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Wikipedia:List of hoaxes on Wikipedia/Dream Craft

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Dream Craft (abbreviated as DC) is a Japanese-American fantasy role-playing game (RPG), published by Wizards of the Coast and originally created and designed by Salohcin Tims. It was one of the first Japanese non-digital games and became very popular within its first month after release in 1992.

Players of Dream Craft embark on a perilous journey fighting dark creatures known as nightmares. Each level can either be bought pre-designed or designed by the players themselves. The character that guides the player through levels and manages the designs is known as the Dream Master. Each level is designed as a mat, on which the players will move their character markers and advance through the dream. As they progress, they come across nightmares, puzzles, and many decisions (e.g., the player could help a villager being attacked by a nightmare, or leave them be and continue).


The game of Dream Craft takes place in a subconscious fantasyland known as Somnia, a world created by a dark empire ruled by the evil wizard Alchion. Alchion lured all inhabitants of the Earth into a deep slumber, in which they would never awaken from a never-ending dream as slaves to Alchion's empire. The player's mission is to fight against the empire and free the world from sleep. Along the journey, the player may encounter numerous side quests and many nightmares.



Players design their own characters in the game through the Character Constructing Process. The player chooses a class, name, and the stats of the character. The player starts out with 20 points to distribute between their attributes. With every nightmare or level a character defeats, their experience points (XP) rise. When enough experience is gained, the character levels up. Each time the character levels up, the player gains stat points that can be distributed to increase the character's attributes. A player will traditionally use the same character during their campaign, but a new character can be created for each level. However, a person can only manage three characters at a time, and must discard one character to create another if three are held. A group of characters can join to form a party and go on levels together. The total number of players allowed to one party is five.


Nightmares are the monsters that players of Dream Craft face and fight during their campaigns. Each nightmare has its own level, attributes, and element. In each level, there are spawn points in which nightmares will appear. The player can either choose to stay and fight, or run away. However, the player can only run away a certain number of times. At the end of each level, there is usually a final fight against the most powerful nightmare/nightmares. The player cannot retreat from this fight. If a character is killed in battle by a nightmare, they must restart the level or quit entirely. If one is fighting with a party, the game does not end until all party members are killed.


When fighting a monster or another player, players can either use a standard attack, a skill, or an item. If the player uses a standard attack, the player must randomly select a DC Die from the dice bag. After retrieving the die, the opposing player must roll a die of the same kind. Rolling the die determines the attack strength of both characters. The lowest roll wins, and the winning character inflicts the amount of damage as the die reads. If the attacking player loses, the attack has no effect whatsoever. If the player uses a skill, absolute damage is inflicted to the opponent, no matter the outcome of a dice roll. Skills, however, take up action points (AP). Items can also be used in combat. If the player is fighting a nightmare, it will deal absolute damage automatically. A restorative item, such as a potion, can be used to restore health points (HP). An offensive item, such as a grenade, can be used to deal absolute damage to the opponent.


Items can be equipped to a character or held in stock. An equipped item can be used immediately in the battle. An item held in stock can only be used outside of battle. Both the character and stock can only hold a certain number of items.

Restorative items

Restorative items restore health and AP. They can normally be equipped in battle. There are usually different levels of effects for each item of restoration (e.g., a potion will restore a little health to one character while an Ultrapotion will restore a massive amount to all characters). Using a restorative item in combat, however, will take up a turn.

Boost items

Boost items will increase an attribute of a character by one. E.g., A Power Boost will increase a character's strength, and a Skill Boost will increase his/her total number of AP. Boost items cannot be equipped, but increase items can. An increased item will temporarily increase an attribute while in battle. Increase items can also be used in chains to have a greater effect. E.g., Two Power Increases can be used at once in a battle to increase strength by 3 instead of 2.


Equipment is special items a character can wield or wear. An equipment item usually is associated with an element, including fire, water, earth, air, light, and darkness. A piece of equipment can be armor or a weapon.


Pieces of armor can protect the torso, head, arms, and legs. A full suit of armor can increase overall defense as well as give resistance against certain elements and nightmares. Jewelry can also be enchanted and worn to increase attributes and elemental resistance.


A character can wield weapons depending on their class: paladin, wizard, axeman, war hammer, or archer. Like armor, weapons are made from metals and magic (e.g., a steel sword has greater strength than a bronze sword. However, a fire sword has greater strength than both). Shields can be equipped along with a weapon for better defense and elemental resistance.

[[Category:Fantasy role-playing games]] [[Category:Role-playing games introduced in 1992]]