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Nabinolic Beverage


A Nabinolic Beverage is a drink containing Nabinol, also known by its full name of TetrahydrocanNabinol, which is obtained from and is the active ingrediant from the cannabis plant. Such a drink can be observed through video in the original government testing shown here [1]. Nabinol used to refer to Tetrahydrocannabinol in non-scientific contexts such as in culture and social interaction (see Lexicon section), most specifically in the context in drinking, not smoking[2]. The name was chosen because of its simplicity and resemblance to alcohol. The word was created in order to provide a parallel, understood word to alcohol when making nabinolic beverages and within the context of drinking, instead of smoking as is done directly with cannabis. It is already established that cannabis can be made into a drink, which is already done in India and California, United States, as a nabinolic soda.(see Current Use section). It is hoped that nabinol awareness will promote awareness of the prejudice of nabinol compared to alcohol drinking and persuade legislature of the need to emphisize responsibility and thus discourage Driving under the influence instead of the "color" of the drink.

Nabinol Served in California, United States
Nabinol served in India

Nabinol is a psychoactive drug, like the psychoactive drug alcohol (which is used in alcoholic beverages), and is also enjoyed for social recreation[[3]], but has only become a large part of culture during the latter 20th and early 21st century. Cannabis, and thus its active ingrediant nabinol, is the second most popular recreational substance following alcohol. Yet, despite the large acceptance of nabinol by popular culture and the healtheir alternative during private social occasions, it is not yet socially acceptable to officially enjoy nabinol in public. This is directly due to the illegal status of nabinol, and the Cannabis plant from which it comes, in many countries around the world. This has caused great stress and abuse of many people due to the fact that the consumption of nabinol is wide spread and is often important at social events in such societies and may be an important aspect of a society's culture.



The term "Nabinol" was first promoted in January 2007 during efforts to promote the next wave of the movement to tax and regulate marijuana in Nevada, which was on the ballot and failed by only %5 [4] in November of 2006. The new term was based on the ogranization promoting the reform called the CRCM [5]. This was done with the anticipation and preparation for marijuana and such beverages to become part of society like alcoholic beverages, once regulation begins. It was understood that smoking is not preferable to most people and that drinking is socially acceptable. Further, if cannabis were regulated and legal it would eventually be made into a healther form of consumption such as a drink, as is done with alcohol, simply because of market demand and social standards away from smoking. The scientific name for the active ingredient in cannabis and beverages made with cannabis is Tetrahydrocannabinol, but this term is too long and complicated, in the same way that people prefer not to specify ethyl alcohol when talking about drinking alcohol. The new term nabinol is taken from the end of the word TetrahydrocanNabinol and shares the same structure and number of syllables as the word alcohol, the active ingredient in wine, beer and liquor. Putting the enjoyable recreation from cannabis into a healthier and comparable form of consumption to alcohol puts the two psychoactive drugs on a level playing field and makes it even more clear that nabinol is safer and healthier than alcohol. It also makes it clear that it does not matter which drink one consumed prior to behavior, but rather if an adult in a free society is responsible after becoming under the influence. Regulating nabinol like alcohol would put the stress on anti-DUI and pro-responsibility rather than arrested responsible adults. It is believed that only once we stop arresting responsible adults for drinking (with a safer alternative) then and only then will things like DUI and irresponsibility stand out much more in our understanding and awareness.

Current Use


Nabinolic beverages are not widely known due to their high cost from illegal status. Due to the prohibition of the canabis plant it is extremely economically encouraging to consume the active ingrediant via smoking in order to achieve the maximum updtake per volume of the plant material. This of course results in worse health and production of cancer agents. Merely vaporizing without combusting would illminuate the combusted cancer agents from burning, but prohibition of vaporizing pariphinalia cause more detrimental effects to the safe and responsible conusmtption of cannabis by encouraging smoking instead of vaporizing, without cancer agents. The most popular current area to enjoy nabinolic beverages is in parts of India where cannabis is not illegal and thus smoking is done, but not necessary to consume the plant. These areas tout the famous Bhang Lassi[6], which is on the very potent end of nabinolic drinks. This is most likely because the drink is not allowed out of the local areas and not mass produced for social interaction on more regular occurrences, which would require a lower nabinol content. The Bhang Lassi is best equated to at least four shot glasses of strong liquor in psychoactive strength ( but not toxicity), on a fasted, empty stomach. More common, nameless, nabinolic beverages with lower content are much weaker in strength than the famous Bhang Lassi. California, United states has marijuana regulated for medical usage and regulated stores sell soda containing nabinol [7]. Once nabinol is regulated it will be possible to look at the bottle in the store and determine the exact percentage of nabinol, as is done with alcohol. One can choose to buy the beer of nabinol or the liquor of nabinol, either way one will not be able to overdose as is done with alcohol and it will be much safer.



Nabinolic beverages pose risk to the user due to its mental impairment during use, as alcohol does. Yet, nabinol is often compared to alcohol due to the fact that nabinol does not pose the same toxic health related issues of alcohol. While alcohol consumption may lead to vomiting and nausea after a few drinks, it can also lead to cirrhosis of the liver and other health issues if used to excess for long periods of time, such problems are not found with nabinol. Cannabis and its active ingredient are used to treat a host of illnesses, along with being used as a safe and inexpensive anti-emetic (anti-vomiting) agent. Chemotherapy patients often benefits from the use of cannabis. This allows the patient to eat food at a healthy level and also to keep down other drugs that are needed, but would otherwise be difficult to consume.



A person who abuses nabinol is known as a "nobinolic", just as a person who abuses alcohol is known as an "alcoholic"[8]. Alcoholics are treated well and offered treatment and not arrested for the damage to their bodies, while those who choose not do harm their bodies by drinking nabinol are considered criminals whether or not they are nabinolics.


While nabinol is one of the safest drugs to consume when considering direct health effects, due to its extremely low toxicity and inability to overdose (which often happens with alcohol), it is illegal in many countries. The United States has cannabis and nabinol classified as a Schedule I drugs. This means that while nabinol is safer than alcohol[9], the government still has it officially classified as more dangerous than amphetamine, cocaine, morphine and has it equated in danger to deadly drugs such as heroin, even after modern research has proven this false. Alcohol remains completely unrated for its danger according to the government. This is mostly due to the prejudice of smoking and the history of the substance cannabis and the idea that if we were honest about cannabis then more people would use it and the harms would increase. These are all non sequiturs to the argument, but often suffice because alcohol is not ranked in the official scale of harmful drugs. It is suggested by the government that allowing anyone to use substances safer than alcohol would still add to the problems already associated with alcohol. It also is feared that if we allowed nabinol to become regulated as alcohol, then DUI would increase. This logic also seems to be flawed, which can be proven with a simple example. If one were to take half of the drinks in a liquor store and change the label from alcohol, to nabinol, it would not matter which bottle you consumed, only if you DUI'd. Further, if you doubled the number of drinks in a current liquor store and labled the added drinks "nabinol" instead of "alcohol", you have only increased the selection. The number of brands to chose from does not increase the number of DUI. To the contrary, it is believed that if one were to be punished only according to whether or not one DUI'd, instead of being punished for whether one chose nabinol or alcohol, then responsibility would become much more important than the color the drink and thus responsibility would take the forfront of attention. Perhaps the best analogy would be to suggest that if a person only drank half a glass of beer (a less harmful choice than a full) then they should be arrested, even if they do not DUI, but a person who drinks a whole glass of beer and does DUI, they should receive a lesser penalty. This describes the current system with nabinol vs. alcohol choices for adults.