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== Faction ships ==
== Faction ships ==

:These are ships that are specific and unique to certain NPC (pirate, or other major) factions. Only frigate, cruiser, and battleship faction ships exist at this time. These ships are considerably better than their tech I counterparts, though not necessarily better than Tech II ships. However, they do not have nearly as high skill requirements as Tech II vessels. Tech II battleships do not exist, thus leaving faction battleships as the most powerful vessels of this class. The only in game source for Faction Ships and their Blueprints are Agents, Faction [[Spawning (computer gaming)|Spawns]] and Complexes. Due to this, faction vessels are relatively rare, with some more common than others. This often leaves Faction ships significantly more expensive than [[Spaceships of EVE Online#Tech II ships|Tech II]] vessels. The recent addition of LP Stores has reduced the random "gift" system through agents with a more static store front in which a player can spend Loyalty Points they have earned through agents in a particular npc faction corporation. This change has greatly lowered the difficulty in obtaining faction ships and blueprints and should ultimately make these ships much more common.
:These are ships that are specific and unique to certain NPC (pirate, or other major) factions. Only frigate, cruiser, and battleship faction ships exist at this time. These ships are considerably better than their tech I counterparts, though not necessarily better than Tech II ships. However, they do not have nearly as high skill requirements as Tech II vessels. Tech II battleships do not exist, thus leaving faction battleships as the most powerful vessels of this class. The only in game source for Faction Ships and their Blueprints are Agents, Faction [[Spawning (computer gaming)|Spawns]] and Complexes. Due to this, faction vessels are relatively rare, with some more common than others. This often leaves Faction ships significantly more expensive than [[Spaceships of EVE Online#Tech II ships|Tech II]] vessels. The recent addition of LP Stores has replaced the more random "gift" system with a more static store front in which a player can spend Loyalty Points they have earned through agents in a particular npc faction corporation. This change has greatly lowered the difficulty in obtaining faction ships and blueprints and should ultimately make these ships much more common.

:Those faction ships that do not belong to one of the four Empire navies require the appropriate ships skills from more than one race. For example, the '''Sansha Succubus''' requires the skills for both Caldari and Amarr frigates before it can be used, whereas the '''Republic Fleet Firetail''' only requires the Minmatar Frigate skill.
:Those faction ships that do not belong to one of the four Empire navies require the appropriate ships skills from more than one race. For example, the '''Sansha Succubus''' requires the skills for both Caldari and Amarr frigates before it can be used, whereas the '''Republic Fleet Firetail''' only requires the Minmatar Frigate skill.

Revision as of 22:17, 4 October 2007

File:Eve chart.jpg
This comparison chart shows the vast selection of ships available to the players in EVE Online. Note the Eiffel tower in lower left corner.

Spaceships in the science fiction massively multiplayer online game EVE Online are organized into a variety of size classes, with each class covering a wide variety of ships in their own categories.

Some of the newer vessels in the EVE universe, such as the Titan, are massive in proportion to other ships.[1]

Ship characteristics

Each spaceship within the EVE universe has a different set of Characteristics and can be fitted with different combinations of modules subject to their fitting requirements.[2] Ship characteristics include:

  • Module slots (high, mid and low, see below)
  • Rig slots
  • Power grid
  • CPU
  • Calibration
  • Capacitor size and recharge rate
  • Shield hitpoints, recharge rate and resistances
  • Armor hitpoints and resistances
  • Structure hitpoints and resistances
  • Velocity and agility
  • Targeting range and maximum number of targets
  • Signature radius
  • Cargo Bay size
  • Drone Bay size
  • Sensor strength and resolution.

With the notable exception of module slots, almost all of these characteristics may be further modified by modules and skills. In many cases, there is one skill pertaining to a certain aspect that will affect every ship the player pilots (the Engineering skill increases the ship's total power grid, for example), but some characteristics, such as drone bay size, are generally fixed, with only a few ships receiving bonuses to them (e.g. each level in the Assault Ships skill will increase the size of the Ishkur assault frigate's drone bay by 5 m³).

Module slots

Modules can be fitted into high slots, mid slots and low slots. High slots are further limited by the number of hardpoints (turret or launcher) each ship has.[3] Turret hardpoints are used to fit guns (projectile or hybrid), energy lasers and mining lasers while launcher hardpoints are used to fit missile or rocket launchers. In addition there are modules that fit into high slots that don’t require hardpoints such as cloaking devices and energy vampires. Mid slots can be used for sensor boosters, tracking computers, propulsion modules, electronic warfare modules, shield extenders, hardeners and boosters, and capacitor boosters and rechargers. Low slots can be used for additional armor, repairers, cargo expanders and weapon assistance modules.[4]

Standard Frigates have between 6 and 10 module slots with 2-4 high, 1-4 mid and 1-4 low.
Standard Destroyers have 13 module slots with 8 high, 1-4 mid and 1-4 low.
Standard Cruisers have between 11 and 15 module slots with 4-6 high, 2-6 mid, and 2-6 low.
Standard Battlecruisers have between 16 and 18 module slots with 6-8 high, 3-6 mid and 4-6 low.
Standard Battleships have 18 or 19 module slots with 6-8 high, 3-8 mid and 4-8 low.

Standard Industrial Ships have between 5 and 12 module slots with 1-2 high, 2-5 mid and 2-5 low.
Standard Mining Barges have between 4 and 6 module slots with 1-3 high, 1 mid and 2 low.

Faction and Tech II ships typically have more module slots than their Tech I counterparts.

Example: The Caldari Bantam frigate has 2 high slots, two of which may be turret hardpoints (with no launcher hardpoints), along with 2 mid slots and 2 low slots.[5] A Caldari Scorpion-class battleship has four each of turret hardpoints and launcher hardpoints, but only 6 high slots, so it would not be possible to fit four turrets and four missile launchers simultaneously. It also has 8 mid slots and 4 low slots.[6] Typically, Caldari ships will have the most mid slots and the most launcher hardpoints, Amarr the most low slots and the most turret hardpoints, and Gallente and Minmatar will fall somewhere in between.

Rig slots

Rig slots, also called upgrade hardpoints, are used to accommodate rigs, special, passive modules that enhance a ship's performance in one area while (usually) penalizing it in another. For example, the Bay Loading Accelerator I[7] increases the rate of fire of any missile launchers fitted to the ship, while also increasing these launchers' CPU requirements. By training more levels of the relevant skill (in this case, Launcher Rigging), said penalty may be lowered.
Rigs are special in that, once fitted to a ship, they cannot be removed again. Repackaging a ship will destroy any rigs fitted, and they will never be found in the wreck of an obliterated vessel. Rigs thus function not unlike implants: once "plugged in", they are removed from the game as a tangible commodity and remain a part of the ship until it is destroyed or repackaged.
Apart from requiring a free rig slot, every rig also has a certain calibration cost, varying from 50 to 200 points, which may be thought of as the rig version of power grid. Tech 1 ships generally (with the exception of pods, shuttles, rookie ships and freighters, all of which may not be customized with rigs at all) feature three rig slots and 400 calibration points, with faction ships having the same amount of slots, but only 350 calibration points. Tech 2 ships also come with 400 calibration points, but only two rig slots.

Racial distinctions

Each of the four playable races in EVE Online have individual categories in each of the ship classes. The only exception is the mining barges, which are common to all four races. For example, there are four shuttles available in the game - Caldari, Gallente, Amarr and Minmatar - which are the same in terms of performance but differ in appearance. In addition to these four basic factions, there are rare NPC faction items/ships available which typically have better attributes than their playable faction equivalents. The ships in each faction reflect the aesthetic and military philosophies the developers have chosen to associate with that faction and require a different set of skills to use (apart from shuttles). Ships can be flown by any player irrespective of race, as long as the required skills are cross-trained, which is easy to do.


File:Caldari logo.png
Caldari Logo
Caldari design philosophy features ships with powerful defensive shielding, and armament of numerous missile launchers with secondary arrays of railguns. While missiles have the versatility to deal all damage types, Caldari ships tend to receive bonuses to kinetic damage, and thus favour that damage type for both of their main weapon systems. The Caldari are also noted for fielding dedicated Electronic Warfare vessels (the Griffin frigate, the Blackbird cruiser, the Rook and Falcon recon ships, and the Scorpion battleship). Aesthetically, they lean towards asymmetrical geometric designs, and have a tendency to name their ships after animals, especially avians. Some of the heavier hulls of the Caldari fleet are also named after mythological creatures, such as the Phoenix-class dreadnought, or the Leviathan Titan. Their superstructures are typically coloured bare gunmetal, usually with highlighting bands of red paint and the Caldari "brand"--a backwards letter "c" on a stalk in a circle, resembling an outstretched claw.
The Caldari Navy is generally considered the most modern spacefaring fleet outside of the Jove Empire, fielding vessels of comparatively lower service time and more advanced technology than their three contemporary rivals. These vessels rely heavily on energy shields to protect them in combat. As a result of this, Caldari ships tend to have weak armour and hulls.


Caldari technology is widely considered the most advanced of the four empires, and relies primarily on graviton and quantum physics. Caldari ships use graviton reactors to generate power, graviton pulse generators to detonate their missiles, and gravimetric sensor systems. The excess reactor power is stored in scalar capacitor units for distribution throughout the ship. Their shields are powered by sustained output shield emitters, as opposed to the pulsed emitters of the Gallente. It would seem that this type of emitter is the most advanced, since Caldari have the strongest shields of any race. Caldari computers are based on quantum microprocessors. For propulsion, their ships use "magpulse thrusters" a term likely created as a shortening of "magnetic pulse" and thus presumably related to the ion thrusters of their Gallente neighbors. The Caldari are mainly associated with the production of the superconducting rails used in railguns, though the Gallente also produce railgun technology. Caldari ships are armored with Titanium Diborite.[1]


File:Gallente logo.png
Gallente Logo
Gallente ships feature sturdy defensive armour plates, while typically attacking with powerful short-range blasters and combat drones. Like the famed Lancers of their race's French origins, Gallente vessels are designed to charge hard, deal massive damage in close quarters, and shrug off counterattacks to do so repeatedly. As such, Gallente ships have the strongest structures out of the four races. Many Gallente ships are specialized drone carriers with bonuses to drone damage, range, carrying capacity, or a combination thereof, such as the Ishkur assault ship, the Vexor-class cruiser, the Ishtar heavy assault ship, the Myrmidon battlecruiser, and the Dominix battleship. Aesthetically, they are considerably more colourful than Caldari vessels, with the Gallente design ethos preferring smooth, curving lines that often give them a somewhat organic appearance. Gallente ships are most often dull metallic colors ranging from silver through bronze to verdigris, and are sometimes named for figures out of cultural mythologies (Ishkur, Ishtar, Enyo), or are named in Latin (Thorax, Navitas, Incursus).
The Gallente are, technologically, the second most advanced of the four main empires. They do not match the Caldari in shielding or ECM, but far surpass them in terms of automated combat drones, propulsion, structural integrity and hybrid weaponry. Ships such as the hard-charging Megathron battleship and the majestic Thanatos-class carrier are the mainstay of the Gallente fleet. Gallente fleet ships have the widest age range of any fleet, presumably because the Gallente continue research and development while placing a lower priority on defense industries than the other empires. This age range is observable in the wide variation in design and appearance across the Gallente arsenal. Older vessels such as the bulky and deep copper Dominix battleship differ visibly from the sleek and silvery Hyperion battleship fresh out of production.


Gallente technology is second only to the Caldari, and is generally based on fusion, plasma, and charged-particle physics. Gallente ships use fusion reactors for power, plasma pulse generators to detonate warheads, ion thrusters for movement, and magnetometric sensor arrays. Excess power from the fusion reactors is stored in oscillating capacitor units before distribution throughout the ship. Gallente shields are powered by pulsed shield emitters. Gallente computers are based on photon microprocessors, which are presumably a form of optical processor. The Gallente are almost the sole users of particle blaster technology, so they are the only producers of the particle accelerator units used in their construction. Gallente ships are armored with Crystalline Carbonide plates.[2]


File:Amarr logo.png
Amarr Logo
Employing nearly impenetrable armor and massive arrays of blistering lasers, Amarr vessels are the juggernauts of the EVE universe. The Amarr Empire's design ethic is much the embodiment of its people: constant, forthright, and brutally effective. Where the other races tend to field at least one ship with an alternative mission profile (especially in their cruiser classes), the Amarr rarely venture far from this core design principle. While this inflexibility can make Amarr ship tactics predictable and easily countered, the approach remains popular even in the face of recent setbacks. Their ships are split into two general categories: damage-oriented ships and armor-oriented ships. The Retribution assault ship, the Omen cruiser, the Zealot heavy assault ship, and the Armageddon battleship all have one or more damage or rate of fire bonuses and focus on raw laser damage. The Punisher frigate, Maller cruiser, Sacrilege heavy assault ship, and Apocalypse and Abaddon battleships focus on the ability to tank damage. Aesthetically, the Amarr appear to borrow from Art Deco, with a tendency to the ornate, favouring curved golden hulls, often inscribed with iconography relating to the Amarrian religion. Symmetry is a common design element in vessels of Amarr construction. Amarr ship names are often associated with religious terms and names, such as the Armageddon and Apocalypse battleships, and the Avatar Titan.
Amarr strategic doctrine calls for the employment of overwhelming numbers and attacks of unyielding, torrential force. The Amarr Navy is unquestionably the largest spacefaring force in the galaxy, and their tactics are both completely reliant and utterly inflexible against this fact. Disobedience, even in the form of initiative, is punishable by death. It is a testament to the unflinching will of the Amarrian people that such policies have maintained their Empire at the prominence of the four races.


Amarr technology is third in line; it has a long history, and features a wide variety of theoretical backgrounds. Most Amarr technology deals with electrical systems and EM radiation. Amarr ships use antimatter reactor units for power, theoretically the highest yield reactor system in EVE and probably necessary for the astronomical power requirements of Amarrian laser weaponry. Excess reactor power is stored in tesseract capacitor units before distribution to the laser and armor systems. Amarr ships use massive fusion thrusters to accelerate their armored bulk through space. Amarr shields are powered by linear emitters. Amarr computer and sensor systems are less advanced than their power systems; they rely on radar for sensors and nanoelectric microprocessors for computing. As the sole users of laser weapons, Amarrians are the chief producers of the laser focusing crystals used in their construction. Amarr ships are armored with massive plates of ultra-dense Tungsten Carbide.[3]


File:Minmatar logo.png
Minmatar Logo
Minmatar ships have a distinctive haphazard or "junky" design that has divided the EVE community - while many people revile the crude appearance of Minmatar ships next to the more solid structures of the other races, a lot of other players adore the more ramshackle, utilitarian design of Minmatar vessels. Because of this, a common running gag in the EVE Online community is the comparison of Minmatar ships to junkyards, or saying they are piles of scaffold pole held together by duct tape. The most recent additions to the Minmatar fleet in-game appear to be products of a more organized design process than their predecessors, which could be explained by the stability and relative peace following the end of open hostilities against the Amarr Empire. In the new Hurricane battlecruisers or Nidhoggur carriers, thick armor plating and a more symmetrical aesthetic replace exposed structural elements and ramshackle design. In terms of combat philosophy, Minmatar ships are geared towards hit-and-run combat and are typically the fastest ships in the game. Their long-range weapon system, the artillery projectile, has relatively low damage over time but an extremely powerful single strike, making it ideal for fast strikes. Their short range weapon system is the autocannon, which has a lower single strike damage but a higher rate of fire, giving it a higher overall damage and making it suitable for prolonged combat. Depending on the vessel in question, Minmatar ships rely on either their shields or their armor for protection, with some being suited towards either approach. Thanks to this, and also owing to the fact that many Minmatar ships can simultaneously employ turrets, missile launchers and drones to great effect, they are viewed by some as skill-intensive, with the Typhoon battleship being the most infamous in this regard, featuring a split weapon layout of four turrets and four launchers, as well as the second-biggest dronebay of all battleships. Ship names include animals (the Jaguar and Wolf assault ships), blade weapons (the Stiletto interceptor, the Scythe cruiser), names for winds (the Tempest and Typhoon battleships, the Cyclone and Hurricane battlecruiser), names of Norse mythological origin (the Hel mothership, the Ragnarok titan with its Gjallarhorn Doomsday device, the Huginn and Muninn elite cruisers, Sleipnir elite battlecruiser, and the Naglfar Dreadnought) and names one would associate with violence and destruction (the Rupture and Stabber cruisers).


Minmatar technology is the least advanced of the races; its theoretical basis is not far from modern understanding. Minmatar ships use nuclear reactors, presumably fission since Gallente reactors are separately identified as using fusion, to generate power. They use plasma thrusters for propulsion. Fission technology is also used in nuclear pulse generators in Minmatar missiles, and the thermonuclear trigger units in Minmatar projectile warheads. Excess power from the fission reactors is stored in electrolytic capacitor units before distribution throughout the ship. Minmatar shields are powered by deflection emitters; shield strength varies wildly between separate Minmatar ship designs. Minmatar computers are based on nanomechanical processors. Minmatar use LADAR for sensors; these sensors are typically easier to blind than other races' radar systems, but the good scan resolution allows for faster locks. Minmatar ships are armored in Fernite Carbide Composite plates, though the extent of armoring varies wildly from the exposed structural components of the Stabber cruiser to the massive armor plates of the Hurricane battlecruiser or Maelstrom battleship.[4]

Tech I ships


The shuttle is the smallest ship type. It is very agile, very fast, and very cheap. However, shuttles have poor defences, they cannot be fitted with modules, and they only carry 10 m³ of cargo. One type exists for each of the four major factions, with only a slight difference in damage type resists. They are primarily used in scouting duties and to get from place to place quickly, and they are the only ships that require no racial ship skills to use.

Rookie ships

New players begin the game in their race's rookie ship, fitted with a very basic gun turret and mining laser. Although technically considered Frigate-class vessels, rookie ships are far weaker and less customizable than even the cheapest regular frigates. Sporting a fixed slot layout of two high slots and one medium/low slot each, and receiving only one bonus per level in the respective racial frigate skill, these ships typically see little use beyond the tutorial missions.
Players who arrive at a station in their pod without having any ships in that station's hangar automatically receive a free rookie ship of their racial affiliation, including a "gratuity gift" of one Tritanium unit.
One type exists for every major faction.
Examples: the Gallente Velator features a 10m³ dronebay, twice the size of the other rookie ships', as well as a bonus to hybrid turret damage, allowing it to deal comparatively high damage, while the bonus to optimal range on the Caldari Ibis has led to some enterprising individuals employing the vessel as a very crude sniping platform.
Rookie ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Impairor Ibis Velator Reaper


A category of ship consisting of light and fast but comparatively fragile ships. New players begin able to fly ships of this class(they start in rookie ships,which, although technically frigates, differ greatly, as they are not able to be bought on the market). Each race has a broad range of frigates, each with a differing mission profile. In general, frigates lack the durability and damage output of the larger ship classes, which have on average 3-4 guns or missile launchers, but are also considerably faster and harder to hit. Being cheap, it is not difficult for a player to procure a frigate, and in large numbers, frigates can become quite dangerous to larger ship classes. An experienced player with the correct equipment can also use frigates effectively by draining power from larger ships, scrambling their warp engines, or "webbing" them to prevent them from moving (collectively referred to as "tackling"). This allows the player's allies to move in and destroy their now-immobile prey. Between five and six frigate types exist for each major faction, with a further sizable number of special, but rarer, ships also available.
Examples: the Caldari Kestrel is a frigate that, while unable to mount guns, is able to mount four missile launchers, and has a relatively large cargo hold compared to most frigates. By contrast, the Amarr Punisher is slow for a frigate, but has the toughest armor of any Tech I frigate in the game, and employs several laser turrets.
Large fleets of Tech I frigates (10 or more) can be an excellent way for new players to gang up and fight back against opponents who go after them with smaller numbers of battleships and heavy assault cruisers. Experienced players have also been known to put large frigate wings to good use as a cheap alternative to larger, more costly ships (A tier 3 frigate, such as the Caldari Merlin or the Minmatar Rifter, typically sells for approximately 250 thousand ISK on the in-game market while the price of a battleship may approach 100 million ISK), using their greater resources and skills to outfit the frigates with the best equipment and weaponry. This tactic has become less common with the advent of advanced Tech II assault frigates and interceptors, however.
Frigates by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Tormentor Bantam Navitas Burst
Executioner Condor Atron Slasher
Crucifier Griffin Maulus Vigil
Heron Imicus Probe
Punisher Merlin Incursus Rifter
Inquisitor Kestrel Tristan Breacher


Designed specifically for anti-frigate warfare, destroyers have a +50% range bonus to small turrets and typically mount eight small, light and accurate weapons that are designed to target small agile targets, but are incapable of dealing significant damage to larger ship classes. However, these seven to eight turret slots do not come without a price. Aside from it being difficult to fit eight of the most powerful weapons in their size category, a -25% rate of fire (RoF) "bonus", which is how the game engine handles this penalty, is attached to all weapons on a destroyer. However, having 50% more guns than most frigates outweighs the firing rate penalty.
Although destroyers excel at their intended purpose of taking out frigates, they fare very poorly against cruisers and battleships, as their defences simply are too weak to survive engagements with such larger ships. Their armor and shield capabilities barely exceed those of a frigate, yet their signature radius is almost on the level of a cruiser, meaning they are hit harder and more easily by cruiser- and larger-sized weaponry than frigates. Destroyers also lack the capacity to mount the larger guns needed to effectively damage these larger classes while being of a size that makes them relatively easy for larger ships to target, rendering destroyers unpopular choices among the PvP community, although when fitted with tech 2 weaponry they have proven effective at "melting" tech 2 assault frigates and interceptors.
One type exists for each major faction.
Example: The Gallente Catalyst destroyer has a significant number of turret mounts, but lacks the power to field medium or large sized guns. The turret tracking bonuses it provides to a skilled pilot have earned it a reputation as a ship that "never misses" due to the "falloff" bonuses. In contrast, the Caldari Cormorant grants bonuses to range, making it ideal for picking off frigates at long ranges before the frigates can fire back.
The destroyer class of ship has enjoyed a recent surge in popularity due to the addition of salvaging items from ship wrecks due to the number of high slots and relatively large cargo bays (often the same size as battleships), allowing the fitting of multiple tractor beam and salvaging modules.
Destroyers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Coercer Cormorant Catalyst Thrasher


Medium-sized vessels are designed to perform a broad variety of functions. Cruisers are larger and slower than frigates or destroyers, but are significantly more durable. In many cases, they can mount fewer weapons than a destroyer, 4-5 weapons instead of 8, but their power systems allow them to field larger, more damaging medium-sized weaponry. Cruisers come with a broad variety of mission profiles, and while some excel at combat, others are better suited to more peaceful roles, such as cargo transport and mining. Four basic types exist for each major faction.
Examples: the Caldari Osprey is designed as a mining and remote-shield-support vessel, and grants bonuses to players who use it for these purposes. It is, however, a somewhat ineffective combat vessel, relative to other cruisers. By contrast, the Gallente Thorax is designed to be mounted with powerful yet short-ranged blasters to engage the enemy at short range, where it can also effectively deploy combat drones. Cruisers are relatively cheap (typically costing between three million and eight million ISK), and can prove very effective in groups.
Cruisers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Arbitrator Blackbird Celestis Bellicose
Augoror Osprey Exequror Scythe
Maller Moa Thorax Rupture
Omen Caracal Vexor Stabber

Industrial ships

Industrial ships are designed for cargo transport. They are large, slow, and almost completely defenseless, but have far larger cargo holds than most other ship classes. Industrial ships are not intended for combat, and usually require armed escorts when in dangerous low security systems. It should be noted that the slot layout of most industrials allow for somewhat sneaky ambush tactics. The EVE Online forums are usually the first place a triumphant Industrial pilot will post when he's managed to drive off or destroy a marauding pirate's interceptor, much to the embarrassment of the pirate. Between two and five types exist for each major faction.
Examples: The Gallente Iteron series consists of five ships, each with a larger capacity than the last. The Iteron Mark V has the largest basic cargo capacity of any Industrial ship, but requires the player to invest substantial time in skill training before it can be flown. In contrast, the Amarr Bestower has a lesser cargo capacity, but is also considerably less skill intensive.
Industrial Ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Sigil Badger Iteron Wreathe
Bestower Badger Mark II Iteron Mark II Hoarder
Iteron Mark III Mammoth
Iteron Mark IV
Iteron Mark V


Falling between cruisers and battleships, battlecruisers are, as their name would suggest, mostly designed with combat in mind. They also serve the role of fleet command in small scale engagements due to the bonuses they have for the fitting of gang assist modules, which boost the offensive and defensive capabilities of the fleet they are attached to. They are capable of a slightly larger damage output than a cruiser, with 7-8 (with the exception of the myrmidon, having 6, but a large drone bay) weapons as opposed to the 4-5 on a cruiser. They are also able to take much more damage than a cruiser alone can take. In many senses, battlecruisers are to cruisers as destroyers are to frigates, except that battlecruisers are significantly more popular than destroyers. As compared to cruisers, their major disadvantage other than their considerably higher price is their larger signature radius and decreased maneuverability. It is much easier for a battleship's large guns to hit a battlecruiser than a cruiser due to their increased size. Additionally, battlecruisers maneuver more slowly than cruisers, with slightly more maneuverability then Battleships. Two standard battlecruiser types exist for each race, the Harbinger, Drake, Myrmidon and Hurricane having been released in the Revelations expansion in mid 2006 (this expansion also improved the agility of all existing battlecruisers).
Examples: The Caldari Ferox relies on strong shields to ward off damage, and is designed to mount a combination of long-ranged rail guns and missile launchers. The Amarrian Prophecy, on the other hand, relies on durable armor plating and batteries of laser guns.
Battlecruisers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Prophecy Ferox Brutix Cyclone
Harbinger Drake Myrmidon Hurricane
Worth noting is that battlecruisers are the only ship class besides carriers, motherships and titans that can effectively fit warfare link modules thus giving as much as a 33.75% bonus to the gang in a special area. Often a player will train warfare link modules if they are on the path to the Tech II battlecruiser variants, the Command Ships, which get an effectiveness bonus to specific types of warfare links depending on race.


Battleships are a fleet mainstay, and most experienced players will own at least one. Although they are slower than even battlecruisers, they are significantly more durable, and can mount impressive firepower in the form of large-size weaponry, and typically 6-8 weapons. Three types of standard battleship exist for every race, the Rokh, Abaddon, Hyperion and Maelstrom having been recently released in the Revelations expansion.
Examples: The Gallente Dominix is well known for setups using energy vampire modules and powerful drones. The Amarr Apocalypse, like all Amarr ships, relies on durable armor to weather damage, and is designed to deploy large numbers of damaging laser turret weapons. The Caldari Raven is best known for fielding a formidable array of cruise missile launchers, energy vampires and shield modules (to regenerate shield, and improve its resistance) creating a powerful ship that grows stronger as its opponent grows weaker.
Battleships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Armageddon Scorpion Dominix Typhoon
Apocalypse Raven Megathron Tempest
Abaddon Rokh Hyperion Maelstrom

Mining barges

Designed specifically for the purpose of mining, unlike other ships, mining barges are not race-specific, as their design originates with the NPC Corporation "ORE". Mining barges are effectively unarmed, though their large drone bays (presumably originally intended for deploying mining drones) allow them to deploy up to five combat drones that provide adequate defence in high-security systems. It would be very unwise for a player to mine in a low security system in a mining barge without a well-armed escort. Mining Barges (along with their Tech II Exhumer counterparts) are also unique in that they are the only ships able to fit high-powered strip mining modules and ice miners.
Example: The Covetor is the most effective generally-available Tech I mining ship in the EVE Universe. It can fit three strip miners, which can mine 20-30% more than a battleship fitted with eight mining lasers.
Mining Barges

Faction ships

These are ships that are specific and unique to certain NPC (pirate, or other major) factions. Only frigate, cruiser, and battleship faction ships exist at this time. These ships are considerably better than their tech I counterparts, though not necessarily better than Tech II ships. However, they do not have nearly as high skill requirements as Tech II vessels. Tech II battleships do not exist, thus leaving faction battleships as the most powerful vessels of this class. The only in game source for Faction Ships and their Blueprints are Agents, Faction Spawns and Complexes. Due to this, faction vessels are relatively rare, with some more common than others. This often leaves Faction ships significantly more expensive than Tech II vessels. The recent addition of LP Stores has replaced the more random "gift" system with a more static store front in which a player can spend Loyalty Points they have earned through agents in a particular npc faction corporation. This change has greatly lowered the difficulty in obtaining faction ships and blueprints and should ultimately make these ships much more common.
Those faction ships that do not belong to one of the four Empire navies require the appropriate ships skills from more than one race. For example, the Sansha Succubus requires the skills for both Caldari and Amarr frigates before it can be used, whereas the Republic Fleet Firetail only requires the Minmatar Frigate skill.
Example: The Caldari Navy Issue Raven (CNR) is considered the most powerful missile boat easily found on the market with seven Launcher hardpoints - it also has impressive shields and armor, making it a favorite for running high level NPC missions. The Vindicator is legendary for its combat prowess, designed to fit seven large blasters and a Microwarpdrive.

Faction battleships cost between 500-800 m ISK, faction cruisers between 100-150 m ISK, and faction frigates between 20-50 m ISK.

Faction Frigates
Ship Name Faction Hull
Amarr Navy Slicer Amarr Navy Unique
Caldari Navy Hookbill Caldari Navy Unique
Cruor Blood Raiders Unique
Daredevil Serpentis Unique
Dramiel Arch Angels Unique
Gallente Navy Comet Gallente Navy Unique
Republic Fleet Firetail Minmatar Fleet Unique
Succubus Sansha Unique
Worm Guristas Merlin
Faction Cruisers
Ship Name Faction Hull
Ashimmu Blood Raider Unique
Augoror Navy Issue Amarr Navy Augoror
Caracal Navy Issue Caldari Navy Caracal
Cynabal Arch Angels Unique
Gila Guristas Moa
Stabber Fleet Issue Minmatar Fleet Stabber
Phantasm Sansha Unique
Vexor Navy Issue Gallente Navy Vexor
Vigilant Serpentis Thorax
Faction Battleships
Ship Name Faction Hull
Apocalypse Navy Issue Amarr Navy Apocalypse
Bhaalgorn Blood Raider Armageddon
Machariel Arch Angels Unique
Megathron Navy Issue Gallente Navy Megathron
Nightmare Sansha Unique
Rattlesnake Guristas Scorpion
Raven Navy Issue Caldari Navy Raven
Tempest Fleet Issue Minmatar Fleet Tempest
Vindicator Serpentis Megathron

Tech II ships

"Tech II" refers to ships that are essentially upgraded, more powerful versions of lower-level vessels. Tech II ships are similar in appearance to their parent class, differing in the addition of extra slots, bays, or engines, and in the colour of the ship's skin. (In the following sections the T1 Hull that is modified is listed in brackets) Tech II vessels have much improved capabilities and usually fill a highly specialized role. They require extensive specialization to fly or build, and supply is limited by the number of blueprints for production. Historically, Tech II ships and modules have had a substantial markup imposed by the producer, up to 500% or more depending on the popularity of the ship, due to the fact that Tech II blueprints were extremely rare and limited, given out through a lottery system by CCP. Recently, CCP has been working to phase out the monopoly that surrounds Tech II blueprints through a process called "invention", where people can produce Blueprint Copies (BPC's) for ships or modules without owning the original blueprint itself. This has brought down the price of Tech II ships and modules by a large amount, especially for 'popular' market items such as Interdictors, Interceptors, Heavy Assault Cruisers, and Tech II Capacitor Recharge units.

Covert operations

These Tech II frigates are designed to mount cloaking systems that allow them to pass undetected. Although they are quite fragile, they are designed to be able to vanish when threatened. These ships are also a great help in larger groups as scouts and other tactical use. The covert ops frigate is able to mount a covert ops cloaking device that allows warping while cloaked. They also excel at finding hidden enemy ships through the use of scan probes. Care must be taken, however when using cloaking devices due to the fact that cloaking devices will de-activate if the ship gets within 2 km of any other ship or celestial object, such as asteroids, stargates, space stations or cargo containers. Additionally, cloaking devices cannot be activated when another ship has a lock on you, so it is common practice for covert ops ships to have a significant amount of Electronic Warfare, usually in the form of ECM (target jammers) or Sensor Dampeners to break the lock and slip away cloaked.
The stealth bomber mounts battleship-class cruise missile launchers allowing it to unexpectedly uncloak and deploy considerable firepower before cloaking again. The stealth bomber is not, however, able to warp through space while cloaked.
Examples: the Caldari Manticore stealth bomber is similar in appearance its Tech I counterpart, the Kestrel frigate, but has additional stealth abilities. It is able to mount cruise missile launchers as its powergrid systems are specially calibrated to handle the power amounts those modules require.
Covert Ops Ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Covert Ops Anathema (Crucifier) Buzzard (Heron) Helios (Maulus) Cheetah (Vigil)
Stealth Bomber Purifier (Inquisitor) Manticore (Kestrel) Nemesis (Tristan) Hound (Breacher)

Assault ships

Assault ships are frigates that are designed with serious firepower in mind. They are far more durable than Tech I frigates with the capacity to mount a more damaging weapon loadout and stronger defences while sacrificing some speed. Two types exist for each major faction, each catering to a certain more specialized individual style of combat.
Examples: The Gallente Enyo is a relatively slow but extremely powerful vessel often employed as a close range brawler. The Minmatar Wolf is faster and more fragile than the Enyo, but still vastly more powerful than the Rifter upon which it is based.
Assault Ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Retribution (Punisher) Harpy (Merlin) Enyo (Incursus) Wolf (Rifter)
Vengeance (Punisher) Hawk (Merlin) Ishkur (Incursus) Jaguar (Rifter)


Interceptors, another frigate based class, are designed for high-speed "dogfights". Interceptors have a smaller signature radius than regular frigates, making them especially difficult for larger ships to fight as the interceptors' small signature radii and high speeds make them very difficult for larger, heavier guns to hit reliably, due to slow tracking. Interceptors also have a significantly higher warp speed than other vessels, allowing them to cover the vast distances between stargates and other system navigation points extremely quickly. It is not uncommon to be under attack from an Interceptor as you enter warp only to find the same Interceptor waiting for you where you exit warp. Interceptors are a common class, used primarily for harassment and to pin down larger enemy ships until more powerful backup can arrive. Two types exist for each major faction.
Example: The Gallente Ares cruises in warp at a speed of 13.5 AU per second where regular frigates warp at a speed of 6 AU per second. The Caldari Crow can fit three missile launchers and is known for being able to take out cruiser-sized ships all on its own.
Interceptors by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Emphasis on damage Crusader (Executioner) Crow (Condor) Taranis (Atron) Claw (Slasher)
Emphasis on tackling Malediction (Executioner) Raptor (Condor) Ares (Atron) Stiletto (Slasher)


The Interdictor class is an upgrade of the destroyer design. Interdictors have fewer turret mounts, but do not suffer rate of fire penalties found on their Tech I counterparts. Each has a comparatively large number of missile hardpoints, and is also much faster than its destroyer counterpart. Their main purpose is to launch special warp interdiction spheres, which prevent warping within a 20 km radius when launched and last for two minutes. Because of interdiction spheres, these ships are often considered the 'staples' of fleet combat, as they are extremely effective in pinning down entire fleets of battleships for extended periods of time - an effect that lasts even after the ship is destroyed. One type exists for each major faction.
Interdictors by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Heretic (Coercer) Flycatcher (Cormorant) Eris (Catalyst) Sabre (Thrasher)

Heavy assault ships

Heavy assault ships, more often referred to as heavy assault cruisers (HAC), are designed to be good solo combat ships. Unlike battleships, HACs retain some element of speed allowing them to use this to their advantage against larger and slower opponents. The primary reason HACs are dangerous is their vastly increased damage resistances. They can take hits that would normally destroy a ship their size and keep fighting. As with the lighter assault ships, HACs are usually specially suited for certain styles of combat.
Examples: The Caldari Cerberus is engineered almost exclusively toward missile warfare and cannot mount any turrets. The Cerberus gets bonuses to improve its missiles rate of fire, range, and damage, and is highly resistant to both kinetic and thermal damage. The Minmatar Muninn, on the other hand, is designed to do heavy projectile damage from long ranges, and because of its roleplay designated resistances has such high EM and Thermal armor resistances that it is effectively immune to lasers.
Heavy Assault Cruisers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Sacrilege (Maller) Eagle (Moa) Deimos (Thorax) Muninn (Rupture)
Zealot (Omen) Cerberus (Caracal) Ishtar (Vexor) Vagabond (Stabber)

Logistics cruisers

Logistics cruisers are designed exclusively for the purpose of aiding teammates in combat. These Tech II cruisers are widely used in complexes and other NPC encounters, but are rarely used in actual player combat; any logistics cruiser would be called as a target immediately and would be destroyed first in a battle, before it could be useful. Their bonuses to remote repairing and boosting, however, are considerable, and thus any group who can use logistics ships successfully can benefit greatly from them. The Alliance tournament in the summer of 2006 saw logistics ships used effectively in PvP combat. Starting with the Revelations II expansion, logistics ships have been granted HAC-like resistances and a number of special ship bonuses that effectively allow them to operate remote repair modules of battleship size.
Example: The Amarr Guardian has bonuses to remote armor repairers range and capacitor use, while the Caldari Basilisk is renowned for its ability to remotely recharge the shields of allied vessels and starbases.
Logistics Cruisers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Guardian (Auguror) Basilisk (Osprey) Oneiros (Exequror) Scimitar (Scythe)

Reconnaissance ships

The Recon Ship class is split into two sub classes: combat recon and force recon. Force recon ships can equip the same covert cloaking module as the covert ops frigate while also having strong electronics warfare bonuses. Force recon ships also get a reduction for cynosural field generation fuel consumption. These ships are in many ways the U-Boats of EVE, as they can fly cloaked alone or in packs to catch enemies by surprise. Combat recon ships fill a more offensive role, with the same electronic warfare bonuses of the force recon, plus an additional bonus for weapons systems.
Example: The Amarr Curse has large bonus to nosferatu drain amount and range, as well as to a tracking disruptor's effectiveness. The Gallente Arazu has a bonus to Warp Disruption range and Remote Sensor Dampening strength, allowing it to pin down targets from extended distances while disrupting their targeting systems to the point where they cannot be targeted back.
Recon Cruisers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Combat Recon Curse (Arbitrator) Rook (Blackbird) Lachesis (Celestis) Huginn (Bellicose)
Force Recon Pilgrim (Arbitrator) Falcon (Blackbird) Arazu (Celestis) Rapier (Bellicose)

Command ships

Command ships are the Tech II version of battlecruisers, split into the field and fleet subclasses. They are designed to command and assist fleet operations. Field command ships may use 3 "gang assistance" modules at a time, as opposed to only 1 module on their Tech 1 counterparts, and have both strong defensive and offensive capabilities in the form of higher resists and more room for fitting modules. The Gallente Eos , for example, has a vast drone bay and gets bonuses to certain gang assistance modules, while the Caldari Vulture can mount, arguably, the best shield tank in the game. The Amarr Damnation can use three armored warfare modules and receive a bonus to their effectiveness. This makes it extremely powerful as an assistance to a large fleet, adding up to 30% total armor to everyone receiving the bonuses. The Minmatar Sleipneir is an extremely powerful brawler, capable of doing strong damage, while taking heavy fire.
Command Ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Field Command Absolution (Prophecy) Nighthawk (Ferox) Astarte (Brutix) Sleipnir (Cyclone)
Fleet Command Damnation (Prophecy) Vulture (Ferox) Eos (Brutix) Claymore (Cyclone)

Transport ships

Transport ships are the Tech II version of the industrial class designed for hauling cargo through dangerous low-security systems. While still requiring an escort for safety, transports are capable of surviving determined assaults that would destroy Tech I Industrials due to their lack of defences. There are two subclasses of transport ship. The blockade runner is a very fast small cargo ship with inherent resistances to warp disruption, whereas the deep space transport is slower, but has more cargo and better defences. Transport ships are very popular for transporting high-value cargo both inside and outside of secure space, as they can take multiple volleys from battleships without risk of destruction, while a standard industrial might be destroyed by the first volley.
Examples: The Prowler blockade runner can be fitted with a micro-warpdrive to go well over 4 km/s, allowing it to bypass hostile groups with relative ease. The Occator can fit a microwarpdrive as well, but is much slower, and is primarily designed to fit a tough tank, reminiscent of Heavy Assault Cruisers in strength.
Transport Ships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Deep Space Transport Impel (Bestower) Bustard (Badger Mark II) Occator (Iteron Mark III) Mastodon (Mammoth)
Blockade Runner Prorator (Sigil) Crane (Badger) Viator (Iteron Mark I) Prowler (Wreathe)


The advanced version of the mining barge is the exhumer class. These ships benefit from enhanced protection and mining capabilities. There are three different types.
Unlike standard mining barges, where the larger, more expensive ships are inherently better at mining, the three exhumers each have a specific role at which it performs better than any other mining ship. The Skiff is specialized in Deep Core Mining, the Mackinaw is specialized in mining Ice, and the Hulk is the specialized asteroid mining barge of the three exhumers. The Hulk is especially popular with miners, due to the fact that it can mine the most ore out of any barge.
Skiff (Procurer)
Mackinaw (Retriever)
Hulk (Covetor)

Capital ships

Capital ships are very large ships designed for major operations found typically in medium to large sized player owned corporations. While a (particularly wealthy) solo pilot may find a role for a freighter in trading, they are primarily used to launch and operate larger star bases in deep 0.0 space. The capital combat ships are best used for fleet operations and suffer from substantial vulnerabilities if not properly supported. Motherships and titans are unable to dock in normal stations due to their size. Due to their prohibitively expensive prices only the richest players or corporations can afford these classes of ships.


Possessing the largest cargo holds of any ship class in the game (around 40 times that of the best industrial class ships), freighters are very large and travel very slowly. They can take up long periods (over 30 seconds) to align for warp, and in warp, they travel very slowly (0.7au/s). This makes even moderately short warps (say 35 au) take nearly a minute in warp, and long warps in excess of 100au take over 2 minutes. Freighters are also entirely unarmed with no room for modification or expansion. Their unrivaled capacity for cargo transport, however, makes freighters very valuable commodities to corporations or players that need to move large goods or large quantities of materials from one place to another with a large escort. Freighters can carry many ships within its hold, provided they have been "packaged" for transport, but are incapable of carrying any capital class ships within their hold as the smallest have a packaged volume of 1mil m³, while the largest freighter can only carry 980,000 m3 with maximum skills. One freighter class exists for each major faction. Freighters cost about 900 million to 1 billion ISK to make (depending on the market value of minerals), however require around 5 billion ISK worth of blueprints and can take more than a month of construction time (for component parts and including around 11 days for the ship itself). Blueprint originals are normally used due to the excessively lengthy period of weeks that freighter blueprints take to copy, but it is not unknown for some enterprising individuals to produce a few blueprint copies once they have completed their own freighters in an effort to reduce overhead. These currently sell around 150 million ISK each.
CCP would seem to have transposed the names of the Gallente and Caldari freighters. Every tech II and capital class Gallente ship, except the Obelisk is named for a deity or significant mythological figure, yet the Caldari Charon is named for the being said to ferry the souls of the dead across the river Acheron (a branch of the Styx) in Greek mythology. Further confusion arises from the fact that Charon was the son of Erebus and Nyx, who were used to name the Gallente titan and mothership classes.
It must also be noted that Charon would not fit the Caldari naming scheme, as the vessels of that race are almost always named after animals.
Examples: The Caldari Charon freighter is known as the largest of these ships, with a cargohold of 785,000 m³ (+5% to 25% depending on skill) but is also the slowest. The Gallente Obelisk freighter, with a 750,000 m³ cargohold and 65 m/s speed, is popular due to the fact that many hauler pilots will naturally meet one of the vessel's prerequisite skills during the course of their training - the Gallente Iteron Mark V cargo hauler has the largest hold of any industrial class ship and is therefore one of the most popular industrials in the game. Both the Iteron Mark V and the Obelisk require that the pilot have trained the skill "Gallente Industrial" to level 5 in order to fly them.
Freighters by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Providence Charon Obelisk Fenrir

Capital Industrial Ship

The capital industrial ship was designed to facilitate nomad mining ops and moving ore around the universe. It has the ability to compress ore to make it smaller to transport, and to give out mining bonuses. It can also carry several mining barges in its ship maintenance bay, and fit a clone bay. The Industrial Core prevents it from moving, similarly to a Dreadnoughts's Siege Module, allowing it to use these extra abilities. It gets a drone bonus to aid in defence and shield transfer bonus to aid other ships in tanking. They cost about 1.85 billion ISK to produce.
Capital Industrial Ship


Dreadnoughts are combat behemoths. They are capable of mounting capital-sized weapons, which can normally only be mounted on stationary platforms. Dreadnoughts are also vastly more durable than even the toughest battleships and heavy assault cruisers. Dreadnoughts are designed more for extended sieges of static installations, such as starbases or player-corporation owned stations. Despite their massive ability to absorb damage, dreadnoughts tend to require fleet support or face the risk of being overwhelmed by enemy counterattacks. Dreadnoughts also have the ability to enter siege mode, quintupling their offensive and defensive capabilities but rendering them unable to move and unable to hit smaller ships as the 'siege module' reduces the tracking of turrets and the explosion radius of torpedoes by 92.5% [5]. One dreadnought class exists for each major faction. A dreadnought costs about 1.2 billion ISK in minerals to make at-cost, selling for about 1.8-2.2 billion on the open market.
Example: The Amarr Revelation is known for its powerful laser batteries and having the strongest armor tank out of any ship in the game. The Gallente Moros isn't as tough as the Revelation, but is the only dreadnought that can effectively defend itself from smaller ships due to its huge bonus to combat drone hitpoints and damage.
Dreadnoughts by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Revelation Phoenix Moros Naglfar


The carrier's main offensive capabilities revolve around the deployment of super-heavy combat drones known as fighters. Carriers also fill a support role with bonuses to remote repairing. Carriers are able to operate the fighters remotely, and assign them to other commanders, allowing them to fill a role away from the immediate frontline. Like the Dreadnoughts' siege mode, Carriers can enter a "Triage" mode that greatly increases its logistics capabilities and defenses but reduces any offensive ability they have. Carriers are also capable of carrying a limited number of frigates, as well as possessing a small corporate hangar. While motherships are technically carriers, the vast difference in cost between them and carriers generally results in them being assigned their own, second category. A carrier costs about 800 million ISK in minerals to make.
Example: The Gallente Thanatos is the most popular carrier for combat situations due to its fighter damage bonus, while the Amarr Archon is considered the "toughest" carrier, due to the bonus to armor resistances, seven low slots, and the ability to sustain its powerful tank for extended periods of time.
Carriers by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Archon Chimera Thanatos Nidhoggur


Motherships are similar to carriers but considerably larger and are the second largest spaceships in the game. Motherships offer all the same features as a carrier, but in considerably greater amounts (double the number of fighters for instance), and are completely immune to all forms of electronic warfare. Furthermore, motherships contain a ship and items hangar in which the owning corporation can store combat equipment. Motherships can fit cloning vats, allowing rebirth for allied pilots should they be killed in action. This saves the pilot a lengthy trip back from the nearest station cloning vat, and gets them back into combat. In material costs, a mothership costs around 15 billion ISK to make. This cost is considerably higher if one has to invest in the BPO's (Blueprint Originals) necessary for construction. Construction of a mothership takes approximately 3-4 weeks. Motherships, along with titans, are the only ships that cannot dock at a station and so they must be permanently in space. This means players must either sit in them until they are destroyed, or leave them in a protected area when not flying one. Despite being intended for alliance level warfare, one of the first Motherships built actually went to a small pirate corporation. This has caused some of the major alliance powers in the game to begin controlling the construction of these behemoths, or at least try to ensure that the only pirate gangs who have them are run by alliance alts.
Motherships by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Aeon Wyvern Nyx Hel


Titans are the largest ship type in EVE, rivaling major cities in size. They can perform the same fleet functions and support roles as the Mothership (Cloning, Ship maintenance arrays, Ship/Items hangars), and are the only capital ships which can create jump portals through use of the 'Jump Bridge Array', which enables escort and support ships to move from system to system without the aid of a stargate. Even though a Titan is a massive logistical advantage for the individual or corporation who possesses one, using a Titan in a combat role is often seen as undesirable. While large, their defensive and offensive capabilities are still overshadowed by the Dreadnought and Mothership class capital ships. They do, however, have the capacity to provide more logistical support to a fleet from behind the front lines than any other capital ship, especially when it concerns the Jump Bridge Array. The only real offensive capability of a Titan aside from Capital Sized Weapons is a huge omni-directional Super-weapon capable of destroying whole fleets of battleships in a single shot - although taking an hour to recharge after a single blast as well being prevented from jumping for 10 minutes. While once capable of remotely activating super-weapons at Cynosural Fields, this ability was removed in Revelations 2, requiring Titans to now deploy their super-weapon on the field of battle itself.
Successful construction of a Titan involves months of skill training and research. Currently, a Titan takes approximately eight weeks to build (in real time), not including its primary components which are required for construction. One Titan class exists for each major faction.
On September 25 2006, ASCN (Ascendant Frontier) unveiled their Titan (an Amarr Avatar), which was later confirmed by EVE community manager Kieron to be the first player built Titan on Tranquility. On that day, video footage of the titan was released by ASCN. Since then, Band of Brothers has unveiled their own Titan (also an Avatar), and both ASCN and Band Of Brothers have made extensive use of their Titans on the battlefield. On December 8 2006, Lotka Volterra inaugurated the third known Titan (a third Avatar) with a surprise attack that destroyed 215 enemy ships with a single shot.[8] Shortly afterwards, Dusk and Dawn alliance (D2) unveiled their own Erebus Titan, a Gallente design with bonuses to the armor of its fleet. This is the first Erebus to be built in the game.
The Avatar remains the most common type of Titan, with three having been built before any other faction Titan was completed. To date, Nine Titans have been confirmed; three of the Avatar class, three of the Erebus class, two of the Ragnarok class, and one Leviathan class Titan as of April 2007.
Eve's first Titan destruction occurred on the 11th of December 2006. The Band Of Brothers alliance caught the Ascendent Frontier (Avatar class) titan in a deep safe spot in the C9N-CC system.[9] They destroyed her with a large force of battle and capital ships while the ASCN pilot was apparently offline.[10]
Titans by Race
Amarr Caldari Gallente Minmatar
Avatar Leviathan Erebus Ragnarok

Unique and Limited Edition Ships

Gold Magnate

The Gold Magnate was a unique ship given as the first place prize for the Amarr Championship[11] competition. However, in 2004, Tyrrax Thorrk, the owner of the Gold Magnate, took the ship into combat. Eventually, the ship was destroyed by the infamous m0o pirates and subsequently, the Gold Magnate no longer exists.

Silver Magnate

Nineteen Silver Magnates were given out as runner-up prizes in the Amarr Championship[11] event. As no more have entered the game since their release, their price has steadily risen. In addition, many have been destroyed, further increasing their value. At the time of their release, they were nearly the most powerful frigate, second only to the even rarer Gold Magnate. The advent of Tech II frigates, however, made the Silver Magnate less notable as a combat ship.

Guardian Vexor

Fifty Guardian Vexors were given out as part of an event. It is suspected that fewer than 20 still exist today. Their attributes originally are not notable: they were merely Vexors with an extra missile hardpoint. Their value came not from the ability, but solely the rarity of this limited edition ship. However, when changes in game mechanics caused a reduction in the number of controllable drones, this ship was not changed, and its ability to control up to five extra drones made it extremely powerful. Unfortunately, its high price tag ensures that even those who own one will most likely not use it in combat.

Opux Luxury Yacht

Three of these exist in the EVE Universe. One was acquired when an event actor (movie star) ejected from his Opux Luxury Yacht to commit suicide at a Quafe Ultra event, after which Iece Quaan boarded it and later sold it to the current owner Voogru. The second was given out by CCP to a couple from New Zealand who got engaged on the stage at the 2005 fanfest, both of whom are members of Celestial Horizon.

Federate Issue Megathron

The Federate Issue Megathron is also an event-related ship, similar to the Imperial Issue Apocalypse. It was handed out in the Crielere Incident[12] to Doc Brown. Doc Brown kept the unique ship for a while, then later sold it to DigitalCommunist, who also held it for a long period of time. More recently, Madcap Magician, the CEO of DigitalCommunist's corporation, plotted and eventually stole the ship and subsequently kicked DigitalCommunist from the corporation. Madcap gave it to Entity, a famous collector of rare EVE items and a close friend of Madcap. It is still in the possession of Entity. The ship is far superior to the Megathron in many ways: it has far more grid and CPU, as well as an extra turret hardpoint, low and mid slot. Other improvements are to drone bay, speed and agility. With a properly skilled pilot and the use of Officer Modified equipment, it is easily the most powerful single battleship in the game.

Imperial Issue Armageddon

These ships were released in the Amarr Championships.[11] The four teams that MASS defeated each received one Imperial Issue Armageddon, and four Silver Magnates. Everlasting Vendetta, Evolution, BIG and PAK each received one at the time. Shrike is still in possession of hers, as is Detaitiv. WarHound's was lastly owned by Tyrrax Thorrk, who acquired it from the Guiding Hand Social Club, who had previously hijacked it from Icarus Starkiller. The ship had passed from WarHound's possession to Icarus Starkiller via the BIG Lottery.[13]. Con'Mal sold his to Entity who still retains ownership of it.
The Imperial Issue Armageddon has extra powergrid and CPU compared to normal Armageddons, but its rarity is the primary reason for its great value.

Imperial Issue Apocalypse

Originally four of these ships were in game, but three have been destroyed. These vessels were given out as part of the Amarr Championships.[11] Istvaan Shogaatsu owns the only remaining ship. However, a fifth briefly existed; one Imperial Issue Apocalypse was given out as a prize from the BIG Lottery.[13] It was flown by a player named Clone 0, and while moving the ship from one station to another, an attempt was made to destroy it by a group of Minmatar roleplay corporations. It was defended successfully by a group of Amarr roleplayers. CCP took the Imperial Issue Apocalypse back as part of a roleplaying event on the request of the player receiving the ship. Tyrrax Thorrk's ship was destroyed by Cult of War during the December 2006 Alliance Tournament, with DeddyMassive striking the final blow [6]
The remaining ship is superior to the Navy Issue Apocalypse, due to her much better powergrid and CPU. Her value comes both from her rarity and the fact that the current owner seems unwilling to part with her at any price.

State Issue Raven

A vastly upgraded Raven with additional slots and eight launcher hardpoints, twice as much armor, shielding and structure, boosted powergrid and CPU, and much improved sensors. The State Issue Raven, along with the Tribal Issue Tempest, was one of the prizes in the Third Alliance Tournament. Further prizes were more regular faction ships. Each member of the winning team was given a choice of either a State Issue Raven or a Tribal Issue Tempest, and the second team was given the choice of one, so there total number of State Issue Ravens and Tribal Issue Tempests combined is eight. [citation needed] This ship was previously called Corvus but was renamed to its current name in a patch on January 30, 2007.

Tribal Issue Tempest

A vastly upgraded Tempest with additional slots and eight turret hardpoints, twice as much armor, shielding and structure, boosted powergrid and CPU, and much improved sensors. See "State Issue Raven" above for more details. This ship was previously called Storm but was renamed to its current name in a patch on January 30, 2007.

Game Management, Event and Prototype ships

Some ships can be flown by players, but are actually not available to regular players. These are used by Game Managers and Developers or Event actors and may provide their pilots with special commands to help fulfill their roles. Some of these ships are also unfinished concepts.

Game Management ships

Game Management ships are often of the Jovian faction with skill requirements that in effect are impossible to gain without direct database manipulation. They are used by Game Managers to resolve petitions and by Developers to test new features.

Polaris Legatus

The Polaris Legatus is a Jovian Frigate exclusively owned by those who have access to the Polaris system, a system that is designed to be the Game Masters headquarters and inaccessible by anyone not authorized to be there. The Legatus has 99% resistances to every damage type in the game, over a million hitpoints of armor and shields, and has the ability to fit a turret that can do extreme amounts of damage. This ship is often used by GMs that are not participating in an in-game event, such as resolving server issues or responding to in-game petitions.

Event ships

Event ships usually have reasonable attributes in order to allow World Events to unfold in direct interaction with players, and in at least one instance an actor has ejected from an Event ship, which then was boarded by a regular player turning it into a Unique Ship (see Opux Luxury Yacht above).

Concord ships

CONCORD, the NPC corporation that is essentially the EVE Universe policing force, have one each of their own unique type of Frigate and Battleship class vessels. These are usually seen patrolling high security areas of EVE and will respond to illegal attacks with an immediate presence and destruction of the offender. CONCORD frigates can also be seen (and destroyed) in certain low-end Agent Missions.

Opux Dragoon Yacht

The Opux Dragoon Yacht is a variation of the Opux Luxury Yacht and was used at the Caldari Alliance Tournaments to report on the events of the tournament.

Prototype ships

Prototype ships are very rarely flown by Developers on the Tranquility server and may have unfinished appearances, like missing textures and unreasonable attributes. An example are the Escort frigates, which were experimental predecessors to the current Tech II frigates and are superseded by these.

Notably the Carrier, Mothership and Titan class ships were flown by developers on Eve test server during a 'stress-test' of the new sever architecture prior to their release to the public. This was somewhat of an expose, as the developers showed off the extreme power of the new capital ships, taking on hundreds of players at a time.

Gallente Soltueur

The Gallente Soltueur is a large ship similar to Titans in size. It was used in a Serpentis game event where a large group of people had to destroy it. It is widely believed that the Soltueur was the initial beta design of the Gallente Titan, the Erebus. It was unique to that specific event and has never been seen again on Tranquility. The ship has however made a few appearances on the Eve Test Server (Singularity) for the purposes of stress testing where again, large groups of players were asked to destroy it.
