that your edits are not in accordance with the policies and guidelines of Wikipedia and we have provided links in order for you to be able to read those policies and guidelines, but you have apparently refused to do so since you have not changed your behavior. What exactly is it that you don't understand about No Original Research and NPOV? Because your additions about "official" and "dissenting" schools shows no understanding of either. This edit war needs to stop. That you are a gnostic missionary means nothing at all to Wikipedia. What matters is to be able to provide reliable sources as references to statements that have a neutral point of view. Anton H 21:56, 20 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]



This is not "Sacred Book of Liturgy",


"Sacred Book of Gnostic Liturgy"

Do i have to justify it ? CRAZY!

Do you i have to scan the first page of the book to proove it?!!

LISTEN CAREFULLY: i am a Missionary. That means that i have the orginal books of samaël in french. But more. For this "special" title, i have:

  1. Sacred Book of Gnostic Liturgy IN FRENCH
  2. Sacred Book of Gnostic Liturgy IN SPANISH - VERSION 1
  3. Sacred Book of Gnostic Liturgy IN SPANISH - VERSION 2
  4. Sacred Book of Gnostic Liturgy IN ENGLISH

So, your approach, and your arguments FALSE. You did not read the the article i have inserted with a lot of direct references of Master Smaël Books.

My opinion is that you know the TEACHING. This is clear.

When you say "The reality is, you do not know what schools are directly linked to Samael Aun Weor and which are not. Have you spoken to Samael Aun Weor about this? If not then you should keep silent. Speak what you know, not what you have been told.", these proove that YOU DONT KNOW NOTHING about nothing. This is not a critic. This is only to make you understand that you pretend (the vanity, the proud) to know what is correct to put on the page, and what is not.

But you are wrong my friend, and i prooved it by inserting direct references from Samaël Books.

Second point


the second point is: if you had knew the Teaching, if you were an authentic Gnostic, you will know that you can face all the masters in the Astral and Mental world and that the White Lodge is guiding, is protecting and is illumating the members of all aunthentic schools. Ok, we dont say it, ok we dont show it. But the assertion you gave me are, once again, totally false and are revealing your true nature.

So, if you dont understand all this, even with the explantions and the references i gave you, what can i do ? I am sorry for you, that's all.

To conclude:

i dont go to waste my time (and yours) to discuss about this if there is experience and comprehension about Gnosis and thsi Teaching (go in an authentic school, work on yourself, and this help you a lot).

So, to be honest with you and frank:

I am going to restore my articles, where my references are correct.

For the problem of the history, i am going to enlarge it.

And i will not disturb you again (except if you contact me).

"I will say the thruth AT ANY COST" Samaël Aun Weor.

Please, I ask you, to simply review our statements regarding the policies of Wikipedia. This has nothing to do with the name of a book. This has to do with the policies of Wikipedia. If you do not follow the policies of Wikipedia the content will be removed. Your content is in violation of the policies of this website. That is all! --T. Baphomet 00:59, 21 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

September 2007


Welcome to Wikipedia. Although everyone is welcome to make constructive contributions to Wikipedia, at least one of your recent edits, such as the one you made to Samael Aun Weor, did not appear to be constructive and has been automatically reverted by ClueBot. Please use the sandbox for any test edits you would like to make, and take a look at the welcome page to learn more about contributing to this encyclopedia. If you believe there has been a mistake and would like to report a false positive, please report it here and then remove this warning from your talk page. If your edit was not vandalism, please feel free to make your edit again after reporting it. The following is the log entry regarding this warning: Samael Aun Weor was changed by Bluemanang (c) (t) deleting 32876 characters on 2007-09-20T15:42:42+00:00. Thank you. ClueBot 19:43, 20 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]



We have explained to you why your edits are mistaken, but you still persist with re-adding them. If you continue this behavior I will have to ask an admin to ban you from Wikipedia, because at this point you are a vandal. So please stop. Anton H 09:54, 22 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Answer to Anto H

  • This is easy to accuse someone of "Vandalism".
  • This easy to undo my insertions.
  • But YOU do NO respect the free access to Wikipedia and the possibility for each human of this planet of modifying and updating an article, as long as the information is true and reliable And what i inserted is reliable directly in the book of Samael and in the history of Gnoss and of the gnostic movement).
  • This also easy to say that "This has nothing to do with the name of a book. This has to do with the policies of Wikipedia. If you do not follow the policies of Wikipedia the content will be removed. Your content is in violation of the policies of this website. That is all"

The facts are that :

  • The book intituled "Sacred Book of Lithurgy" was FALSE, and i had to insert the true title "Sacred Book of Gnostic Lithurgy" 3 times, and 3 times this was canceled. I had to say that i possess the book:
  * in French,
  * in spanish and in 2 differents versions,
  * and in English,

for that, finally, you accept it ! Who do you think you are, Anton ? You should learn and pratice humility...

  • You wrote some informations on Samaël and his teaching witch are DEFINITVELY WRONG. SO i correct them.

The wrong lines you have written and you behavior shows clearly that:

  1. You dont know the Teaching of Samael.
  2. You dont LIVE the Teaching of Samael.
  3. You pretend to dominate this article, although you put wrong things and you are not an expert at all on the subject.
  4. Now you are threating me of exclusion, which is tyranic and unjustified...

In short, all that do not honour you, and dishonours the co-operative and fraternal philosophy of Wikipedia.

To be very clear i repeat to you that:

  1. I am a Missionary belonging to an authentic school of mysteries founded by the Master Samaël and Litelantes.
  2. I am practicing Gnosis since 18 years.
  3. I teach Gnosis of Samael since almost 7 years
  4. I possess the original books in french, some in spanish and in english.
  5. I possess an electronic version of the books (60) and Lectures (300) in french, spanich and english.
  6. And finaly, i possess a lot of gnostic material from the International Center Of Formation (the school for Missionaries) and from Missionaries themselves.

So, you try to take control (with others few guys) of this Samael article, whereas:

  1. You know almost nothing on this teaching.
  2. You deny the direct references i gave (from the samael books, with "title of the book" the number of the "title" of the chapter...)
  3. You deny my experience on the subject
  4. You pretend to know more than Misionnaries themselves, what is the doctrine of Samael, what we should write, and what we should not write (and this attitude can be honestly called proud and vanity...).
  5. You invoke FALSE arguments and you lie, only to JUSTIFY to ban me, etc.

Sorry Anton, but all this is not a fair attitude.

So, as i have already said: i will change the content of this article until you accept it. To raise a "cluebot" in an unjust way, a new proof of your disloyalty and of control on this article which you want to reserve (with a few people who have a specila status here, a status of super-user of prilviligied user i dont know) but, remember well : all this will not stop me because i acting right, saying the truth, and you are acting perversely, while lying, and while menacant.

May god helps you to understand that you are following an erroneous path, leading to promote wrong and erroneous writings to Humanity, witch is an opposite goal to Wikipedia.


Okay, first of all, calm down. I'm only trying to make this article to be in accordance with Wikipedia's regulations, do you think there is something wrong with that? I do respect the free access of Wikipedia, but you have to be aware that edits that are contrary to the regulations of Wikipedia will not be tolerated. Why can't you understand this? If you want to discuss about the title of the book Sacred Book of (Gnostic) Liturgy, you will have to talk to T. Baphomet, because I have not changed that. I did not "raise" a Cluebot on you, it reverted an edit of yours because you blanked a large part of the article, it works automatically. It is lamentable that you keep resorting to personal attacks instead of discussing the matter at hand. You know nothing about who I am. Let's take Jesus' advice:
"Why do you notice the splinter in your brother's eye, but do not perceive the wooden beam in your own eye?"
Who you are, and who I am, is completely irrelevant to all of this. Our authority, knowledge and experience are irrelevant. What is relevant is that our edits are referenced and NPOV. Either you don't care about these policies, or you have not understood them. Explain to me, why do you think that your edits do not violate these policies? I have already explained why your text about the different types of sexuality is mistaken, and that The Revolution of the Dialectic is not good as a reference because it does not talk about suprasexuality. The word is never mentioned. We have tried to explain to you why the edits you have made are mistaken, we have asked you to read the policies and guidelines, but you seem to ignore this and instead say that we are trying to suppress you and accuse us of being "bad gnostics". You keep making those mistaken edits and I see no other choice than to have your account blocked, because you do not want to understand. You still have not provided references for your statements about the different "betrayals" in the Gnostic Movement. Even the word "betray" is POV. Do you understand this? I will once again revert your edits, but I will also raise a poll on the discussion page about whether the article should include any information about the different schools, for example official and unofficial. And, if possible, I will also ask an admin to take a look at all of this and decide which action should be taken. Regards, Anton H 14:34, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]
Concerning my reverting of the book title, that was part of one of the large reverts I did. I felt it was quicker to revert everything and then add back anything that was OK. It is the NPOV, unreferenced, and bad English grammar that I take issue with. In this case, I have no problem with the title correction. I think it is currently correct. --T. Baphomet 17:47, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Again the same wrong affirmations


You said : "The Revolution of the Dialectic is not good as a reference because it does not talk about suprasexuality.

This becomes really crazy... YOU SHOULD READ THE BOOK... Here are the references :

Chapter VI, Title 2 "The Sexual Super-Dynamic" of "The revolution of dialectic" by Samaël aun Weor : THIS IS SUPRA- SEXUALITY (if you do dont understand this, it is beacuse you dont understand the Teaching. And why? Because your approach is intellectual) If i define the 3 types of sexuality like i put, this because i gave direct references in the book. Even, if the word Suprasexuality do not appears, some books are directly linked to this subject, but only Missionaries and students know this because ww have received the Teaching and undertood it by living it, NOT INTELLECTUALLY. BlueManAng.

I'm starting to become really tired of hearing this. It's not about me and that "I don't understand the teachings". If someone reads that passage and checks the reference you provided they will not find the word suprasexuality there. According to The Perfect Matrimony that is not suprasexuality, but you seem to ignore that reference and instead point to your own interpretation of the chapter from RotD in order to prove your point. I might as well come and say that a description of infrasexuality is really suprasexuality and claim that if you do not understand that, then you don't understand the teaching. This is called Original Research. References are needed. I have a source for my statement, you do not have a source, except for possibly "secret books" that I or anyone else have no way of verifying. Finally, a friendly advice: Observe yourself in this moment and ask sincerely if you are have not been influenced by an ego when you have written all this, and if your actions are really in accordance with the will of God within you. Regards, Anton H 19:44, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

Last warning


One more revert and I will have to ask an admin to block you. It's nothing personal. Anton H 19:57, 24 September 2007 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ a b Samael Aun Weor. Christmas Message 1967-1968 - The Solar Bodies). {{cite book}}: Unknown parameter |Chapter= ignored (|chapter= suggested) (help) Cite error: The named reference "pm-sexuality" was defined multiple times with different content (see the help page).