User talk:Huaizhi.wu
1. Basic concepts and interesting topics:
[edit][Quantum Mechanics]
- Fermi's golden rule
- Fluctuation dissipation theorem * Quantum fluctuation in Electrical CircuitsFile:Quantum fluctuation in Electrical Circuits - MHD 1997.pdf
- Aharonov–Bohm effect
- Dirac equation
[Quantum Optics]
- Quantum simulator: A universal simulator is a controlled quantum device that reproduces the dynamics of any other many-particle quantum system with short range interactions. This dyanamics can refer to both coherent Hamiltonian and dissipative open-system evolution.
- FCS full counting statistics* Franck–Condon principle
- logarithmic negativity: The logarithmic negativity is an entanglement measure which is easily computable and an upper bound to the distillable entanglementquant-ph/0505071
- Bogoliubov transformation
- Wigner-Eckart Theorem
- Quantum tomography
- Superradiance
[Condense Matter Theory]
- Bose–Hubbard model* Fermi-Hubbard model* Feshbach resonance* BEC-BCS theory Ultracold Fermi gases in the BEC-BCS crossover - Jin Group at JILA Rudi Grimm Gourp at Innusbruck Cheng Chin Group at Chicago Ketterle Group at MIT
- Superfluid (See Lecture notes of Prof. Immanuel and Prof. Florian)
- Ginzburg-Landau Theory for Bosons in Optical Lattices (See Lecture notes of A. Pelster)
- Kondo effect
- Anderson model* Anderson localization
- Phase transition and Quantum phase transitionBook: QPT by Sachdev1999Maxwell construction
- Brillouin zone Link to detailed
- Mean field theory
[Classical Physics]
- Harmonic oscillator * Kuramoto model
- Hall effect
- Bloch wave (wave functions of a particle in a periodic potential)
- Dipole,Electric dipole moment and Magnetic moment
- scattering length * Dielectric medium [1]
- Lagrangian mechanics,Hamiltonian mechanics
[Basic Theory]
- Maxwell stress tensor * Tensor Operators - Spherical tensors
- Density functional theory * Density matrix renormalization group
- DMFT (Dynamical Mean-Field Theory)
- Central limit theorem
- Optimal control
- Green's function
- Hypergeometric function@Airy function or Bairy function (solution for second order differential equ. d2y/dx2=xy)@Hyperbolic function
2. Research project
[edit]2.1 Optomechanics
[edit]Cavity Optomechanics
- MIM setup: phonon laser The effect of Landau–Zener dynamics on phonon lasing
- Mechanical Cooling - quantum ground state: k_BT<\hbar \omega_M (or hv), For T=50mK,w_M=1GHz, the mechanical oscillator automatically in the ground state, where k_B=1.38*10^-23,h=6.63*10^-34
- Autler-Townes splitting and Landau-Zener-Stueckelberg Dynamics
- Self-sustained Oscillation Phonon lasingAPS Viewpoint on Phonon laser
- Parametric readout of bistable position Refer to superconducting circuit QED, Prof. Irfan Siddiqi in Berkerly (Talk 2010.10)
- quantum backaction
C.Fabre_PRA1994 Quantum-noise reduction using a cavity with a movable mirror A.Heidmann_APB1997 Quantum nondemolition measurement by optomechanical coupling
Optomechanical photonic crystal
- COMSOL is a multiphysics software package for performing finite-element-method (FEM) simulations (A short tutorial to use Comsol Finite Element Modeling Software.pdf)
- MPB developed by MIT, A free software package for the solution of the electromagnetic eigenmodes of periodic structures.
2.2 Cold Rydberg atoms: dipole-dipole, van der Waals interaction
[edit]Talk by M.Saffman, Rydberg Blockade Mediated Quantum Computing with Neutral Atoms Talk by H.P.Buechler:Many-body physics in Rydberg atoms
- Implementation of a multiqubit quantum phase gate in a neutral atomic ensemble via the asymmetric Rydberg blockade
- Quantum teleportation and computation with Rydberg atom in an optical lattice
- Two-photon absorption and emission by Rydberg atoms in coupled cavities
- Electromagnetically induced transparency with controlled van der Waals interaction
- Quantum signature for laser-driven correlated excitation of Rydberg atoms
- Rydberg-interaction gates via adiabatic passage and phase control of driving fields
2.3 Superconducting circuit QED
[edit]- Quantum fluctuation in Electrical Circuits - MHD 1997.pdf
3. Collaborators
[edit]- Prof. Florian Munich Erlangen @ MgroupWiki and FMwiki
4. Literature
[edit]- Science, PhysicsNature, Physics
- Citeulike (H.Wu)
- Optomechanics (Citeulike)
- Publications Florian Groupresearch gate
5. Colloquia & Lectures
- Harvard Monday Colloquium* UC Berkeley, Physics Webcast * Chicago, Physics, Colloquium Archive* KITP, University of California, Santa Barbara (Videos)* Wisconsin Physics Colloquia* Dartmouth college, Physics Collquia* University of Arizona,Physics Colloquium (iTune)* College of optical sciences, University of Arizona
[United Kingdom]
- Universitaet Wien, Austria, Österreichischen Zentralbibliothek für Physik
- The conference entitled “Atoms, Cavities and Photons”, organized in Paris on the occasion of Serge Haroche’s sixty fifth birthday took place from September 10th,to September 12th at Collège de France. The topics will covered Cavity Quantum Electrodynamics and related topics in quantum optics and mesoscopic physics.
- workshop 2007 Hybrid Approaches to Scalable Quantum Information Systems
6. Resource
[edit][Numerical simulation]
- Arnoldi iteration and Lanczos algorithm (Numerical calculation for eigenvalue and eigenvector)
- Quantum Information Package — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 13:24, 16 January 2014 (UTC)
- A short tutorial to use Comsol Finite Element Modeling Software File:A short tutorial to use Comsol Finite Element Modeling Software.pdf
- Periodic Table (Chinese) Periodic Table (English)
- Prof. J. Preskill with great knowledge
- Physics in the world
- Physics Examples and other Pedagogic Diversions by K. McDonald (nice website for search important physics concepts)
- Physics Demonstration Resources Online
- Quantiki Quantum Information
- IQC Waterloo Quantum Information Resource, video and lecture notes — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 16:33, 1 November 2011 (UTC)
- Yorick all routines
- GNU Scientific Library -- Reference Manual for numerical routines
- General Reference of MATLAB Commands MATLAB Source Codes
- pythonLanguage ReferenceStandard Library
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[Latex + Bibliography]
- WikiBooks: LaTeX commands — Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 10:28, 3 June 2011 (UTC)
- Bibdesk for MAC
- Jabref + BibtexPlugIn: Localcopy.jap to download pdf files
- Aurora - Latex in MS Word
- IguanaTex - A Free LaTeX Add-In for PowerPoint
- CTex Online Documents
- LyX – The Document ProcessorWiki_lyx
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- Excalibur - Latex Spelling Check
- Online Latex Equation Editor 12nd3rdSoftware1:Laeqed Latex Formula for PPT (PNG)Software2:Latexeqedit (change Fonts: preference -> \usepackage{CJK} or \usepackage{mathptmx})
- Skencil, a vector drawing program
- gnuplot 2D and 3D plot FREEget start (in Chinese)
- Blender Excellent 3D plot software
- Inkscape vector graph - Draw freely Tutorial Manual Tutorial (Chinese)Advanced tutorial(useful)
(Note: Export the picture as PNG file to get the background free figure)
[Useful Tools]
(colormap analogy to palette in Yorick) —Preceding unsigned comment added by (talk) 22:22, 29 December 2010 (UTC)
- EDX-free online courses from the world's best universities
- MIT open courses Audio/Video
- OpenCourses, Taiwan Uni.OpenSpeech, Taiwan Uni.
- Java Java Applets on PhysicsSome educational java appletsPhysics Simulation
- Lecture demonstration resources
Physics Demonstration Resources Online Resources for teaching physics Harvard Natural Sciences Lecture Demonstrations lecture demonstration database, Physics, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Lecture Demonstration, Brown Uni. , Physics Lecture-Demonstration FacilityMaryland Uni.
7. Entertainment and University Channel
[edit][Channels of University]
- Caltech TODAY* TV of Washington University* Columbia University on Youtube* Uchannel Princeton* Berkerley, Webcast* MIT world videos Watch MIT* Cornell University, Center Nanoscale systems (Videos)* Princeton University, Open Lectures* Cambridge University, SMS (Audio and videos)* University of Michigan Lecture Archives* Collge-de-France (Videos, French and English)* Bonn University Videoportal * Leipzig Uni Videoportal
- Youtube Education
- Research channel on Youtube
- Academic in the earth
- Music of the quantum
- America National Geographics
- CNRS, France
[edit]Quantum Computer Criteria
[edit]Divincenzo criteria qu-ph/0002077 1. A scalable physical system with well characterized qubits
2. The ability to initialize the state of the qubits to a simple fiducial state, such as |000...i
3. Long relevant decoherence times, much longer than the gate operation time
4. A “universal” set of quantum gates
5. A qubit-specific measurement capability
New Features.Quantum computers Nature 2010
Scalability. The computer must operate in a Hilbert space whose dimensions can grow exponentially without an exponential cost in resources (such as time, space or energy).
Universal logic: The large Hilbert space must be accessible using a finite set of control operations; the resources for this set must also not grow exponentially. (Adiabatic or Cluster quantum computation)
Correctability. It must be possible to extract the entropy of the computer to maintain the computer’s quantum state.
Numerical Simulation of Lindblad master equation
[edit]1. d\ro/dt = L\ro, super-operator to find steady solution, N by N superoperator matrix times N by 1 density vector
2. d\ro =L \ro dt, integral over \ro with respect to time, rewrite all the operator in state subspace 3. Gaussian state, it is more convenient to calculate the correlation <xp>, <px>, <x^2>, and <p^2> using the method from Florian. Think about the time consumption