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Wikipedia:Peer review/Tasmanian Devil/archive1

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This is an article on a neat Australian critter that I've been working on, trying to keep it simple but informative. Please point out anywhere you can see the potential for expansion or any glaring errors.--nixie 22:38, 10 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]

  • Overall, a well written article. I made a few minor edits here and there where I saw fit. Nothing drastic. I did want to point out that there is a discrepancy between when it went extinct on the main land. In the intro, the article says the T.D. went extinct in the 1100's. The first paragraph of the Conservation section says that they went extinct on the main land in the 1400's. Which is it. Also, the lifespan of the T.D. should probally be placed in some other section of the article. It doesn't seem to flow to me where it is currently located in the reproduction section. It seems like it is tacted on as a random fact. Keep up the good work. --ZeWrestler 13:32, 11 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  • Overall an informative article. However, on cursory examination I found several grammatical errors. For example, the last sentence of the first paragraph is a run on sentence and, to a lesser degree, ends in a preposition; three sentences in the "Reproduction" section are also run on sentences. Several units of measure need a space between them and their respective values. I'll try to address these issues latter this evening if someone doesn't beat me to it. —Wayward 02:37, July 12, 2005 (UTC)
  • Could a picture of a mother holding her babies in her pouch be placed in the reproduction section? --ZeWrestler 11:54, 12 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
    • The babies don't poke out of the pouch like Kangaroo joeys Image:Kangaroo au.jpeg, when they're big enough to leave they do, kangaroos are actually the only marsupials that keep young big enough to be independent in the pouch. The pouch opens to the back so the mother can't interact with the young while they are in the pouch. Also I don't think a mother devil would let a photographer get anywhere near her pouch :), there are no photos free or unfree online to suggest otherwise. --nixie 12:35, 12 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
      • What about a mother and her babies in general. Any pictures of that in existance. if not, maybe a baby T.D. --ZeWrestler 12:44, 12 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
        • Not with compatible copyrights. My local zoo is setting up a breeding program so I might be able to get some pics sometime in the future (probably early next year). I was thinking about making a diagram showing the timing of development in the pouch to put in that section since you mentioned that it needed a picture.--nixie 23:12, 12 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]
  • The first 2 sentances in the Cultural impact seem somewhat repetitive. can it be reworded somehow? --ZeWrestler 15:32, 14 July 2005 (UTC)[reply]