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The magnetic field at magnetopause at distance (m) for a magnetic dipole generated by a magnetic moment current of (A) in a loop of radius is


where is the magnetic moment of a current loop. Substituting this into Equation MHD.1 and solving for yields the following result[1]


The Force derived by a magnetic sail for a plasma environment is determined from MHD and kinetic equations is:[2][1][3][4]


where is a coefficient of drag determined by numerical analysis, (Pa) is the dynamic wind pressure, and (m2) is the effective blocking area of the plasma magnet sail with characteristic length (m) also known as the magnetopause radius (m). Note that this equation has exactly the same form as the drag equation in fluid dynamics. For a dipole magnetic field is a function of sail tilt angle (0 degrees perpendicular to flow, 90 degrees in line with flow) determined by numerical calculation.[5] For a large current loop following the Biot–Savart law is a smaller value than that of a dipole and is also a function of tilt angle.[6] Through analysis, numerical calculation, simulation and experimentation several conditions must be met before a magnetic sail can generate significant force. An important one is that in order to achieve significant thrust as determined by MHD equations[1][7] the standoff distance must be significantly greater than the Gyroradius, also called the Larmor radius[1] or cyclotron radius as follows:


where (kg) is the ion mass, (m/s) is the velocity of ions perpendicular to the magnetic field, (C) is the elementary charge of the ion, (T) is the magnetic field strength at the point of reference and is a constant that differs by source with =1[3] and Wikipedia gyroradius and =2[2][1]. At magnetopause let and in the above equation, form the inequality using from Equation MHD.3, and after rearrangement yields the following condition on magnetic moment for MHD applicability:


where the constant for CSO=1.

Note that this MHD applicability test depends upon the ratio of effective plasma wind velocity and plasma density y for a specific plasma environment and use case. If this condition is not met then the effective sail blocking area can be much smaller than . In some cases can be determined from a kinetic model specific to the plasma environment. Dmcdysan (talk) 19:10, 1 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Solar wind example - Need to decide placement


Although the ram pressure of the solar wind is relatively small at 1-6 nPa at 1 AU, the force exerted on a magnetic sail is the product of this pressure, the effective area of the sail, which for a sail of radius 100 km is  m2, and a coefficient of dragranging between 3.6 and 5. This corresponds to a force on the order of 2,000-8,000 Newtons, which is on the order of the acceleration of a small car. However, since no propellant is exhausted the specific impulse is effectively infinite and even with very small acceleration a very high velocity is potentially achievable. Dmcdysan (talk) 19:16, 1 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Equation line formatting and numbering in Wikipedia


Template MathFormular_{Li}=\frac {m_i v_\perp}{|q| B_x C_{Li}

Template NumBlk with Template "{{EquationRef|A1|1}}"


Template NumBlk with Template "{{Anchor|1}}"


Issues: Equations with "|" or "}}" create ??

Use "{{|}}" for "|", "} }" for "}}"

True first parameter as a unique name for the page searchable in Source editing mode. Use second for display number, use a unique prefix to minimize renumbering.

See 1

Equation template



See Equation 1

See Equation 2

Insert 1 row x 3 col Table, col 1 is indent, col 2 is Math, col 3 is anchor

Col1 Col2 Col3

Table formatting is rather complex. Dmcdysan (talk) 20:14, 4 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Ashida 2014 Thesis Issues


Ashida 2014 thesis has issues stemming from Equation (2).Dmcdysan (talk) 18:34, 11 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

In 2011[Citation] and 2014[Citation] Ashida and others documented Particle In Cell (PIC) simulation results for a kinematic model for cases where where MHD is not applicable.

Their model for magnetosphere radius in Equation (2) for characteristic length L had a form unlike that of related papers that make it difficult to easily compare with other results.

Equation (12) of their study included the additional force of the injected plasma jet comprised of momentum and static pressure of ions and electrons and defined thrust gain as , which differs from the definition of a term by the same name in other studies. [Cite Funaki 2012, 2013]. It represents the gain of MPS over that of simply adding the magnetic sail force and the plasma injection jet force.

For the values cited in the conclusion, is 7.5 in the radial orientation. Note that the attack angle defined by Ashida is the angle of the magnetic moment and not the orientation of the coil as defined by Nishida and is therefore differs by 90 degrees.

DIFFERENT From Ashida 2014 with erroneous Equation (2) see Equation (8) from the force simulation results for a magnetosphere radius of 4300 m, a coil radius of 75 m and selected to yield a magnetic moment corresponding to the specified value of in accordance with Equation MHD.6. The coefficient of drag determined the relative thrust with an attack angle degrees and with degrees Dmcdysan (talk) 19:36, 11 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

MPS Edits


Edits from MPS not used or cuts. Dmcdysan (talk) 19:33, 17 July 2022 (UTC) MPS edits ??? More details on a proposed demonstrator spacecraft - Paper available on request. Some info in Funaki 2015 press.[reply]

[Ueno?] Preliminary results reported in 2019 indicated a 50% increase above the theoretical magnetosphere size. [Citation]

[Ashida 2014 with Error in Eqn 2] Note that the attack angle defined by Ashida is the angle of the magnetic moment and not the orientation of the coil as defined by Nishida and is therefore differs by 90 degrees. MODIFIED IN ANOTHER 2014 PAPER TO ALIGN.

Dmcdysan (talk) 19:34, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Plasma magnet edits


Plasma magnet text equations not used. Dmcdysan (talk) 19:35, 17 July 2022 (UTC) NOT USED[reply]

Equation (15) of [Slough06] defines the magnetic field BRMF (T) near an antenna coil of radius RA (m) in terms of the electron skin depth  (m) as follows

where RA is the antenna coil radius (m). Since the RMF falls off as 1/r2.  Note that for the solar wind the skin depth  d is only a few meters depending upon wRMF (rad/s). — Preceding unsigned comment added by Dmcdysan (talkcontribs) 19:40, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Note that Equation (B-1) defines the standoff magnetic field  with r (kg/m3) the plasma density and u=w-vs (m/s) the apparent wind speed and leaves selection of Rmp(m) as a design point.
If Rmp/R0 is held constant , then wRMF would be constant as well. If Rmp is held constant, then increasing R0 would mean that wRMF should be decreased.
=== Cuts, Equations not used ===
— Preceding unsigned comment added by Dmcdysan (talkcontribs) 19:39, 17 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Magnetic Field Model


Edits to MFM. Dmcdysan (talk) 18:48, 24 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

When the magnetic field source strength is specified, substituting from the pressure balance analysis from Equation MHD.2 into the above and solving for yields the following:
This is the expression for when with for Equation (4),[1] with for Equation (4),[8] and the magnetopause distance of the Earth. This equation shows directly how the falloff rate dramatically increases the effective sail area for decreasing values of for a given field source magnetic moment and determined from the pressure balance equation MHD.1. Substituting this into Equation MHD.3 yields the plasma wind force as a function of falloff rate as follows
where is the wind pressure from Equation MHD.1. This is the same expression as Equation (10b) when and .[2] Note that force increases as falloff rate decreases. Dmcdysan (talk) 18:49, 24 July 2022 (UTC)[reply]

Cut overview text from magnetic sail


Physical principles involved include: plasma characteristics for the Solar wind, a planetary ionosphere and the interstellar medium; interaction of magnetic fields with charged particles in a plasma; analogies with the Earth's magnetopause; and performance measures; such as, force achieved, energy requirements and the mass of the magnetic sail system. A number of proposals using this concept have been developed since 1988[2] starting with the Magsail proposed by Andrews and Zubrin,[9] which although analyzed by many sources as theoretically possible has the practical disadvantage of a mass on the order of 100 tonnes (100,000 kg). Subsequent designs strove to achieve similar benefits with reduced mass by injecting plasma, use of a rotating magnetic field, and combining the technology of a magnetic sail with that of an electric sail. This article summarizes the literature regarding performance of these designs in theoretical models, numerical analyses, simulations and laboratory experiments. Some criticisms regarding these results have been rebutted but other issues remain unresolved. Trials for several of these designs have been proposed. This article concludes with a performance comparison of these magnetic sail designs with other each other as well as other technologies for the use cases of: acceleration or deceleration in a stellar plasma wind, deceleration in the interstellar medium, deceleration in a planetary ionosphere, a comparison with electric and solar sails, and a summary of advantages and disadvantages. Dmcdysan (talk) 01:33, 1 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

A simulation of magnetic field lines around a circular current


Deleted by Constant314 from Biot-Savart Law on 9/26/2021.

Assuming a circular current is in xy-plane with center at the origin, thus the magnetic field in yz-plane will have x-component = 0 due to symmetrical cancellation from the circular current. The current runs counterclockwise. At a point, P, in yz-plane (y, z), the contribution from a segment of the circular current at R is,with,The magnetic field B can be obtained by line integration over the circular current with . Thus,:Here is a short Python function to execute the numerical calculation:

def cirmag(yb, zb, dt):
jb, kb, m = 0.0, 0.0, 64
for i in range(0, m, 1):
t = i*dt
dn = (abs(r**2 + yb**2 -
jb = jb + (zb*r*math.sin(t))*dt/dn
kb = kb + (r**2 - yb*r*math.sin(t))*dt/dn
bb = math.sqrt(jb**2 + kb**2)
return jb, kb, bb

To draw complete field lines with direction markers, the following Python function is used:<syntaxhighlight lang="python3">

def fieldline(yf0, zf0, pt, ds):
ysign, yf1, zf1, cm = 1, 0.0, 0.0, 0
ysign = np.sign(yf0)
for i in range(1, pt, 1):
jf0, kf0, bf0 = cirmag(yf0, zf0)
yf1 = yf0 + jf0/bf0*ds
zf1 = zf0 + kf0/bf0*ds
if abs(kf0) < 6.0 and zf1 > 0:
cm += 1
if cm < 2:
if ysign > 0:
ax.plot(yf1, zf1, "g>",
ax.plot(yf1, zf1, "g<",
if zf1 < 0 and zf1 > -30*ds:
if ((ysign > 0 and yf1 < r)
or (ysign < 0 and yf1 > -r)):
ax.plot([yf0,yf1], [zf0,zf1],
color="g", linewidth=0.4)
yf0 = yf1
zf0 = zf1

Dmcdysan (talk) 03:14, 6 September 2022 (UTC)[reply]

  1. ^ a b c d e f Funaki, Ikkoh; Yamakaw, Hiroshi (2012-03-21), Lazar, Marian (ed.), "Solar Wind Sails", Exploring the Solar Wind, InTech, Bibcode:2012esw..book..439F, doi:10.5772/35673, ISBN 978-953-51-0339-4, retrieved 2022-06-13
  2. ^ a b c d Djojodihardjo, Harijono (21 November 2018). "Review of Solar Magnetic Sailing Configurations for Space Travel". Advances in Astronautics Science and Technology. 2018 (1): 207–219. Bibcode:2018AAnST...1..207D. doi:10.1007/s42423-018-0022-4. S2CID 125294757.
  3. ^ a b Slough, John (September 30, 2006). "The Plasma Magnet - Phase II Final Report" (PDF). NASA Institute for Advanced Concepts. NASA. Retrieved 13 June 2022.
  4. ^ Andrews, Dana; Zubrin, Robert (1990). "MAGNETIC SAILS AND INTERSTELLAR TRAVEL" (PDF). Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. 43: 265–272 – via semanticscholar.org.
  5. ^ Nishida, Hiroyuki; Ogawa, Hiroyuki; Funaki, Ikkoh; Fujita, Kazuhisa; Yamakawa, Hiroshi; Inatani, Yoshifumi (2005-07-10). "Verification of Momentum Transfer Process on Magnetic Sail Using MHD Model". 41st AIAA/ASME/SAE/ASEE Joint Propulsion Conference & Exhibit. Tucson, Arizona: American Institute of Aeronautics and Astronautics. doi:10.2514/6.2005-4463. ISBN 978-1-62410-063-5.
  6. ^ Freeland, R.M. (2015). "Mathematics of Magsail". Journal of the British Interplanetary Society. 68: 306–323 – via bis-space.com.
  7. ^ Ueno, K. (2012). "Thrust Measurement of Magnetic Sail for Various Tilt Angles". JSASS Aerospace Tech. Japan. 10 (28): Tb_13–Tb_16. Bibcode:2012JSAST..10.Tb13U. doi:10.2322/tastj.10.Tb_13. S2CID 110087279.
  8. ^ Toivanen, P. K.; Janhunen, P.; Koskinen, H. E. J. (April 5, 2004). "Magnetospheric Propulsion (eMPii)" (PDF). Finnish Meteorological Institute. Retrieved June 25, 2022.{{cite web}}: CS1 maint: url-status (link)
  9. ^ R. Zubrin. (1999) Entering Space: Creating a Spacefaring Civilization. New York: Jeremy P. Tarcher/Putnam. ISBN 0-87477-975-8.