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Wikipedia:Meetup/DC/Rare Diseases Edit-a-thon

From Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Welcome to the

Rare Diseases Edit-a-thon

Wikipedia is an openly editable resource, meaning that you can improve the quality and accuracy of Wikipedia entries. As one of the web’s most visited reference sites, Wikipedia often serves as a starting point for visitors looking for information about rare diseases or disorders.
With the help of experienced Wikipedians, attendees will learn to edit and contribute to articles about or related to rare diseases and disorders.


October 16-17 2017


National Organization for Rare Disorders: Rare Summit 2017
Marriott Wardman Park
2660 Woodley Rd. NW
Washington, D.C. 20008
This event is open to Rare Summit attendees only.

Articles to work on




Special requests

Categories-Each category contains multiple articles



Basics on editing Wikipedia


Sources to cite




Articles created


Articles improved


Please sign in


Once you've clicked the 'Sign in' button, scroll down on the following page and click 'Save changes'. Your username will automatically be added to the list of attendees.