Wikipedia:Wikifun/Round 13/Answers/Question 9

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quick q[edit]

Just a q, are the typos intentional? of bicycle, Scottish? -sars 21:29, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

No. Eugène van der Pijll 21:31, 18 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

OED Volumes[edit]

So my answer is 1) follow 2) thru 3) unemancipated.

The items in the list correspond to what the 20 volumes of the OED2 started with (see Oxford English Dictionary). "The 20 volumes started with A, B.B.C., Cham, Creel, Dvandva, Follow, Hat, Interval, Look, Moul, Ow, Poise, Quemadero, Rob, Ser, Soot, Su, Thru, Unemancipated, and Wave."

Zoicon5 16:22, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]

I misspelled "Dvandva", so I had that one as missing article; and I completely overlooked "Unemancipated", so my answers were dvandra, follow, and thru. Thanks for the correction! Eugène van der Pijll 17:04, 20 June 2006 (UTC)[reply]
