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Wikipedia:WikiProject Medicine/AMSA - Wikipedia collaboration/AMSA wiki webinar

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This is the event page for an upcoming private webinar for members of the American Medical Student Association.

Wikipedia's medical information - why health care professionals should care

  • Wednesday, May ??, 2016 (12-1pm)

Click here to join online class!

Wikipedia's medical information - why health care professionals should care

4 minute video, The Impact of Wikipedia

Wikipedia is among the most consulted sources of information on health, treatment, and medical conditions. Uniquely among the most popular websites it is non-profit, free of advertising, managed by a volunteer community, and has multi-language support as its core.

Using medical content as an example, this presentation will review the curation of information on Wikipedia. We will look at how information comes to be in Wikipedia, what quality control processes exist, who uses this information, and how it compares with alternative sources of health information. The presentation ends with an invitation for anyone who share information their information with Wikipedia's audience, and training and support for anyone who would share any Wikipedia-compatible health information of the sort that any public health campaign would share.

Participants in this webinar will learn differing perspectives which consider the following questions:

  1. Why should health care professionals care about health information on Wikipedia?
  2. Who reads Wikipedia's health information?
  3. How does Wikipedia's popularity and usage compare with other health information providers?
  4. What is the scope of Wikipedia's medical information?
  5. Who writes this content?
  6. What is the quality control process?
  7. If anyone wants to share their health information on Wikipedia, then how complicated is the process?



This training is a project from Consumer Reports. Consumer Reports is a United States nonprofit organization which seeks to share information with consumers so that they can make informed purchase decisions. Friends of Consumer Reports may include anyone who wishes to share information about consumer choices. Should you have any questions or concerns, feel free to either contact Lane (user:bluerasberry) at lrasberry@consumer.com

Presenter bio - Lane Rasberry is Wikipedian-in-residence at Consumer Reports, a United States-based non-profit consumer advocacy organization. His interests include clinical research, access to science information, public health, and consumer rights.