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Yumbulagang or Yumbu Lhakhang is an ancient fort in the district of Nêdong in the vicinity of Zêtang in the county Shannan, in the Tibet Autonomous Region of the People's Republic of China. A legend counts Yumbulagang as the first building in Tibet.

According to a legend of followers of the Bön religion, Yumbulagang was erected in the second century B.C. for the first Tibetan king Nyatri Tsenpo, descended from the sky. During the reign of the 28th king Lha Thothori Nyantsen in the fifth century a golden Stupa, a jewel (and/or a form to the manufacture of dough-Stupas)[1] and a Sutra that no one could read fell from the sky on the roof of Yumbulagang; a voice from the sky announced: "in five generations one shall come, that understands its meaning!"[2] Later, Yumbulagang became the summer palace of the 33rd king Songtsen Gampo and princess Wencheng. After Songtsen Gampo had transferred his seat to Lhasa, Yumbulagang became a shrine and under the reign of the 5th Dalai Lama, Ngawang Lobsang Gyatso, a monastery of the Gelugpa school.

The Yumbulagang was heavily damaged during the Cultural revolution and was reconstructed in the 1980's .


  • ngag dbang blo bzang rgya mtsho: bod kyi deb ther dpyid kyi rgyal mo’i glu dbyangs. Kapitel 2 und 3. Übersetzung von Zahiruddin Ahmad ins Englische: A History of Tibet by the Fifth Dalai Lama of Tibet (Bloomington, Indiana University 1995), ISBN 0-933070-32-2.
  • nor brang o rgyan: gangs can yul gyi sa la spyod pa’i mtho ris kyi rgyal byon gtso bor brjod pa’i deb ther rdzogs ldan gzhon nu’i dga' ston dpyid kyi rgyal mo’i glu dyangs-kyi ’grel pa yid kyi dga’ ston (Beijing, mi rigs dpe skrun khang / Mínzú chūbǎnshè 民族出版社 1993), ISBN 0-933070-32-2.


  1. ^ Khenchen Palden Sherab Rinpoche: The Eight Manifestations of Guru Padmasambhva (ratna.info)
  2. ^ Eva M. Dargyay: The Rise of Esoteric Buddhism in Tibet (Delhi, Motinal Banarsidass 1979), ISBN 81-208-1577-7, S. 4.