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Wikipedia:Picture peer review/German WWI war bond poster

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A German World War I propaganda poster urging the sale of war bonds in the Plakastil style pioneered by Lucian Bernhard.

This is a very striking image that caught my eye at the Library of Congress website.

Poster designer: Lucian Bernhard (1883–1972); restored, adjusted, and uploaded by Bellhalla
Nominated by
Bellhalla (talk) 04:55, 25 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
  • Do you have a translation for the German text? MER-C 12:41, 26 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
    • The text in German is:

      So hilft dein Geld Dir kämpfen! In U-Boote verwandelt, hält es Dir feindliche Granaten vom Leib! Darum: zeichne Kriegsanleihe!

      I don't speak German, but a Google translation comes out as:

      To help you fight for your money! Submarines transforms, keeps it going enemy grenades at bay! Therefore draw war bonds!

      which I take to being roughly equivalent to:

      Make your money fight. U-boats keep enemy grenades away. Buy war bonds.

      Any proper translation by a German speaker is welcome :) — Bellhalla (talk) 18:46, 26 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
I think "enemy shells", as in artillery, would be a better translation! best, (talk) 12:13, 27 February 2009 (UTC)[reply]
A more direct translation is: "This is how your money helps you fight! Turned into submarines, it keeps enemy shells away! That's why you should subscribe to war bonds!" (Apparently, intended to be direct speech of the person at the top-left.) --B. Wolterding (talk) 18:37, 14 March 2009 (UTC)[reply]