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Personal notes for adding references to the main text[edit]

iltiR and iltun as typical Iberian toponyms for city names, meaning something like 'Stadt' / 'Burg' / 'Gemeinde' (Untermann 1990 p. 187ff)

Salir as meaning 'Geld' / 'Münze', because of its use in coins (as iltiRta-Salir-ban) and its use in lead plaque inscriptions besides numbers and quantities (Untermann 1990, 191) Correa 1994, 283: "dinero" / "moneda". Michelena 1979, 36 quotes Tovar 1951: 'valor' / 'moneda'.

aRe take as akin to the Latin formula heic est situs ("here he is") (Untermann 1990, 194) beacuse of a bilingual inscription from Tarragona C.18.6

eban and ebanen as equivalent to the Latin coeravit ("he cared [to be done]") in tombstones (Untermann 1990, 194), because of a bilingual inscription from Sagunto F.11.8

seltar and siltar as meaning something like '"tomb" in tombstones (Untermann 1990, 194); Correa 1994, 283: "tumba" / "estela"; Michelena 1979, 36: "doit signifier 'stèle, tombeau', ou quelque chose dans ce genre-là"

ekiar: verb or verbal noun with a meanig as "to do" / "to make" compared with the Basque verb egin (Beltrán 1942 [1]; Correa 1994, 284). likine-te ekiar usekerte-ku with a meaning akin to "made by Likinos of Osicerda" (Correa 1994, 282)

-ken / -sken: as having been understood as Plural Genitive because its use in coins in ethnical names (with parallels in Latin and Greek coins), and having been compared with Basque Plural Genitive whose origin seems to be -ag-en (Michelena 1979, 34). But Michelena himself is sceptic about this comparison.

An interesting quote[edit]

I found three paragraphs worth quoting (but maybe shortened), I put them here for further reference (especially as this work seems not to be avaible through the net:

"hay que mencionar los monumentos bilingües, muy pocos y muy breves"..."los únicos que aseguran la traducción exacta de dos palabras ibéricas: tebanen "curavit" y aretake "hic situs est"."
"La aparición de ciertas palabras en ciertos tipos de soportes nos permite contar con significados por cierto poco precisos, pero no del todo imposibles: por ejemplo de las palabras seltar, tal vez "tumba", śalir, tal vez "dinero (de plata)", iltir y biur, tal vez "ciudad, comunidad", ekiar "ha fabricado" o "es obra de (un artesano)"."
"Partiendo de resultados suficientemente seguros de esta índole se ofrece la identificación de un cierto número de sufijos con funciones morfológicas: -en, -ar y -ḿi, que indican pertenencia y posesividad, -te como señal de ergativo, -ku junto con topónimos como sufijo de ablativo"

Source: Jürgen Untermann (2005) "La lengua ibérica en el País Valenciano" in XIII Col·loqui Internacional d'Arqueologia de Puigcerdà. Món Ibèric als Països Catalans ISBN 84-933111-2-X pp. 1135-1150, Puigcerdà, p. 1148.

--Dumu Eduba (talk) 16:08, 15 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]


An interesting link on an interesting Iberian inscription, with full download (long, good draws and photographs), but maybe better in a bibliography on relevant inscriptions rather than in Further Reading: Jürgen Untermann, "Comentario sobre una lámina de plomo con inscripción ibérica de la colección D. Ricardo Marsal, Madrid" Habis, , Nº 29, 1998 , pp. 7-22, ISSN 0210-7694. --Dumu Eduba (talk) 16:24, 15 May 2009 (UTC)[reply]

Just a suggestion - don't use all caps for the bib, I don't think it's commonly done. Akerbeltz (talk) 00:09, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
OK. When finishing I will "des-capitilize" all the titles (for something we are on economics crisis times ;-) ). My main worry, though, is that a reference in a note could be found easily. --Dumu Eduba (talk) 09:02, 17 June 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  1. ^ Beltrán Villagrasa, P. (1942) Sobre un interesante vaso escrito de San Miguel de Liria, Valencia, p. 51