Wikipedia:Category intersection/Rick's mockup/Writers::People by nationality
This page is a mockup related to the proposal at Wikipedia:Category intersection. |
Two mockups are on this page. One with a vertically arranged table for selecting other intersections, and another with a horizontally arranged table.
Intersection:Writers::People by nationality
Writers by nationality
This page is an index intersection providing access to the intersection of Writers (or any of its subcategories) with any subcategory of People by nationality. For example, to view articles in both Writers and Albanian people select these two categories from the lists below and click intersect these categories.
<previous section manually added by editing the intersection page, and could perhaps be mostly subst'd from a template>
Pages in categories Writers and People by nationality
There are 0 pages in this intersection.
Intersection:Writers::People by nationality
Writers by nationality
This page is an index intersection providing access to the intersection of Writers (or any of its subcategories) with any subcategory of People by nationality. For example, to view articles in both Writers and Albanian people select these two categories from the lists below and click intersect these categories.
<previous section manually added by editing the intersection page, and could perhaps be mostly subst'd from a template>
Pages in categories Writers and People by nationality
There are 0 pages in this intersection.