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'''Comet''' is a [[World Wide Web]] [[web application|application]] architecture in which a [[web server]] sends data to a client program (normally a [[web browser]]) [[asynchronous I/O|asynchronously]] without any need for the client to explicitly request it. It allows creation of [[event-driven programming|event-driven]] web applications, enabling real-time interaction. Though the term ''Comet'' was coined in 2006,{{ref label|term|a|}} the idea is several years older, and has been called various names, including ''server push'', ''HTTP push'', ''HTTP streaming'', ''Pushlets'', ''Reverse Ajax'', and others. {{fact}}
In [[web development]], '''Comet''' is a [[neologism]] which describes a set of techniques that use [[Push technology]] to enable low-[[Latency (engineering)|latency]], [[Event-driven architecture|event-driven]] communication between a [[Server_(computing)|server]] and a [[web browser|web browser]].<ref>{{cite web
|url = http://www.ibm.com/developerworks/websphere/techjournal/0711_col_burckart/0711_col_burckart.html
|title = The allure of Comet
|first = Erik
|last = Burckart
|publisher = IBM Developer works
|date = 2007-11-07
|accessdate = 2008-06-12
}}</ref> Like [[DHTML]] and [[Ajax (programming)|Ajax]], Comet is not a technology in itself, but a term that refers to the use of a group of technologies as applied to [[Ajax (programming)|Ajax]]-like [[Web applications]].{{fact}}

Comet applications use long-lived [[Hypertext Transfer Protocol|HTTP]] connections between the client and server, which the server can respond to [[Lazy evaluation|lazily]], [[push technology|''push''ing]] new data to the client as it becomes available. This differs from the [[World Wide Web#How the Web works|original model of the web]], in which a browser receives a complete web page in response to each request, and also from the [[Ajax (programming)|Ajax model]], in which browsers request chunks of data, used to update the current page. The effect is similar to applications using traditional Ajax with [[polling (computer science)|polling]] to detect new information on the server, but [[throughput]] is improved and [[lag|latency]] and [[Load (computing)|server load]] are decreased.
Although the term was coined in a March 2006 blog post by Alex Russell,<ref name="comet">{{cite web
|url = http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=545
|title = Comet: Low Latency Data for the Browser
|first = Alex
|last = Russell
|publisher = Alex Russell's own blog
|date = 2006-03-03
|accessdate = 2008-05-05
}}</ref> the concept is several years older and has been known by various names, including
''Ajax Push'',<ref>{{cite speech
| title = Ajax Push (a.k.a. Comet) with Java Business Integration (JBI)
| first = Andreas
| last = Egloff
| publisher = [[Sun Microsystems]], Inc.
| date = 2007-05-05
| location = [[JavaOne]] 2007, [[San Francisco, California]]
| url = http://developers.sun.com/learning/javaoneonline/j1sessn.jsp?sessn=TS-8434&yr=2007&track=7
| accessdate = 2008-06-10
''Reverse Ajax'',<ref>{{cite book
|title = Comet and Reverse Ajax: The Next Generation Ajax 2.0
|first = Dave
|last = Crane
|coauthors = McCarthy, Phil
|publisher = Apress
|isbn = 1590599985
|year = 2008
|month = July
|language = English
''JSONRequest Duplex'',<ref>{{cite web
|title = JSONRequest Duplex
|first = Douglas
|last = Crockford
|work = An alternative to XMLHttpRequest for long lasting server initiated push of data
|date = 2006-04-17
|accessdate = 2008-05-05
''HTTP server push'',<ref>{{cite web
|url = http://www.bluishcoder.co.nz/2005/11/more-on-ajax-and-server-push.html
|title = More on Ajax and server push
|work = Different ways of doing server push
|first = Chris
|last = Double
|date = 2005-11-05
|accessdate = 2008-05-05
and ''HTTP streaming'',{{fact}} among others.<ref>{{cite web
|url = http://www.obviously.com/tech_tips/slow_load_technique
|title = The Slow Load Technique/Reverse AJAX
|work = Simulating Server Push in a Standard Web Browser
|first = Bryce
|last = Nesbitt
|date = 2005-11-01
|accessdate = 2008-05-05

''Comet'' does not refer to any specific technique for achieving this user-interaction model, but encompasses all of them—though it implies the use of browser-native technologies such as [[JavaScript]] as opposed to proprietary plugins. Several such techniques exist, with various trade-offs in terms of browser support and side effects, latency, and throughput.
== See also ==

*[[Ajax (programming)|Ajax]]
== Web application architectures ==
{{Rquote|right|15 years of plain HTTP request/response has taught us to think in terms of static pages that don’t change by themselves too much. Comet lets us treat the web as a network of people interacting more naturally than they can behind a request/response barrier.|Joe Walker<ref name="growing-importance">Joe Walker (23 October 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/10/23/why-comet-is-of-growing-importance/ Why Comet is of Growing Importance]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 4 Dec 2007.</ref>}}
*[[Push technology]]
[[Web application]]s have always been less flexible and capable than [[application software|desktop applications]], due to the restrictions placed on their access to local and network resources, and the limitations of in-browser program environments. As web browsers have evolved, many of these limitations have been lifted or worked-around, bringing so-called [[rich Internet application]]s closer and closer to desktop-application–like functionality.
*[[Pull technology]]

One of these traditional limitations is that each chunk of information sent by a web server to a browser must be explicitly requested. Comet removes this limitation, allowing applications to respond in real time to events external to the browser, such as updates to a real-time data source, or messages sent by another user. Comet is best understood in comparison with web application architectures which suffer this limitation.

=== Page-by-page web ===
<!-- TODO: Image of traditional model of the web
[[World Wide Web#How the Web works|Traditionally]], data is delivered to [[web browser]]s{{ref label|browser|b|}} only when specifically requested. Each time the user opens a [[web page]], the browser initiates an [[Hypertext Transfer Protocol|HTTP]] connection to the [[web server]], which returns the HTML code for the page and closes the connection. The browser then makes another HTTP request for each resource used by the page—e.g. an image or [[Cascading Style Sheets|stylesheet]]—and the server responds to each in turn.

<!-- TODO: Wikipedia screenshot
[[Wikipedia]], for example, is a complex application built using this page-by-page approach. Users interact with the [[website]] by clicking hyperlinks to navigate from page to page, and edit or add new pages by filling out [[form (web)|web form]]s, which also open new pages when submitted. On the server side, a complete HTML page is dynamically generated in response to each request. Users continually update wiki pages, but those changes are not reflected in Wikipedia’s interface until each page is reloaded.{{ref label|wp|c|}}

Though this model is simple and robust, it is also limiting; each page is updated only when the user explicitly refreshes (re-requests) it. Transferring entire pages, along with their associated resources, can take several seconds or longer. This encourages web applications with relatively few requests for new data, limits user interaction to filling out forms or pressing buttons or [[hyperlink]]s, and precludes real-time applications.

=== Ajax ===
<!-- TODO: Image of Ajax model
To overcome these limitations, many web applications turn to [[Ajax (programming)|Ajax]] ([[Asynchronous I/O|Asynchronous]] [[JavaScript]] and [[XML]]).{{ref label|ajax|d|}} In an Ajax application, servers respond to each request in sequence, just as before, but in the browser, JavaScript is used to modify the current page using data from each response, instead of opening a new page. This limits the server’s response to only the relevant information (usually in XML or [[JSON]] format), dramatically increasing application responsiveness by avoiding redundant data transfer and eliminating whole-page re-rendering. Furthermore, since Ajax requests are handled asynchronously in the background, the user can continue to interact with the page as data is retrieved.

<!-- TODO: Google Maps screenshot
{{Rquote|right|Traditionally, a Web site is about flipping pages but we took a different approach with Maps which is one page of Javascript.|Lars Rasmussen<ref>Rodney Gedda (14 October 2005). “[http://www.computerworld.com.au/index.php/id;1401986683;fp;16;fpid;0 Desktop apps coming to the Web: Google]”. ''Computerworld''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref>}}
Ajax provides much richer user interaction than the traditional web. For instance, in [[Google Maps]]—perhaps the canonical Ajax application<ref>Paul Graham (November 2005). “[http://www.paulgraham.com/web20.html Web 2.0]”. ''paulgraham.com''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref>—new tiles of map imagery are loaded as the user clicks and drags the map, and the user can continue to pan and zoom the map even before all tiles in range have loaded.

However, because the server still responds to each request as a single event, closing each connection as a response is served, any changing information is only updated in response to explicit user actions. This problem becomes a major hurdle when designing applications which should update in real time, in response to some [[Event-driven programming|event]] on the server, such as another user sending it information.

=== Ajax with polling ===
<!-- TODO: Image of Ajax with polling
One solution is for the browser to regularly [[polling (computer science)|poll]] the server, asking it if a new event has occurred (e.g. each five seconds asking the server “Any new events?”). This introduces an unhappy trade-off between latency and server load; the average event latency is half the poll interval (plus network latency and any time spent processing data), so increasing responsiveness proportionally increases the number of requests received by the server. At high polling frequencies, this wastes server resources and bandwidth processing many negative responses (“No new events, try again later”). Applications with predictable information updates, or those which tolerate relatively infrequent updates, can use polling without excessive waste.

=== Comet ===
<!-- TODO: Image of Comet, showing both streaming and long polling
{{Rquote|right|Comet improves application responsiveness for collaborative, multi-user applications and does it without the performance headaches associated with intermittent polling.|Alex Russell<ref name="alex_comet">Alex Russell (3 March 2006). “[http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=545 Comet: Low Latency Data for the Browser]”. ''Continuing Intermittent Incoherency.'' Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref>}}
{{Rquote|right|This analysis shows that for the worst case, when the message rate is high, load and latency for Comet long-polling are identical to traditional polling, and for most cases the load and latency are significantly better than traditional polling.|Greg Wilkins<ref name="wilkins-comparison"/>}}
Instead of repeatedly polling for new events, Comet applications rely on a persistent HTTP connection between server and client, using one of two strategies:

; Streaming
: In an application using ''streaming'' Comet, the browser opens a single persistent connection to the server for all Comet events, which is handled incrementally on the browser side; each time the server sends a new event, the browser interprets it, but neither side closes the connection.
; Long polling
: As the name suggests, ''long polling'' requires a new request for each event (or set of events). The browser makes an Ajax-style request to the server, which is kept open until the server has new data to send to the browser. After sending such an event, the server closes the connection, and the browser immediately opens a new one.

Using either of these approaches, the server is able to send new information to the browser with low latency, enabling the Comet user-interaction model. Using Comet, applications such as real-time [[chat room]]s, multiplayer games, and live-updating [[information graphics|infographics]] become feasible web applications.

Unlike with polling, long polling sends an event [[Payload (software)|payload]] along with each connection. While in the worst case—frequently occurring events with small payloads—long polling incurs significant [[computational overhead]], Greg Wilkins found that in most cases, long polling outperforms polling.<ref name="wilkins-comparison">Greg Wilkins (6 November 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/11/06/comet-is-always-better-than-polling/ Comet is Always Better Than Polling]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref> Streaming has better performance still, as it eliminates much of the per-message overhead.

== Browser compatibility ==
Because until recently, browsers were not designed with Comet in mind, web application developers mostly use several unintended side-effects of browser-native objects to build Comet “[[transport layer|transports]]” (methods of sending Comet events), each with different benefits and drawbacks. Each of these requires specialized code on both the server, which must send specially-formed responses, and in the browser-side JavaScript.<ref name="comet-future-1">Jacob Rus (11 December 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/12/11/the-future-of-comet-part-1-comet-today/ The Future of Comet: Part 1, Comet Today]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref><ref name="meteor-transports">Andrew Betts (2007). “[http://meteorserver.org/browser-techniques/ Browser Techniques]”. ''Meteor website''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref>

The specific transport or transports best for any given use depends on which browsers are targeted, the desired performance of the solution, need for cross-[[domain name|domain]] use, tolerance for user interface side-effects, and the stringency of [[proxy server]]s and [[firewall (networking)|firewall]]s between the client and server.

=== “Forever frame” IFrame ===
The earliest Comet transport (in use as early as 2000, see [[#History|History]] section below) uses an invisible [[IFrame]] HTML element (an ''inline frame'', which allows a website to embed one HTML document inside another). This invisible IFrame is declared by the server to be infinitely long—hence “forever frame”—and as events occur, is gradually filled with <code>script</code> tags, containing JavaScript to be executed in the browser. Because browsers render HTML pages incrementally, each <code>script</code> tag is executed as it is received.<ref name="comet-future-1"/>

The main benefit of the IFrame method is that it works in every common browser. Two downsides of this transport are first that it requires a kilobyte of data to be sent down the connection before the Safari browser (running on Mac OS X 10.4; this is fixed in the latest version of OS X) will begin incrementally rendering the IFrame or 256 bytes in Internet Explorer,<ref name="maciej">Maciej Stachowiak (26 June 2007). “[http://lists.macosforge.org/pipermail/webkit-dev/2007-June/002041.html Re: XMLHttpRequest and readyState==3]”. ''Webkit-dev'' mailing list. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref><!-- TODO: still need ref for IE needing padding
--> and second that the continually loading IFrame causes many browsers to display undesirable visual artifacts such as loading bars and wait cursors, though adding additional Iframes to the page will eliminate these artifacts in some browsers.<ref name="meteor-transports"/>

=== Htmlfile ActiveX object ===
By placing the incrementally-rendered IFrame inside an ActiveX object, it is possible to remove the negative side-effects of the IFrame transport in [[Internet Explorer]].<ref name="gtalks-javascript">Alex Russell (12 February 2006). “[http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=538 What else is buried down in the depths of Google’s amazing JavaScript?]”. ''Continuing Intermittent Incoherency''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.<br/> For advice about avoiding garbage collection bugs when implementing Comet with htmlfiles, see:<br/> Michael Carter (25 October 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/10/25/http-streaming-and-internet-explorer/ HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.<br/> Michael Carter (18 November 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/11/18/ie-activexhtmlfile-transport-part-ii/ IE ActiveX("htmlfile") Transport, Part II]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref><ref name="comet-future-1"/> The technique only works in Internet Explorer, however.

=== Multipart XHR ===
The [[XMLHttpRequest]] (XHR) object, the main tool used by Ajax applications for browser–server communication, can also be pressed into service for server–browser Comet messaging, in a few different ways.

In 1995, [[Netscape Navigator]] added a feature called “server push”, which allowed servers to send new versions of an image or HTML page to that browser, as part of a [[MIME#Multipart messages|multipart]] HTTP response (see [[#History|History]] section, below), using the content type <code>multipart/x-mixed-replace</code>. Since 2004, [[Gecko (layout engine)|Gecko]]-based browsers such as [[Mozilla Firefox|Firefox]] accept multipart responses to XHR, which can therefore be used as a streaming Comet transport.<ref>Johnny Stenback, et al. (March–April 2004). “[http://bugzilla.mozilla.org/show_bug.cgi?id=237319 Bug 237319 – Add support for server push using <code>multipart/x-mixed-replace</code> with XMLHttpRequest]”. ''Mozilla Bugzilla'' bug tracker. Retrieved 29 November 2007. Also see:<br/> Alex Russell (6 August 2005). “[http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=503 Toward server-sent data w/o iframes]”. ''Continuing Intermittent Incoherency''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref> On the server side, each message is encoded as a separate portion of the multipart response, and on the client, the [[callback (computer science)|callback function]] provided to the XHR <code>onreadystatechange</code> function will be called as each message arrives. This functionality is only included in Gecko-based browsers, though there is discussion of adding it to Webkit.<ref>Rob Butler, et al. (June 2006). “[http://bugs.webkit.org/show_bug.cgi?id=14392 Bug 14392: Add support for <code>multipart/x-mixed-replace</code> to XMLHttpRequest]”. ''Webkit Bugzilla'' bug tracker. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref> Additionally, it is unfortunately currently impossible to determine when the multipart XHR connection has been closed.<ref>Alex Russell (21 December 2006). “[http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=595 Adventures In Comet and Multipart Mime]”. ''Continuing Intermittent Incoherency''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref>

=== XHR streaming ===
Instead of creating a multipart response, and depending on the browser to transparently parse each event, it is also possible to generate a custom data format for an XHR response, and parse out each event using browser-side JavaScript, relying only on the browser firing the <code>onreadystatechange</code> callback each time it receives new data, with ready state 3 (this is the behavior of both Gecko- and Webkit-based browsers).<ref name="comet-future-1"/><ref name="meteor-transports"/> Note that for Webkit-based browsers, this requires at least 256 bytes of data at the beginning of the event stream, before Webkit will begin to incrementally render it.<ref name="maciej"/>

=== XHR long polling ===
Because none of the above streaming transports works across all modern browsers without causing negative side-effects in any—forcing Comet developers to implement several complex streaming transports, switching between them depending on the browser—many Comet applications instead opt for long polling, which is easy to implement on the browser side, and works in every browser which supports XHR.

For the most part, XHR long polling works like any standard use of XHR. The browser makes an asynchronous request of the server, and provides a function to be called when the server has responded. At the end of this callback function, the browser creates and sends another XHR, to await the next event. Thus the browser always keeps a connection open to the server, to be answered as each event occurs.

=== Dynamic script tag long polling ===
While any Comet transport can be made to work across [[subdomains]], none of the above transports can be used across different [[second-level domain]]s (SLDs), due to browser security policies designed to prevent [[cross-site scripting]] attacks.<ref>Andrew Betts (4 December 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/12/04/cross-site-scripting-joy/ Cross Site Scripting Joy]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref> That is, if the main web page is served from one SLD, and the Comet server is located at another SLD, Comet events cannot be used to modify the HTML and DOM of the main page, using those transports. This can be worked around by creating a [[proxy server]] in front of one or both sources, making them appear to originate from the same domain; however, this is often undesirable, for complexity or performance reasons.

Unlike IFrames or XHR objects, <code>script</code> tags can be pointed at any [[Uniform Resource Identifier|URI]], and JavaScript code in the response will be executed in the current HTML document. This creates a potential security risk for both servers involved, and though the risk to the data provider (in our case, the Comet server) can be avoided using “JSONP”, as Bob Ippolito explains, “Your page is still toast if the remote host decides to inject malicious code instead of JSON data”.<ref>Bob Ippolito (5 December 2005). “[http://bob.pythonmac.org/archives/2005/12/05/remote-json-jsonp/ Remote JSON – JSONP]”. ''from __future__ import *''. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.</ref>

A long-polling Comet transport can be created by dynamically creating <code>script</code> elements, and setting their source to the location of the Comet server, which then sends back JavaScript (or JSONP) with some event as its payload, and closes the connection. Each time the script connection is closed, the browser opens a new one, just as in the XHR long polling case. This method is the only cross-browser choice for developers looking to implement cross-domain Comet.<ref name="comet-future-1"/><ref>Alex Russell (22 July 2006). “[http://alex.dojotoolkit.org/?p=567 Cross Domain Comet]”. ''Continuing Intermittent Incoherency''. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.</ref>

=== Server-sent events ===
All of the previously listed transports are [[ad hoc]] uses of browser features not originally intended for Comet. Since 2005, another alternative, produced by the [[Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group]] (WHATWG), has existed as part of the draft [[HTML 5]] specification. Called server-sent events, it attempts to avoid the disadvantages of other Comet transports, while making Comet applications much more straight-forward to implement, both on the server side, and in the browser-side JavaScript.<ref name='server-sent-events'>Ian Hickson, et al. (2005–2008). ''HTML 5 specification'', § 6.2: [http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/section-server-sent-events.html Server-sent DOM events]. WHATWG. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref><ref name='comet-future-2'>Jacob Rus (10 January 2008). “[http://cometdaily.com/2008/01/10/the-future-of-comet-part-2-html-5%e2%80%99s-server-sent-events/ The Future of Comet: Part 2, HTML 5’s Server-Sent Events]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 1 Apr 2008.</ref>

The server-sent event portions of the HTML 5 specification stipulate both a new HTML element, <code>event-source</code>, and a new data format, called the DOM event stream. JavaScript can be used to attach callback functions to multiple types of events. Because server-sent events can be received by an HTML element in the browser, the specification leaves room for future browsers to implement special behavior for some event types, which could be used to make purely [[declarative programming|declarative]] Comet applications (that is, not requiring any imperative JavaScript at all).{{ref label|declarative|e|}}

=== General considerations ===
The HTTP 1.1 specification states that “A single-user client ''should not'' maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy”,<ref>''HTTP 1.1 specification'', [http://www.w3.org/Protocols/rfc2616/rfc2616-sec8.html section 8.14]. W3C. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.</ref> and this recommendation is followed by most browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. Holding one connection open for Comet can therefore impact performance; the browser may be unable to send a new user-initiated Ajax request while the browser loads, for example, a series of images. This can be worked around by creating a distinct [[hostname]] (usually at a different [[subdomain]]) for Comet connections—these two subdomains might be hosted on the same physical server.

=== Alternatives ===
Instead of using browser-native technologies to provide persistent connections, some developers instead turn to plugins, such as [[Java applet]]s or the proprietary [[Adobe Flash]].{{ref label|blazeds|f|}} These have the advantage of working identically across all browsers with the appropriate plugin installed, need not use HTTP connections, and face none of the security restrictions placed on browser-native transports. These strengths, however, are also the main drawbacks of proprietary plugins: not all clients have the plugins installed—for instance, the Apple [[iPhone]] includes neither—and the use of protocols other than HTTP, and ports other than port 80, can cause them to be blocked by firewalls.

== Scalability ==
Because Comet applications send events in real time, they typically use more resources than other types of web applications, making them more difficult to [[scalability|scale]] (grow to support large numbers of users).

* Comet relies on continually keeping at least one server–client connection open for each client. Traditional [[web servers]], designed for the page-by-page application architecture, cannot cope with such large numbers of open connections. This is a ''vertical scalability'' problem: it is difficult to handle many users on each server.
* Additionally, because Comet applications are often interactive, allowing arbitrary groups of users to communicate with each-other, splitting tasks among servers is more difficult than for applications in which each user acts independently. This is a ''horizontal scalability'' problem: it is difficult to add more servers to the application.

=== Vertical scalability ===
{{Rquote|right|…traditional architecture based on the “one-thread-per-connection” model makes scalability practically impossible for tens of thousands of users.|Alessandro Alinone<ref>Alessandro Alinone (December 2005). “[http://www.lightstreamer.com/Lightstreamer_Paradigm.pdf Changing the Web Paradigm]”. Lightstreamer white paper. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref>}}
Most web servers, such as [[Apache HTTP Server|Apache]], are [[thread (computer science)|threaded]] applications; multiple threads run simultaneously, but each thread uses [[synchronous I/O|synchronous]] (or blocking) input/output (I/O). As each request arrives at the server, a thread is assigned to that connection. In a traditional web application, this connection is closed as quickly as possible, freeing the thread to handle another request; however, Comet requires connections which are kept open indefinitely. As long as one of these connections stays open, the thread handling it is unavailable for other requests, which are [[Resource starvation|starved]]. As a consequence, each thread, which could normally serve dozens or hundreds of web requests per second, can handle only a few Comet connections. As threads are added, more and more processing time is spent in [[context switch]]es, eventually slowing the server to a crawl.<ref name="scalable-comet">Michael Carter (24 October 2007). “[http://ajaxexperience.techtarget.com/images/Presentations/Carter_Michael_ScalableComet.pdf Comet for Highly Scalable Applications]”. Presentation at ''The Ajax Experience Boston''. ''(Link goes to PDF slides)''. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.</ref>

Because threaded servers using blocking I/O break down after such a small number of Comet users, servers designed for Comet use an [[event-driven programming|event-driven]] model instead, with [[asynchronous I/O]]. Instead of requiring a new thread for each handful of connections, these event-based servers use a fixed number of threads, each of which handles as many connections as necessary. This type of server not only manages vastly more Comet users than a threaded server, but it also degrades gracefully: as server load increases, latency increases uniformly for all users, instead of starving some for long periods.<ref name="scalable-comet"/>
<!-- TODO: maybe add a paragraph about event-driven I/O APIs like kqueue, epoll, etc. Maybe make some mention of continuations. -->

=== Horizontal scalability ===
:''See also: [[Network topology]]''
All web applications are difficult to scale to hundreds of thousands or millions of users. Because even the most powerful servers collapse under such a heavy load, resources (connections, processing, database storage, etc.) must be distributed across many servers. Scaling traditional web applications is well-understood, and supported by robust tools, such as the open source [[memcached]] distributed memory caching system.

The assignment of users to Comet servers depends on the nature of the application in question.<ref name="scalable-comet"/> In applications where users can be broken into relatively small groups receiving the same events, each group can be assigned to a particular Comet server. For instance, in a multiplayer card game application, each user plays in a single game, and only a few users are involved in each game. Conversely, in applications where the events a user receives are independent of the events other users receive, particular users should be assigned to particular servers. For example, in a real-time weather map, updated information can easily be sent to each Comet server, which can then pass it along to the users connected to that server.

In the general case, however, where arbitrary users connect to arbitrary event sources—this might be the case, for instance, in a [[online chat|chat]] application which allows users to join arbitrary [[chat room|room]]s—it is difficult to scalably distribute users among Comet servers. It is impossible to organize servers by group, because one user might connect to groups on multiple servers simultaneously, and also difficult to organize servers by user, because users on arbitrary servers may wish to communicate.<ref name="scalable-comet"/>

{{Rquote|right|Using a share-nothing architecture, we eliminate the CPU overhead of sharing application state between Comet nodes; our Comet layer scales linearly, and latency remains low.|Michael Carter<ref name="scalable-comet"/>}}
This is especially difficult when the Comet server is built in to the application, because it precludes distributing Comet server nodes separately from application nodes. Michael Carter recommends building minimal functionality into the Comet server itself, and building applications with a layered architecture: treating each layer as a [[black box]], so that each can be effectively scaled independently, and sharing nothing between Comet nodes.<ref name="scalable-comet"/>

==== Publish/subscribe ====
Many Comet applications can be organized in terms of a [[publish/subscribe]] (pub/sub) architecture.<ref name="scalable-comet"/> In pub/sub, message senders do not send messages directly to message receivers. Instead, published messages are classified into “channels”, to which interested users subscribe. Publishers are separated from subscribers by a pub/sub layer, which takes care of the details of sending messages published to each channel to its subscribers.

Some Comet servers are explicitly organized around publish/subscribe, building it in to the Comet server directly. This has the advantage of reducing the number of moving parts, and potentially aids standardization.{{ref label|pubsub-inside|g|}} Alternately, an existing pub/sub system can be used, such as [[Internet Relay Chat]], [[XMPP]] (Jabber), or the [[Java Message Service]], in a layer above the Comet server, and can be customized to maximize performance for the particular application.<ref name="scalable-comet"/>

== Reliability ==
[[Proxy server]]s and [[firewall (networking)|firewall]]s between the browser and web server can pose network problems. Firewalls are often configured to drop connections that have been open for too long (as a security heuristic), so many Comet frameworks tear down and recreate the Comet connection periodically. Naive intervening HTTP proxies may buffer pushed messages in chunks up to 32 or 64 [[kilobytes]], necessitating a system for adaptive detection of intervening proxy buffer sizes.{{Fact|date=December 2007}}

In clustered server environments (see [[#Horizontal scalability|Horizontal scalability]] above), messages must be routed to whichever Comet server a given browser is connected to, and for some applications, message delivery is critical even in the event of a server [[crash (computing)|crash]]. In enterprise Java systems, this is typically handled by [[Message Oriented Middleware]], often encapsulated by [[JavaSpaces]].{{Fact|date=December 2007}}

== History ==
Sending real-time messages is not a new idea, even in the web context.

=== Server push ===
In 1995, [[Netscape Navigator]] introduced “server push” technology, allowing web applications to update images or HTML pages at will, by sending new versions of a resource as separate parts of a [[MIME#Multipart messages|multipart]] HTTP response (at the same time, Netscape also introduced “client pull”, a way for Navigator to re-request a page after a specific amount of time, analogous to the [[#Ajax with polling|ajax with polling]] model described above).<ref name="comet+push-tech">Alessandro Alinone (19 October 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/10/19/comet-and-push-technology/ Comet and Push Technology]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref><!-- TODO: maybe some other links for this section.
--> Microsoft [[Internet Explorer]] copied this feature.<!-- TODO: put a date on server push in IE
--> The main use of server push was in [[webcam]]s;<!-- TODO: find ref for this
--> each frame was pushed to browsers as a part of the multipart message.

While it was real-time, Netscape’s server push cannot really be defined as Comet, as it relied on complete replacement of pages. This also limited its adoption for general applications.

=== Java applets ===
The ability to embed [[Java applet]]s into browsers opened richer real-time options. An applet can open a raw [[Transmission Control Protocol|TCP]] socket to the server from which it has loaded. This socket can remain open as long as the browser keeps open the document which hosts the applet. Event notifications can be sent in any format—text or binary—and decoded by Java code in the applet.

{{Rquote|right|But we are still working within the confines of a browser. Unless the applet constitutes the entire client application, it is difficult to integrate the HTML content with the updates coming from the server.|Just van den Broecke<ref name="pushlets-javaworld">Just van den Broecke (3 January 2007). “[http://www.javaworld.com/jw-03-2000/jw-03-pushlet.html Pushlets: Send events from servlets to DHTML client browsers]”. ''JavaWorld''. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref>}}
Despite their capabilities, however, Java applets never really took off. User interfaces in Java applets were often buggy and frustrating for users, suffering graphical glitches. Communications on ports other than port 80 are blocked by aggressive firewalls. Not all users had the proper version of the Java plugin installed in their browsers, or even any version at all. When possible, web application developers preferred to use browser-native technologies (see [[Java applet#Disadvantages|Disadvantages of Java applets]]).<ref name="comet+push-tech"/><ref name="pushlets-javaworld"/> To mitigate these disadvantages, some developers—for instance, [[Caplin Systems]] in 1998—used Java applets merely as a transport mechanism, leaving application-specific interface logic to browser-native JavaScript.<ref name="comet-at-caplin">Martin Tyler (30 November 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/11/30/the-evolution-of-comet-at-caplin/ The Evolution of Comet at Caplin]”. ''Comet Daily''. Retrieved 19 Feb 2008.</ref>

=== Early Comet applications ===
Circa 2000, developers began creating the first pure-JavaScript Comet applications, using the Frame/IFrame transport. [[Pushlets]], a framework created by the [[Netherlands|Dutch]] Just van den Broecke, was the first open source Comet implementation, based on server-side Java servlets, and a client-side JavaScript library.<ref name="pushlets-javaworld"/> The 2000 startup [[KnowNow]] built several Comet demonstrations, and planned to create a platform on top of the Web, which would be used by other developers to implement real-time web apps. After releasing their Comet server prototype as mod_pubsub, KnowNow turned, like other Comet implementations of the time, to [[enterprise software|enterprise applications]].<ref>Rohit Khare (August 2005). “[http://web.archive.org/web/20051213013427/http://www.knownow.com/products/docs/whitepapers/KN-Beyond-AJAX.pdf Beyond AJAX: Accelerating Web Applications with Real-Time Event Notification]”. KnowNow white paper (link from the Wayback Machine). Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref>{{Fact|date=February 2008}}<!-- note some of these claims still need another ref --> Bang Networks—a 1999 [[Silicon Valley]] start-up backed by [[Netscape]] co-founder [[Marc Andreessen]] and lavishly financed—attempted to create a real-time push standard for the whole Web, but ran out of cash and folded at the end of 2003.{{Fact|date=February 2008}} [[Lightstreamer]], an [[Italy|Italian]] company, focused on the financial market with their Java-based server.{{Fact|date=February 2008}}

While these early implementations made a splash in the [[Silicon Valley]] popular imagination, Comet’s impact didn’t at the time live up to the headlines. Comet instead found a niche in financial trading and similar enterprise markets, and for the next several years, remained in that niche, unable to expand to large-scale consumer-oriented applications.

=== Popularization ===
In 2005 and 2006, several prominent applications exposed Comet to a wider audience: [[Meebo]]’s multi-protocol web-based chat application enables users to connect to AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft chat platforms through the browser; Google added web-based chat to [[Gmail]]; [[JotSpot]], a startup since acquired by Google, built Comet-based real-time collaborative document editing; Comet-based chat is the centerpiece of the event-planning site [[Renkoo]].<ref name="gtalks-javascript"/><ref>Dion Almaer (29 September 2005). “[http://ajaxian.com/archives/jotspot-live-live-group-note-taking Jotspot Live: Live, group note-taking]” (interview with Abe Fettig). ''Ajaxian''. Retrieved 15 Dec 2007.<br> Matt Marshall (15 December 2006). “[http://venturebeat.com/2006/12/15/renkoo-launches-just-in-time-to-schedule-holiday-cocktails/ Renkoo launches event service — in time to schedule holiday cocktails]”. ''Venture Beat''. Retrieved 15 Dec 2007.</ref> Meanwhile, Comet continued to make inroads into enterprise markets.{{ref label|caplin-purejs|h|}}

{{Rquote|right|Common terminology acts not only as a shortcut in discussions between technical folks, but also as a bridge for those who may not be able to give a technical rundown of exactly how it works.|Alex Russell<ref name="alex_comet"/>}}
In March 2006, Alex Russell invented the name ''Comet'', bringing attention to the approach, and providing an [[umbrella term]] for any techniques supporting the Comet user-interaction model. The term quickly gained currency, and ''Comet'' became a prominent lecture topic at web-related technology conferences. In late 2007, the website ''Comet Daily'' assembled a group of Comet server implementors to write articles about Comet techniques and usage.<ref>Dylan Schiemann (18 October 2007). “[http://cometdaily.com/2007/10/18/why-comet-daily/ Why Comet Daily?]”. ''Comet Daily'' . Retrieved 8 Jan 2008.</ref>

=== Standardization attempts ===
Attempts to standardize Comet have come from two sides:

* The WHATWG's HTML 5 specification attempts to standardize the Comet transport (see [[#Server-sent events|Server-sent events]], above). If HTML 5 is implemented in many browsers, Comet developers will be able to avoid the current need to implement several transports.<ref name='server-sent-events'/><ref name='comet-future-2'/>
* The [[Bayeux protocol]], defined by the [[Dojo Toolkit|Dojo]] foundation, leaves browser-specific transports in place, and defines a higher-level protocol for communication between browser and server, with the aim of allowing re-use of client-side JavaScript code with multiple Comet servers, and allowing the same Comet server to communicate with multiple client-side JavaScript implementations. Bayeux is based on a publish/subscribe model, so servers supporting Bayeux have publish/subscribe built-in.<ref name="bayeux">Alex Russell, et al. (2007). ''[http://svn.xantus.org/shortbus/trunk/bayeux/bayeux.html Bayeux Protocol specification]'', 1.0 draft 1. Dojo Foundation. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.</ref>

=== Future ===
In 2007 and 2008, Comet implementations and applications continued to proliferate (for evidence, look no further than the [[#Implementations|Implementations]] section of External links, below). Comet began to be used for web-based multiplayer games. As [[broadband]]-speed connections become ubiquitous, as the web becomes more social, and as users come to expect instant feedback, Comet stands poised for increasing adoption.<ref name="growing-importance"/>

== Notes ==
<ol style="list-style-type: lower-alpha;">
<li>{{note|term}} The term ''Comet'' was coined by [[Alex Russell (programmer)|Alex Russell]] in a March 2006 blog post, as a play on ''Ajax'' ([[Ajax (cleanser)|Ajax]] and [[Comet (cleanser)|Comet]] are both common household cleansers).<ref name="alex_comet"/> Though the concept is much older, and has been known by various names, the ''Comet'' moniker has come to dominate recent discussion.</li>
<li>{{note|browser}} Because web browsers are by far the most common applications used to access the web, and because traditionally non-browser [[user agent]]s have had little support for Comet, the term ''browser'' will be used throughout this article instead of the more generic terms ''client application'' or ''user agent''. ''Browser'' in this context should be understood to imply web user agents in general.</li>
<li>{{note|wp}} This is not criticism of Wikipedia.</li>
<li>{{note|ajax}} The term ''Ajax'', like ''Comet'', refers to a user interaction model, “a way of thinking about the architecture of web applications”, rather than any specific technique (in the words of [[Jesse James Garrett]], the term’s originator). Concretely, “an Ajax application eliminates the start–stop–start–stop nature of interaction on the Web by introducing an intermediary—an Ajax engine—between the user and the server.”<ref>Jesse James Garrett (18 February 2005). “[http://www.adaptivepath.com/ideas/essays/archives/000385.php Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications]”. ''Adaptive Path''. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.</ref></li>
<li>{{note|declarative}} This is a controversial proposal; some developers feel that the additional complexity is unnecessary, because such applications are never likely to be purely declarative, and it is not difficult to just use JavaScript.<ref name='comet-future-2'/></li>
<li>{{note|blazeds}} As part of their effort to make Flash and Flex a complete alternative to open-standards–based web technologies, Adobe has open-sourced the Java [[BlazeDS]] server plugin, which streams events to Flash applications.</li>
<li>{{note|pubsub-inside}} This is for example the approach taken by Comet servers implementing the Bayeux protocol.<ref name="bayeux"/> See the [[#Standardization attempts|Standarization attempts]] section.</li>
<li>{{note|caplin-purejs}} New enterprise Comet companies and solutions were created, for instance the Java-based [[ICEfaces]] [[JavaServer Faces|JSF]] framework, and others which had previously used Java-applet based transports, for instance Caplin Systems, switched instead to pure-JavaScript implementations.<ref>Clint Boulton (27 December 2005). “[http://www.devxnews.com/article.php/3573506/ Startups Board the AJAX Bandwagon]”. ''DevX News''. Retrieved 18 Feb 2008.</ref><ref name="comet-at-caplin"/></li>

== References ==
== References ==

== External links ==
== External links ==
* [http://cometdaily.com Comet Daily] A site dedicated to articles on Comet techniques
* [http://cometdaily.com Comet Daily] A site dedicated to articles on Comet techniques.
** [http://cometdaily.com/maturity.html Comparison] of Comet implementations at Comet Daily.
* [http://ajaxpatterns.org/HTTP_Streaming HTTP Streaming] at Ajax Patterns
* [http://ajaxpatterns.org/HTTP_Streaming HTTP Streaming] at Ajax Patterns.
* [http://ajaxian.com/by/topic/comet/ Comet Topic] on Ajaxian.com

=== Implementations ===
[[Category:Ajax (programming)]]
There are several Comet implementations, both commercial and non-commercial:
[[Category:JavaScript programming language]]
[[Category:Web 2.0 neologisms]]

'''Open source:'''
<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2;">
* [http://cometd.com/ Cometd] – Comet framework sponsored by the Dojo foundation.
* [http://orbited.org/ Orbited] – cross-language scalable Comet server.
* [http://meteorserver.org/ Meteor] – Comet server written in Perl.
* [http://plugins.jquery.com/project/Comet jQuery Comet Plugin] – Comet plugin for [[jQuery]].
* [http://divmod.org/trac/wiki/DivmodNevow/Athena Athena] – part of the Divmod Nevow web framework; written in Python/Twisted.
* [http://pushup.causology.net/ Pushup] – Comet server written in C++.
* [http://www.pushlets.com Pushlets] – framework enabling server-side Java objects to push events to browser-side JavaScript, Java applets, or Flash.
* [http://jetty.mortbay.org/ Jetty-6] - Servlet server written in java with asynchronous [http://docs.codehaus.org/display/JETTY/Continuations features] used for comet implementations directly or via activemq, cometd, DWR and others.
* [http://tomcat.apache.org/tomcat-6.0-doc/aio.html Apache Tomcat 6.0] – Advanced IO and Tomcat; Comet support allows a servlet to process IO asynchronously.
* [http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/5851 Asteroid] (a small Comet) – Comet in Squeak (Smalltalk), by Diego Gomez Deck.
* [http://rubyforge.org/projects/shooting-star/ ShootingStar] – event-based – Comet server implemented in Ruby and C.
* [http://www.refwell.com/blog/index.php/category/fdajax/ Full-duplex Ajax] – A module for the Lighttpd web server
* [[ItsNat]] – a Java Ajax component-based web application framework, with Comet support.
* Sun Microsystems [https://glassfish.dev.java.net GlassFish] – Comet for Servlet/Java EE based applications, support DWR, Cometd, [[ICEFaces]] and IO asynchronously via [http://grizzly.dev.java.net Grizzly]
* [http://www.caucho.com/ Resin] - Java Application Server with a Comet server API similar to Java Servlets.
* [http://sourceforge.net/projects/comet/ Comep] – a PHP Comet server implementation, by Aresch Yavari.
* [http://xajaxproject.org/plugins/default/view/16 Xajax] – a plugin for the Xajax library. Supports streaming of Xajax commands for IE/FireFox/Safari/Opera
* [[Seaside (software)|Seaside Comet]] - Comet library for Seaside (Smalltalk), by Lukas Renggli.
* [http://pi-js.googlecode.com pi.comet] – Simple Comet Class
* [http://code.google.com/p/erlycomet/ ErlyComet] - Bayeux compliant functionality for [[Erlang (programming language)|Erlang]].

<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2;">
* [http://www.caplin.com/?curcat_id=3&curart_id=36 Caplin Liberator] – Comet server written in C intended for financial trading. Liberator also has a [http://www.freeliberator.com Free Edition]
* [http://www.knownow.com/products/enterprise_syndication_solution/ KnowNow] – Implementation of Comet. Link goes to a description of the KnowNow Enterprise Syndication Solution.
* [http://www.lightstreamer.com/ Lightstreamer] – Comet solution. Push engine for live data distribution to rich internet applications.
* [http://one.virgil.nl Virgil’s Live] is a Comet tookit for any zero client streaming data to web front end
* [http://one.virgil.nl Virgil’s One] is a commercial Comet implementation (based on Live)for streaming market data for retail, wholesale, private banks, and brokers for IBM Websphere Portal
* [http://www.kaazing.com Kaazing Enterprise Comet] provides an advanced environment for creating real-time Web applications that extend SOA's event and message delivery to the browser
* The [http://smartclient.com/ SmartClient] messaging module.
* Steve and Jay McDonald’s [http://www.fjax.net Fjax].
* [https://www14.software.ibm.com/iwm/web/cc/earlyprograms/websphere/ibmajaxw/ Ajax for IBM WebSphere Platform] – Early Comet support for IBM WebSphere-based Products (6.1+)
* [http://www.lingr.com Lingr] – Browser-based chat community using Comet for realtime message notification
* [http://www.adobe.com/products/livecycle/dataservices/ LiveCycle Data Services] – previously named ''Flex Data Services'', an enterprise solution from Adobe, supporting both Ajax and Flex.
* [[Clipstream]]
* [http://www.cognethos.com/ CogStream].
* [http://ams.tibco.com Ajax Message Service] from TIBCO – enterprise real-time messaging and SOA.
* [http://edocs.bea.com/wls/essex/TechPreview/pdf/HTTP_PubSub.pdf HTTP Pub-Sub Server] – Comet support in BEA's WebLogic Server product (10.3+).

<div style="-moz-column-count:2; -webkit-column-count:2; column-count:2;">
* [http://code.google.com/p/ajaxmessaging/ AjaxMessaging] – Comet plugin for Ruby on Rails using Ajax and Messaging Oriented Middleware.
* [http://www.pushasp.net/ PushAsp] – A general purpose Comet server for Asp.Net, Silverlight or plain html.
* ICE Technology Corp’s [http://www.icetechnology.com/products/ipushv2 iPush Server] – Real-time push data to RIA's.

[[Category:Ajax (programming)]]
[[Category:Software architecture]]
[[Category:Web 2.0]]


Revision as of 15:46, 16 June 2008

Comet is a World Wide Web application architecture in which a web server sends data to a client program (normally a web browser) asynchronously without any need for the client to explicitly request it. It allows creation of event-driven web applications, enabling real-time interaction. Though the term Comet was coined in 2006,[a] the idea is several years older, and has been called various names, including server push, HTTP push, HTTP streaming, Pushlets, Reverse Ajax, and others. [citation needed]

Comet applications use long-lived HTTP connections between the client and server, which the server can respond to lazily, pushing new data to the client as it becomes available. This differs from the original model of the web, in which a browser receives a complete web page in response to each request, and also from the Ajax model, in which browsers request chunks of data, used to update the current page. The effect is similar to applications using traditional Ajax with polling to detect new information on the server, but throughput is improved and latency and server load are decreased.

Comet does not refer to any specific technique for achieving this user-interaction model, but encompasses all of them—though it implies the use of browser-native technologies such as JavaScript as opposed to proprietary plugins. Several such techniques exist, with various trade-offs in terms of browser support and side effects, latency, and throughput.

Web application architectures

15 years of plain HTTP request/response has taught us to think in terms of static pages that don’t change by themselves too much. Comet lets us treat the web as a network of people interacting more naturally than they can behind a request/response barrier.

— Joe Walker[1]

Web applications have always been less flexible and capable than desktop applications, due to the restrictions placed on their access to local and network resources, and the limitations of in-browser program environments. As web browsers have evolved, many of these limitations have been lifted or worked-around, bringing so-called rich Internet applications closer and closer to desktop-application–like functionality.

One of these traditional limitations is that each chunk of information sent by a web server to a browser must be explicitly requested. Comet removes this limitation, allowing applications to respond in real time to events external to the browser, such as updates to a real-time data source, or messages sent by another user. Comet is best understood in comparison with web application architectures which suffer this limitation.

Page-by-page web

Traditionally, data is delivered to web browsers[b] only when specifically requested. Each time the user opens a web page, the browser initiates an HTTP connection to the web server, which returns the HTML code for the page and closes the connection. The browser then makes another HTTP request for each resource used by the page—e.g. an image or stylesheet—and the server responds to each in turn.

Wikipedia, for example, is a complex application built using this page-by-page approach. Users interact with the website by clicking hyperlinks to navigate from page to page, and edit or add new pages by filling out web forms, which also open new pages when submitted. On the server side, a complete HTML page is dynamically generated in response to each request. Users continually update wiki pages, but those changes are not reflected in Wikipedia’s interface until each page is reloaded.[c]

Though this model is simple and robust, it is also limiting; each page is updated only when the user explicitly refreshes (re-requests) it. Transferring entire pages, along with their associated resources, can take several seconds or longer. This encourages web applications with relatively few requests for new data, limits user interaction to filling out forms or pressing buttons or hyperlinks, and precludes real-time applications.


To overcome these limitations, many web applications turn to Ajax (Asynchronous JavaScript and XML).[d] In an Ajax application, servers respond to each request in sequence, just as before, but in the browser, JavaScript is used to modify the current page using data from each response, instead of opening a new page. This limits the server’s response to only the relevant information (usually in XML or JSON format), dramatically increasing application responsiveness by avoiding redundant data transfer and eliminating whole-page re-rendering. Furthermore, since Ajax requests are handled asynchronously in the background, the user can continue to interact with the page as data is retrieved.

Traditionally, a Web site is about flipping pages but we took a different approach with Maps which is one page of Javascript.

— Lars Rasmussen[2]

Ajax provides much richer user interaction than the traditional web. For instance, in Google Maps—perhaps the canonical Ajax application[3]—new tiles of map imagery are loaded as the user clicks and drags the map, and the user can continue to pan and zoom the map even before all tiles in range have loaded.

However, because the server still responds to each request as a single event, closing each connection as a response is served, any changing information is only updated in response to explicit user actions. This problem becomes a major hurdle when designing applications which should update in real time, in response to some event on the server, such as another user sending it information.

Ajax with polling

One solution is for the browser to regularly poll the server, asking it if a new event has occurred (e.g. each five seconds asking the server “Any new events?”). This introduces an unhappy trade-off between latency and server load; the average event latency is half the poll interval (plus network latency and any time spent processing data), so increasing responsiveness proportionally increases the number of requests received by the server. At high polling frequencies, this wastes server resources and bandwidth processing many negative responses (“No new events, try again later”). Applications with predictable information updates, or those which tolerate relatively infrequent updates, can use polling without excessive waste.


Comet improves application responsiveness for collaborative, multi-user applications and does it without the performance headaches associated with intermittent polling.

— Alex Russell[4]

This analysis shows that for the worst case, when the message rate is high, load and latency for Comet long-polling are identical to traditional polling, and for most cases the load and latency are significantly better than traditional polling.

— Greg Wilkins[5]

Instead of repeatedly polling for new events, Comet applications rely on a persistent HTTP connection between server and client, using one of two strategies:

In an application using streaming Comet, the browser opens a single persistent connection to the server for all Comet events, which is handled incrementally on the browser side; each time the server sends a new event, the browser interprets it, but neither side closes the connection.
Long polling
As the name suggests, long polling requires a new request for each event (or set of events). The browser makes an Ajax-style request to the server, which is kept open until the server has new data to send to the browser. After sending such an event, the server closes the connection, and the browser immediately opens a new one.

Using either of these approaches, the server is able to send new information to the browser with low latency, enabling the Comet user-interaction model. Using Comet, applications such as real-time chat rooms, multiplayer games, and live-updating infographics become feasible web applications.

Unlike with polling, long polling sends an event payload along with each connection. While in the worst case—frequently occurring events with small payloads—long polling incurs significant computational overhead, Greg Wilkins found that in most cases, long polling outperforms polling.[5] Streaming has better performance still, as it eliminates much of the per-message overhead.

Browser compatibility

Because until recently, browsers were not designed with Comet in mind, web application developers mostly use several unintended side-effects of browser-native objects to build Comet “transports” (methods of sending Comet events), each with different benefits and drawbacks. Each of these requires specialized code on both the server, which must send specially-formed responses, and in the browser-side JavaScript.[6][7]

The specific transport or transports best for any given use depends on which browsers are targeted, the desired performance of the solution, need for cross-domain use, tolerance for user interface side-effects, and the stringency of proxy servers and firewalls between the client and server.

“Forever frame” IFrame

The earliest Comet transport (in use as early as 2000, see History section below) uses an invisible IFrame HTML element (an inline frame, which allows a website to embed one HTML document inside another). This invisible IFrame is declared by the server to be infinitely long—hence “forever frame”—and as events occur, is gradually filled with script tags, containing JavaScript to be executed in the browser. Because browsers render HTML pages incrementally, each script tag is executed as it is received.[6]

The main benefit of the IFrame method is that it works in every common browser. Two downsides of this transport are first that it requires a kilobyte of data to be sent down the connection before the Safari browser (running on Mac OS X 10.4; this is fixed in the latest version of OS X) will begin incrementally rendering the IFrame or 256 bytes in Internet Explorer,[8] and second that the continually loading IFrame causes many browsers to display undesirable visual artifacts such as loading bars and wait cursors, though adding additional Iframes to the page will eliminate these artifacts in some browsers.[7]

Htmlfile ActiveX object

By placing the incrementally-rendered IFrame inside an ActiveX object, it is possible to remove the negative side-effects of the IFrame transport in Internet Explorer.[9][6] The technique only works in Internet Explorer, however.

Multipart XHR

The XMLHttpRequest (XHR) object, the main tool used by Ajax applications for browser–server communication, can also be pressed into service for server–browser Comet messaging, in a few different ways.

In 1995, Netscape Navigator added a feature called “server push”, which allowed servers to send new versions of an image or HTML page to that browser, as part of a multipart HTTP response (see History section, below), using the content type multipart/x-mixed-replace. Since 2004, Gecko-based browsers such as Firefox accept multipart responses to XHR, which can therefore be used as a streaming Comet transport.[10] On the server side, each message is encoded as a separate portion of the multipart response, and on the client, the callback function provided to the XHR onreadystatechange function will be called as each message arrives. This functionality is only included in Gecko-based browsers, though there is discussion of adding it to Webkit.[11] Additionally, it is unfortunately currently impossible to determine when the multipart XHR connection has been closed.[12]

XHR streaming

Instead of creating a multipart response, and depending on the browser to transparently parse each event, it is also possible to generate a custom data format for an XHR response, and parse out each event using browser-side JavaScript, relying only on the browser firing the onreadystatechange callback each time it receives new data, with ready state 3 (this is the behavior of both Gecko- and Webkit-based browsers).[6][7] Note that for Webkit-based browsers, this requires at least 256 bytes of data at the beginning of the event stream, before Webkit will begin to incrementally render it.[8]

XHR long polling

Because none of the above streaming transports works across all modern browsers without causing negative side-effects in any—forcing Comet developers to implement several complex streaming transports, switching between them depending on the browser—many Comet applications instead opt for long polling, which is easy to implement on the browser side, and works in every browser which supports XHR.

For the most part, XHR long polling works like any standard use of XHR. The browser makes an asynchronous request of the server, and provides a function to be called when the server has responded. At the end of this callback function, the browser creates and sends another XHR, to await the next event. Thus the browser always keeps a connection open to the server, to be answered as each event occurs.

Dynamic script tag long polling

While any Comet transport can be made to work across subdomains, none of the above transports can be used across different second-level domains (SLDs), due to browser security policies designed to prevent cross-site scripting attacks.[13] That is, if the main web page is served from one SLD, and the Comet server is located at another SLD, Comet events cannot be used to modify the HTML and DOM of the main page, using those transports. This can be worked around by creating a proxy server in front of one or both sources, making them appear to originate from the same domain; however, this is often undesirable, for complexity or performance reasons.

Unlike IFrames or XHR objects, script tags can be pointed at any URI, and JavaScript code in the response will be executed in the current HTML document. This creates a potential security risk for both servers involved, and though the risk to the data provider (in our case, the Comet server) can be avoided using “JSONP”, as Bob Ippolito explains, “Your page is still toast if the remote host decides to inject malicious code instead of JSON data”.[14]

A long-polling Comet transport can be created by dynamically creating script elements, and setting their source to the location of the Comet server, which then sends back JavaScript (or JSONP) with some event as its payload, and closes the connection. Each time the script connection is closed, the browser opens a new one, just as in the XHR long polling case. This method is the only cross-browser choice for developers looking to implement cross-domain Comet.[6][15]

Server-sent events

All of the previously listed transports are ad hoc uses of browser features not originally intended for Comet. Since 2005, another alternative, produced by the Web Hypertext Application Technology Working Group (WHATWG), has existed as part of the draft HTML 5 specification. Called server-sent events, it attempts to avoid the disadvantages of other Comet transports, while making Comet applications much more straight-forward to implement, both on the server side, and in the browser-side JavaScript.[16][17]

The server-sent event portions of the HTML 5 specification stipulate both a new HTML element, event-source, and a new data format, called the DOM event stream. JavaScript can be used to attach callback functions to multiple types of events. Because server-sent events can be received by an HTML element in the browser, the specification leaves room for future browsers to implement special behavior for some event types, which could be used to make purely declarative Comet applications (that is, not requiring any imperative JavaScript at all).[e]

General considerations

The HTTP 1.1 specification states that “A single-user client should not maintain more than 2 connections with any server or proxy”,[18] and this recommendation is followed by most browsers, including Internet Explorer and Firefox. Holding one connection open for Comet can therefore impact performance; the browser may be unable to send a new user-initiated Ajax request while the browser loads, for example, a series of images. This can be worked around by creating a distinct hostname (usually at a different subdomain) for Comet connections—these two subdomains might be hosted on the same physical server.


Instead of using browser-native technologies to provide persistent connections, some developers instead turn to plugins, such as Java applets or the proprietary Adobe Flash.[f] These have the advantage of working identically across all browsers with the appropriate plugin installed, need not use HTTP connections, and face none of the security restrictions placed on browser-native transports. These strengths, however, are also the main drawbacks of proprietary plugins: not all clients have the plugins installed—for instance, the Apple iPhone includes neither—and the use of protocols other than HTTP, and ports other than port 80, can cause them to be blocked by firewalls.


Because Comet applications send events in real time, they typically use more resources than other types of web applications, making them more difficult to scale (grow to support large numbers of users).

  • Comet relies on continually keeping at least one server–client connection open for each client. Traditional web servers, designed for the page-by-page application architecture, cannot cope with such large numbers of open connections. This is a vertical scalability problem: it is difficult to handle many users on each server.
  • Additionally, because Comet applications are often interactive, allowing arbitrary groups of users to communicate with each-other, splitting tasks among servers is more difficult than for applications in which each user acts independently. This is a horizontal scalability problem: it is difficult to add more servers to the application.

Vertical scalability

…traditional architecture based on the “one-thread-per-connection” model makes scalability practically impossible for tens of thousands of users.

— Alessandro Alinone[19]

Most web servers, such as Apache, are threaded applications; multiple threads run simultaneously, but each thread uses synchronous (or blocking) input/output (I/O). As each request arrives at the server, a thread is assigned to that connection. In a traditional web application, this connection is closed as quickly as possible, freeing the thread to handle another request; however, Comet requires connections which are kept open indefinitely. As long as one of these connections stays open, the thread handling it is unavailable for other requests, which are starved. As a consequence, each thread, which could normally serve dozens or hundreds of web requests per second, can handle only a few Comet connections. As threads are added, more and more processing time is spent in context switches, eventually slowing the server to a crawl.[20]

Because threaded servers using blocking I/O break down after such a small number of Comet users, servers designed for Comet use an event-driven model instead, with asynchronous I/O. Instead of requiring a new thread for each handful of connections, these event-based servers use a fixed number of threads, each of which handles as many connections as necessary. This type of server not only manages vastly more Comet users than a threaded server, but it also degrades gracefully: as server load increases, latency increases uniformly for all users, instead of starving some for long periods.[20]

Horizontal scalability

See also: Network topology

All web applications are difficult to scale to hundreds of thousands or millions of users. Because even the most powerful servers collapse under such a heavy load, resources (connections, processing, database storage, etc.) must be distributed across many servers. Scaling traditional web applications is well-understood, and supported by robust tools, such as the open source memcached distributed memory caching system.

The assignment of users to Comet servers depends on the nature of the application in question.[20] In applications where users can be broken into relatively small groups receiving the same events, each group can be assigned to a particular Comet server. For instance, in a multiplayer card game application, each user plays in a single game, and only a few users are involved in each game. Conversely, in applications where the events a user receives are independent of the events other users receive, particular users should be assigned to particular servers. For example, in a real-time weather map, updated information can easily be sent to each Comet server, which can then pass it along to the users connected to that server.

In the general case, however, where arbitrary users connect to arbitrary event sources—this might be the case, for instance, in a chat application which allows users to join arbitrary rooms—it is difficult to scalably distribute users among Comet servers. It is impossible to organize servers by group, because one user might connect to groups on multiple servers simultaneously, and also difficult to organize servers by user, because users on arbitrary servers may wish to communicate.[20]

Using a share-nothing architecture, we eliminate the CPU overhead of sharing application state between Comet nodes; our Comet layer scales linearly, and latency remains low.

— Michael Carter[20]

This is especially difficult when the Comet server is built in to the application, because it precludes distributing Comet server nodes separately from application nodes. Michael Carter recommends building minimal functionality into the Comet server itself, and building applications with a layered architecture: treating each layer as a black box, so that each can be effectively scaled independently, and sharing nothing between Comet nodes.[20]


Many Comet applications can be organized in terms of a publish/subscribe (pub/sub) architecture.[20] In pub/sub, message senders do not send messages directly to message receivers. Instead, published messages are classified into “channels”, to which interested users subscribe. Publishers are separated from subscribers by a pub/sub layer, which takes care of the details of sending messages published to each channel to its subscribers.

Some Comet servers are explicitly organized around publish/subscribe, building it in to the Comet server directly. This has the advantage of reducing the number of moving parts, and potentially aids standardization.[g] Alternately, an existing pub/sub system can be used, such as Internet Relay Chat, XMPP (Jabber), or the Java Message Service, in a layer above the Comet server, and can be customized to maximize performance for the particular application.[20]


Proxy servers and firewalls between the browser and web server can pose network problems. Firewalls are often configured to drop connections that have been open for too long (as a security heuristic), so many Comet frameworks tear down and recreate the Comet connection periodically. Naive intervening HTTP proxies may buffer pushed messages in chunks up to 32 or 64 kilobytes, necessitating a system for adaptive detection of intervening proxy buffer sizes.[citation needed]

In clustered server environments (see Horizontal scalability above), messages must be routed to whichever Comet server a given browser is connected to, and for some applications, message delivery is critical even in the event of a server crash. In enterprise Java systems, this is typically handled by Message Oriented Middleware, often encapsulated by JavaSpaces.[citation needed]


Sending real-time messages is not a new idea, even in the web context.

Server push

In 1995, Netscape Navigator introduced “server push” technology, allowing web applications to update images or HTML pages at will, by sending new versions of a resource as separate parts of a multipart HTTP response (at the same time, Netscape also introduced “client pull”, a way for Navigator to re-request a page after a specific amount of time, analogous to the ajax with polling model described above).[21] Microsoft Internet Explorer copied this feature. The main use of server push was in webcams; each frame was pushed to browsers as a part of the multipart message.

While it was real-time, Netscape’s server push cannot really be defined as Comet, as it relied on complete replacement of pages. This also limited its adoption for general applications.

Java applets

The ability to embed Java applets into browsers opened richer real-time options. An applet can open a raw TCP socket to the server from which it has loaded. This socket can remain open as long as the browser keeps open the document which hosts the applet. Event notifications can be sent in any format—text or binary—and decoded by Java code in the applet.

But we are still working within the confines of a browser. Unless the applet constitutes the entire client application, it is difficult to integrate the HTML content with the updates coming from the server.

— Just van den Broecke[22]

Despite their capabilities, however, Java applets never really took off. User interfaces in Java applets were often buggy and frustrating for users, suffering graphical glitches. Communications on ports other than port 80 are blocked by aggressive firewalls. Not all users had the proper version of the Java plugin installed in their browsers, or even any version at all. When possible, web application developers preferred to use browser-native technologies (see Disadvantages of Java applets).[21][22] To mitigate these disadvantages, some developers—for instance, Caplin Systems in 1998—used Java applets merely as a transport mechanism, leaving application-specific interface logic to browser-native JavaScript.[23]

Early Comet applications

Circa 2000, developers began creating the first pure-JavaScript Comet applications, using the Frame/IFrame transport. Pushlets, a framework created by the Dutch Just van den Broecke, was the first open source Comet implementation, based on server-side Java servlets, and a client-side JavaScript library.[22] The 2000 startup KnowNow built several Comet demonstrations, and planned to create a platform on top of the Web, which would be used by other developers to implement real-time web apps. After releasing their Comet server prototype as mod_pubsub, KnowNow turned, like other Comet implementations of the time, to enterprise applications.[24][citation needed] Bang Networks—a 1999 Silicon Valley start-up backed by Netscape co-founder Marc Andreessen and lavishly financed—attempted to create a real-time push standard for the whole Web, but ran out of cash and folded at the end of 2003.[citation needed] Lightstreamer, an Italian company, focused on the financial market with their Java-based server.[citation needed]

While these early implementations made a splash in the Silicon Valley popular imagination, Comet’s impact didn’t at the time live up to the headlines. Comet instead found a niche in financial trading and similar enterprise markets, and for the next several years, remained in that niche, unable to expand to large-scale consumer-oriented applications.


In 2005 and 2006, several prominent applications exposed Comet to a wider audience: Meebo’s multi-protocol web-based chat application enables users to connect to AOL, Yahoo, and Microsoft chat platforms through the browser; Google added web-based chat to Gmail; JotSpot, a startup since acquired by Google, built Comet-based real-time collaborative document editing; Comet-based chat is the centerpiece of the event-planning site Renkoo.[9][25] Meanwhile, Comet continued to make inroads into enterprise markets.[h]

Common terminology acts not only as a shortcut in discussions between technical folks, but also as a bridge for those who may not be able to give a technical rundown of exactly how it works.

— Alex Russell[4]

In March 2006, Alex Russell invented the name Comet, bringing attention to the approach, and providing an umbrella term for any techniques supporting the Comet user-interaction model. The term quickly gained currency, and Comet became a prominent lecture topic at web-related technology conferences. In late 2007, the website Comet Daily assembled a group of Comet server implementors to write articles about Comet techniques and usage.[26]

Standardization attempts

Attempts to standardize Comet have come from two sides:

  • The WHATWG's HTML 5 specification attempts to standardize the Comet transport (see Server-sent events, above). If HTML 5 is implemented in many browsers, Comet developers will be able to avoid the current need to implement several transports.[16][17]
  • The Bayeux protocol, defined by the Dojo foundation, leaves browser-specific transports in place, and defines a higher-level protocol for communication between browser and server, with the aim of allowing re-use of client-side JavaScript code with multiple Comet servers, and allowing the same Comet server to communicate with multiple client-side JavaScript implementations. Bayeux is based on a publish/subscribe model, so servers supporting Bayeux have publish/subscribe built-in.[27]


In 2007 and 2008, Comet implementations and applications continued to proliferate (for evidence, look no further than the Implementations section of External links, below). Comet began to be used for web-based multiplayer games. As broadband-speed connections become ubiquitous, as the web becomes more social, and as users come to expect instant feedback, Comet stands poised for increasing adoption.[1]


  1. ^ The term Comet was coined by Alex Russell in a March 2006 blog post, as a play on Ajax (Ajax and Comet are both common household cleansers).[4] Though the concept is much older, and has been known by various names, the Comet moniker has come to dominate recent discussion.
  2. ^ Because web browsers are by far the most common applications used to access the web, and because traditionally non-browser user agents have had little support for Comet, the term browser will be used throughout this article instead of the more generic terms client application or user agent. Browser in this context should be understood to imply web user agents in general.
  3. ^ This is not criticism of Wikipedia.
  4. ^ The term Ajax, like Comet, refers to a user interaction model, “a way of thinking about the architecture of web applications”, rather than any specific technique (in the words of Jesse James Garrett, the term’s originator). Concretely, “an Ajax application eliminates the start–stop–start–stop nature of interaction on the Web by introducing an intermediary—an Ajax engine—between the user and the server.”[28]
  5. ^ This is a controversial proposal; some developers feel that the additional complexity is unnecessary, because such applications are never likely to be purely declarative, and it is not difficult to just use JavaScript.[17]
  6. ^ As part of their effort to make Flash and Flex a complete alternative to open-standards–based web technologies, Adobe has open-sourced the Java BlazeDS server plugin, which streams events to Flash applications.
  7. ^ This is for example the approach taken by Comet servers implementing the Bayeux protocol.[27] See the Standarization attempts section.
  8. ^ New enterprise Comet companies and solutions were created, for instance the Java-based ICEfaces JSF framework, and others which had previously used Java-applet based transports, for instance Caplin Systems, switched instead to pure-JavaScript implementations.[29][23]


  1. ^ a b Joe Walker (23 October 2007). “Why Comet is of Growing Importance”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 4 Dec 2007.
  2. ^ Rodney Gedda (14 October 2005). “Desktop apps coming to the Web: Google”. Computerworld. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  3. ^ Paul Graham (November 2005). “Web 2.0”. paulgraham.com. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  4. ^ a b c Alex Russell (3 March 2006). “Comet: Low Latency Data for the Browser”. Continuing Intermittent Incoherency. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  5. ^ a b Greg Wilkins (6 November 2007). “Comet is Always Better Than Polling”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  6. ^ a b c d e Jacob Rus (11 December 2007). “The Future of Comet: Part 1, Comet Today”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  7. ^ a b c Andrew Betts (2007). “Browser Techniques”. Meteor website. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  8. ^ a b Maciej Stachowiak (26 June 2007). “Re: XMLHttpRequest and readyState==3”. Webkit-dev mailing list. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  9. ^ a b Alex Russell (12 February 2006). “What else is buried down in the depths of Google’s amazing JavaScript?”. Continuing Intermittent Incoherency. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
    For advice about avoiding garbage collection bugs when implementing Comet with htmlfiles, see:
    Michael Carter (25 October 2007). “HTTP Streaming and Internet Explorer”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
    Michael Carter (18 November 2007). “IE ActiveX("htmlfile") Transport, Part II”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  10. ^ Johnny Stenback, et al. (March–April 2004). “Bug 237319 – Add support for server push using multipart/x-mixed-replace with XMLHttpRequest”. Mozilla Bugzilla bug tracker. Retrieved 29 November 2007. Also see:
    Alex Russell (6 August 2005). “Toward server-sent data w/o iframes”. Continuing Intermittent Incoherency. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  11. ^ Rob Butler, et al. (June 2006). “Bug 14392: Add support for multipart/x-mixed-replace to XMLHttpRequest”. Webkit Bugzilla bug tracker. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  12. ^ Alex Russell (21 December 2006). “Adventures In Comet and Multipart Mime”. Continuing Intermittent Incoherency. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  13. ^ Andrew Betts (4 December 2007). “Cross Site Scripting Joy”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  14. ^ Bob Ippolito (5 December 2005). “Remote JSON – JSONP”. from __future__ import *. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.
  15. ^ Alex Russell (22 July 2006). “Cross Domain Comet”. Continuing Intermittent Incoherency. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.
  16. ^ a b Ian Hickson, et al. (2005–2008). HTML 5 specification, § 6.2: Server-sent DOM events. WHATWG. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  17. ^ a b c Jacob Rus (10 January 2008). “The Future of Comet: Part 2, HTML 5’s Server-Sent Events”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 1 Apr 2008.
  18. ^ HTTP 1.1 specification, section 8.14. W3C. Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.
  19. ^ Alessandro Alinone (December 2005). “Changing the Web Paradigm”. Lightstreamer white paper. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  20. ^ a b c d e f g h Michael Carter (24 October 2007). “Comet for Highly Scalable Applications”. Presentation at The Ajax Experience Boston. (Link goes to PDF slides). Retrieved 30 Nov 2007.
  21. ^ a b Alessandro Alinone (19 October 2007). “Comet and Push Technology”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  22. ^ a b c Just van den Broecke (3 January 2007). “Pushlets: Send events from servlets to DHTML client browsers”. JavaWorld. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  23. ^ a b Martin Tyler (30 November 2007). “The Evolution of Comet at Caplin”. Comet Daily. Retrieved 19 Feb 2008.
  24. ^ Rohit Khare (August 2005). “Beyond AJAX: Accelerating Web Applications with Real-Time Event Notification”. KnowNow white paper (link from the Wayback Machine). Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  25. ^ Dion Almaer (29 September 2005). “Jotspot Live: Live, group note-taking” (interview with Abe Fettig). Ajaxian. Retrieved 15 Dec 2007.
    Matt Marshall (15 December 2006). “Renkoo launches event service — in time to schedule holiday cocktails”. Venture Beat. Retrieved 15 Dec 2007.
  26. ^ Dylan Schiemann (18 October 2007). “Why Comet Daily?”. Comet Daily . Retrieved 8 Jan 2008.
  27. ^ a b Alex Russell, et al. (2007). Bayeux Protocol specification, 1.0 draft 1. Dojo Foundation. Retrieved 14 Dec 2007.
  28. ^ Jesse James Garrett (18 February 2005). “Ajax: A New Approach to Web Applications”. Adaptive Path. Retrieved 29 Nov 2007.
  29. ^ Clint Boulton (27 December 2005). “Startups Board the AJAX Bandwagon”. DevX News. Retrieved 18 Feb 2008.


There are several Comet implementations, both commercial and non-commercial:

Open source:

  • Cometd – Comet framework sponsored by the Dojo foundation.
  • Orbited – cross-language scalable Comet server.
  • Meteor – Comet server written in Perl.
  • jQuery Comet Plugin – Comet plugin for jQuery.
  • Athena – part of the Divmod Nevow web framework; written in Python/Twisted.
  • Pushup – Comet server written in C++.
  • Pushlets – framework enabling server-side Java objects to push events to browser-side JavaScript, Java applets, or Flash.
  • Jetty-6 - Servlet server written in java with asynchronous features used for comet implementations directly or via activemq, cometd, DWR and others.
  • Apache Tomcat 6.0 – Advanced IO and Tomcat; Comet support allows a servlet to process IO asynchronously.
  • Asteroid (a small Comet) – Comet in Squeak (Smalltalk), by Diego Gomez Deck.
  • ShootingStar – event-based – Comet server implemented in Ruby and C.
  • Full-duplex Ajax – A module for the Lighttpd web server
  • ItsNat – a Java Ajax component-based web application framework, with Comet support.
  • Sun Microsystems GlassFish – Comet for Servlet/Java EE based applications, support DWR, Cometd, ICEFaces and IO asynchronously via Grizzly
  • Resin - Java Application Server with a Comet server API similar to Java Servlets.
  • Comep – a PHP Comet server implementation, by Aresch Yavari.
  • Xajax – a plugin for the Xajax library. Supports streaming of Xajax commands for IE/FireFox/Safari/Opera
  • Seaside Comet - Comet library for Seaside (Smalltalk), by Lukas Renggli.
  • pi.comet – Simple Comet Class
  • ErlyComet - Bayeux compliant functionality for Erlang.


  • Caplin Liberator – Comet server written in C intended for financial trading. Liberator also has a Free Edition
  • KnowNow – Implementation of Comet. Link goes to a description of the KnowNow Enterprise Syndication Solution.
  • Lightstreamer – Comet solution. Push engine for live data distribution to rich internet applications.
  • Virgil’s Live is a Comet tookit for any zero client streaming data to web front end
  • Virgil’s One is a commercial Comet implementation (based on Live)for streaming market data for retail, wholesale, private banks, and brokers for IBM Websphere Portal
  • Kaazing Enterprise Comet provides an advanced environment for creating real-time Web applications that extend SOA's event and message delivery to the browser
  • The SmartClient messaging module.
  • Steve and Jay McDonald’s Fjax.
  • Ajax for IBM WebSphere Platform – Early Comet support for IBM WebSphere-based Products (6.1+)
  • Lingr – Browser-based chat community using Comet for realtime message notification
  • LiveCycle Data Services – previously named Flex Data Services, an enterprise solution from Adobe, supporting both Ajax and Flex.
  • Clipstream
  • CogStream.
  • Ajax Message Service from TIBCO – enterprise real-time messaging and SOA.
  • HTTP Pub-Sub Server – Comet support in BEA's WebLogic Server product (10.3+).


  • AjaxMessaging – Comet plugin for Ruby on Rails using Ajax and Messaging Oriented Middleware.
  • PushAsp – A general purpose Comet server for Asp.Net, Silverlight or plain html.
  • ICE Technology Corp’s iPush Server – Real-time push data to RIA's.