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State Terrorism by Cuba

The Cuban Government has been accused of funding, training, and harboring individuals and groups who engage in terrorism by legal scholars, other nations, and human rights organizations. These claimants say the Cuban government is hypocritical because it regularly asserts that it is a “victim” of terrorism while it sponsors brutal acts of terrorism against democratically elected governments and trains, arms, and shelters terrorist organizations and their members.



The Cuban governments support for the FALN, a pro-independence Puerto Rican terrorist organization, has long been suspected by the United States Government[1]. The FALN were most active between 1974 and 1985 with their attacks focusing primarily in New York City and Chicago. The worst of these took place on January 24, 1975 killing four people and injuring more than 50, with the FALN taking responsibility for the bombings in New York City in their Communique No. 4.[2]

An FBI investigation of a 1983 Wells Fargo robbery, involving 17 members of the Boricua Popular Army, discovered that the individuals involved shipped approximately $4million out of the $7.2million stolen back to Cuba and traced the origin of M-16 rifles to stocks that the U.S. abandoned in South Vietnam in 1975.[3] Former Cuban DGI agent and defector Jorge Masetti, confirmed that he facilitated this transaction to Havana using a diplomatic pouch from the Cuban Embassy in Mexico City. [4] The BPA’s leader Filiberto Ojeda Ríos, was also suspected of being a covert DGI agent, and after the robbery fled to Cuba where he was provided with sanctuary by the Cuban government. [5]


  1. ^ U.S. Cuba Policy
  2. ^ "Terrorism in New York". Retrieved 2007-06-08.
  3. ^ Roger Fontine, Cuba's Terrorist Connection; The Heritage Foundation; June 4, 1988
  4. ^ Jorge Masetti, In the Pirate's Den: My Life As a Secret Agent for Castro, Encounter Books, 2002
  5. ^ Phillip Jenkins, Images of Terror: What We Can and Can't Know About Terrorism, Aldine Transaction, 2003